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Competing VC's

I'm strongly against going WB to remove Music from us. No, I'll not excuse myself of blundering, but removing music will not put the game as it would be if we hadn't made the trade, because we traded with a AI... and even taking the tech we gave to the AI will not solve the thing, since it changed the AI behaviour ( not mentioning that the AI might be teching something that requires it as a prereq ).

Like I said, I'm willing to play the set from that time ( or even to replay the whole set, if i no longer have the autosaves ... i played some turns yesterday of other game ).
I think replay is best as well, from before trade if possible otherwise the whole turnset.
Ok, i checked the autosaves and i don't have a autosave from the set before the trade...

Like I said, I'm willing to play the set again, but een if we don't , we should also take the tech i traded with the AI out.
I believe WB resets the counters for GP generation so it's not really an option at this point of the game.
No, that only happens when you make a WBsave out of a game and use it as a scenario. A simple WB in-game modification does not do that.
No, that only happens when you make a WBsave out of a game and use it as a scenario. A simple WB in-game modification does not do that.
So, what's your plan, rolo? Are you going to replay the set?

If not, then can a volunteer lurker take the saved game that RRRaskolnikov kindly gave to us, remove Philosophy from Hatshepsut, and then upload the changed saved game?
I'm just waiting for a decision from the SG leader ...
He already gave his answer, which was that you had the choice:

Oh, I can replay from the tech trade if needed :/ :hammer2:
Meh, I'm fine either way.

So, at this point, it will simply be a race between:
1. A volunteer lurker to remove the Philosophy tech from Hatshepsut in this saved game and uploading the updated saved game
2. rolo to give up on waiting for a lurker to surface and just replay the set
Ok, just played again ...

Things happened pretty much as in the previous attempt: Paper->Edu, Babylon going lib and Rep+Merc ... giving us a big headache in our borders... In fact if you cut the reference to trades things are pretty much equal ( even the capture of the barb city ... that took one more turn now ), even the dates... so I'll simply refer to it

I'll just let the final screens , that are slightly diferent:
Spoiler :

A little more of univs than the previous attempt ( I worked the queues to get them free in this turn ) and Drama instead of machinery ... both to give less problems to the next player in queue issues and to get theatres and GT online soonish.

Just downloaded the new save and i'll take a quick look, should be able to play my set sometime in the next few days
Mostly looks good, thou as we are Spiritual its better to build the AP temples first since we get the 100% production bonus so get the extra hammers faster :)
Meant before the AP Monastery, 8:hammers: with 50% bonuses = 5 turns to build Monastery, with 150% bonuses = 4 turns to build Temple. Doesn't really make much difference thou unless the Temple is whipped to overflow :)
In the Cities where there aren't already one or the other, feel free to build a Jewish Temple before a Jewish Monastery.

Also, feel free to spread Hinduism and Judaism to the Cities that lack these Religions, so that we can benefit from a world-friendly Religion as our State Religion (Hinduism) and from AP buildings everywhere (Judaism). There is no real need to actually build the Hindu buildings, though, just get the Religion itself spread.

Since we have commited to the University path (by nature of having queued-up Universities everywhere), we might as well shut down research to 0% until after Oxford is built.

I would then recommend a beeline to Military Tradition (after Oxford is up), followed by Gunpowder, although the order could change between those 2 techs, based on which of those techs (including Nationalism) that more of the AIs already know (to get the bigger discount on research, while hoping that other AIs learn the unteched techs in the meantime, to once again speed-up our research on said techs).

EDIT: Once the Universities are built, I highly support you amassing an army to be able to fight one of the western powers. For now, that would mean War Elephants, Catapults, Horse Archers, and Longbowmen (the Longbowmen being for anti-Spear, anti-Pike, and City Defence duties).
During my turn set i Teched Drama -> Machinery -> Guilds -> Printing Press (part Bulbed, was going to settle in cap but changed mind) -> Music at moment

I mis remembered and massed on our Eastern border to Just, ready to move towards Eygpt once they had built the Versailles (mostly HA with about 6 LB for CG duties, several Knights). Currently withour slider, 1 HA a turn can be upgraded to a Knight

I mapped Eygpt's defense out with a worker

Spoiler :

The only things that really happened in my Turnset were afew demands (SB to war on Willem refused, Willem to stop trading with SB refused, gold demand from SB accepted)

I whipped afew Universities, and got Oxford built.


I also switched Esp onto Hatty and have 2 Spies Qed at Maoi's site, with Spy running in most cities since with HA/Knights i thought supporting revolts would likely be the best route for first city or two of war


  • Crazy Gandhi AD-1400.CivBeyondSwordSave
    263.2 KB · Views: 57
Do we have a breakdown of who is still at war with whom?

Hatty's lands, while they do look useful for a couple of Victory Conditions (I'll leave it up to you to guess which ones), will be extremely tough to take unless we can get backup. Ideally, we'll wait until the Hatty-Justinian war starts up again.

Unfortunately, we cannot bribe AIs into war with each other, due to the no trading rule, but they likely do hate each other, unless Hatty has switched into Free Religion.

She's a long way off from a Cultural Victory and if she goes for one, she'll be a sitting duck LATER in the game... right now, with Castles and stacks of units that can't fight anyone else, we don't really stand a chance with Knights. Cuirassiers, yes, since they ignore Castles, but Knights--they'd be better off used against another AI that is able to simultaneously fight a different AI and have their Cities captured by us due to the distraction. So, if the western AIs are still competing with each other, and if you don't want a war to end very badly, we'd want to hit them.

Hatty could be attacked after we have Cuirassiers or a stronger type of unit.
Looks like I'm up. I'll take a look and see if warring against Hatty is feasible or if a western backstab is better.

Dhoom (played)
rolo (played)
Habitus (played)
shyuhe - UP
mysty (on deck)
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