Conquest of the World

Random Comment:

I played a 16-civ Huge Earth Map as the Celts on Chieftain. I started in South Africa. I proceeded to conquer, and in 2050 AD I had almost complete control of Europe, Asia, and Africa (there were two Roman cities and one Greek city in the most Northestern part of Russia), plus some islands in the East Indies.

Lets see how well you do in comparison.
Very well. On Chieftan I could do that fairly easily; I played a 16-Huge Earth-Chieftain game from southern South America to all-but-one-city conquest about 4 years ago.

Next section is in the works.

Thats sweet.
Part Twenty-Three: All (Not) Quiet on the Western Front

1905 AD - Hmm, doesn't look like there'll be another turn with nothing happening for awhile:

This means massive amounts of Celtic troops pouring eastward into our lands in the Middle East, and possibly India. Oh bother.

Then another ally comes in:

I hope this doesn't turn into a world war against me :please:.

The Celts enter, curiously, from the north. It appears they intend to cut my route of reinforcement - not a bad strategy.

The Maya stay true to their mutual protection pact when that there Cavalry attacks Bangalore.

The most stoic defense from my Hoplites, however, proves inadequate to defend my city.

On the plus side, we kill three Cavalry on the western front, and our new city of Halicarnassus does not fall. Unfortunately, it does not look too great with numerous troops heading into our territory.

1906 AD - The great shipwrights and scientists enter the palace once more. They bring with them great news.

"Excellent. Begin work on the master plan, then," said the King.

"Even with the new wars?" asked the team leader.

"Yes. So long as we can hold our lines in the Middle East, the plan will still be a great success, I am sure."

"Oh, and bring me a copy of that game you call Battleship. It sounds interesting."

"At once, my lord."

Just a few weeks later, a team of engineers from India entered the palace.

"We have excellent news, sir! We have completed the most magnificent dam in the world! It will provide enough power for an entire landmass!"

"Really? Then we no longer need coal as a fuel in Asia?" asked the King.

"That is correct, sire."

The King was pleased at this. His economists estimated it would save at least $15 million per year in the short term, and far more in the long term.

The economists did not have all rosy news, however. The gold payments from other civilizations in exchange for the Atomic Theory had ended. Greece had gone from running a 400 gold per turn surplus to a 175 gold per turn deficit. But the King was not concerned - with other 2000 gold in the treasury, Greece could survive awhile longer without lessening research.


"Commander," said the private working in the telephone office in Berlin. "Reports are just in from the front lines at Halicarnassus. The Celts launched large-scale cavalry attacks against the city last turn. The defenders held, but suffered high casualties. One of the guerilla units heading to retake Konigsberg also took losses."

"Can they keep the city?" asked the Commander. Being in charge of military operations in the Middle East, mostly the former Germany, was proving to be a daunting task. Already Rome had stolen a march to take Kongisberg and the Celts had cut off the line of reinforcement at Bangalore.

"Unlikely, sir. Scouts report that, at full strength, our troops would be outnumbered five to one. If the Guerilla units headed towards Kongisberg enter Halicarnassus instead, we will still be outnumbered more than two to one. The Medieval Infantry units nearby could also enter the city, and perhaps keep it another year, but that is of course a temporary solution."

The Commander thought. His command was stretched thin already, and he knew he couldn't count on reinforcements for awhile. But he came up with a solution. "Tell him this. Berlin's Infantry regiment will rebase to Halicarnassus, as will the Guerilla units. We have one Guerilla unit that made it past the raid on Bangalore that can help secure Berlin. The Medieval Infantry will continue to Konigsberg and try to retake that city." He hoped the Celts wouldn't pull another surprise that upset this plan.

"Very well, sir," replied the private. He knew the situation was tenuous, and hoped for his boss, as well as all the Greeks in the Middle East, that the Celtic blockade at Bangalore would be lifted soon.


"Thank goodness," said the Greek Commander in India. The city of Bangalore was to be retaken by his troops, and the sooner the better. Greek sailors aboard Galleys in the Persian Gulf had just delivered reports that the Celts had only Cavalry defending the city, and it was weak to attack. Greece had only one Cavalry unit in all of Asia at the moment to attack with, so victory was of the essence. "Order one artillery brigade to be take by railroad to the outskirts of Bangalore and have them hammer the defenders. Then have our Elites attack."

As he relaxed in his home in the city of Eretria that evening, confident his troops would win, his telephone rang.


"Unfortunate news, sir," replied the lieutenant on the other end. "The Celts sold the shelling of Bangalore as an act of aggression to their friends the Hittites, and now we have war with them."

"Rubbish! Don't the Hittites realize we are only retaking what is ours?" He couldn't believe the Hittite response.

"It's a crazy world, sir."

Three days later, a report came in from the field. The attack on Bangalore had been a success, and to boot there were no Celtic infantry at the gates of the city. But unfortunately there had been two Cavalry in the city. As there were strict orders not to use the Army unit at this time, Bangalore could not be captured this turn.

"Very well. Send all the artillery, medieval infantry, and modern infantry we have in on the city. Use Hoplites to garrison the cities whose guard will be in the attack," decided the Commander in India.

"All the infantry, sir?" asked the Brigadier in charge of the Karachi garrison. "With all due respect, my city is right on the border and I fear for our safety if a single Hoplite brigade guards us...that was the situation at Bangalore."

"Make it two Hoplite brigades at Karachi, then. And that's all, I'm afraid - most of our recent reinforcements have departed to America."

1907 AD - Perhaps taking advantage of the local turmoil...

With only one city in India, Madras, they can't stir up too much damage. At least I already had drawn up a plan for eliminating them. I guess this just means I'll have no choice but to follow through on it.

Bad news for China...

It's no contest who's stronger.

1908 AD - "What?" asked the Indian commander.

"I don't know how they did it either, sir. They are ruthless. But the fact remains, the Celts have an Infantry unit in Bangalore."

In the end it was irrelevant. Greek Artillery hammered the defenders until few were left, and the battle was a relative route for Greece. Bangalore was once again Greek.


"Excellent," said the Greek commander in the Middle East upon hearing of the Bangalore breakthrough. "Any word on reinforcements?" His command had lost two units in Halicarnassus after the Celtic attacks, leaving an Infantry brigade at 40% strength and a Guerilla brigade at 25% strength as the only defenders. Worse, the Celts still had 3 brigades at full strength ready to attack.

"Unfortunately, the Celts still have seven Infantry and Guerilla brigades bearing down on Bangalore from the north. As such..."

"No troops can yet be spared to come west," finished the Middle East Commander.

"Actually...," continued the communications private, "the message finishes, 'We are only able to supply one brigade of modern Infantry to you at this time.'"

"Really." The Commander was pleased. He hadn't expected to get any reinforcements quite yet. "How does that work?"

"The Celts are not within striking distance of Bangalore yet, so the Indian Commander has time to secure more reinforcements before the inevitable attack. Our brigade should be arriving shortly - the Indian commander claims workers have already been sent to extend the rail line towards Berlin."

"Well then, inform the leaders at Halicarnassus that they will be receiving one Guerilla brigade and one Hoplite brigade. And request that the Guerilla brigade from Hamburg come to Berlin - never know if they'll need more defenders in Halicarnassus."

"Very well."


"Forget it! They're too fast. Prepare for battle!" yelled the captain of the Roman caravel.

"Pirates, blimely," said the navigator. "I would've thought we were long past the age of those ne-er-do-wells, with all these Ironclads on the seas. You sure we shouldn't try to keep going and see if that newfangled Greek ship targets the pirates instead of us?"

"Hehe, we can only wish. Somehow I have a feeling the Greeks will be more than happy to sit back and watch this battle, even if they are pirates," responded the captain. He was right about the Greeks not attacking the pirates, but had no idea the pirates were actually commissioned by the Greeks.

"Very well, then," replied the navigator, turning the ship. "May this be another glorious victory for democracy, and another setback for barbarism."

That it was not to be. The pirates proved to have a much swifter ship, and nary a cannonball hit their ship. The caravel sunk easily, with only a few Romans escaping to their nearby Galley. Most were taken up by the pirates, whom they were surprised to learn spoke Greek.
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Ooh... A 4 vs. 2 war.

Hmm... I think I like the non-narrative style you wrote for the first 21 or so episodes.

But please, even if you don't change back, keep them coming!

Go get them Celts!
"We've also invented a fun new board game, which we call Battleship."


:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

FUNNIEST.... LINE.... EVER!!!! :rotfl:

Portugal and India. 2 city nations, probably soon to be one city nations. You should probably send some of those American troops to finish off Portugal, and you should get marines soon.

As for Rome, the Celts, the Aztecs, and the Hittites, now they're real problems!
Awsome read, keep it up man :goodjob:
He's planning on conquering the world, but that probably won't happen by 2050, so I guess it'll just be a time one, then.
Tasslehoff said:
Yeah, but he's also planning (I think) to continue after 2050 AD until he truly does conquer the world.

Correct; the story will continue after 2050 if the world is not yet conquered. All other victory conditions have been disabled.

Welcome to CFC, Tasslehoff! I'm anticipating there will be a mix of narrative and non-narrative sections in the future. Parts 22 and 23 were pretty much exact opposites in that category, so expect something in between there :).
I like the narritave style. but also keep some of the original. I dont know the custom with greeting new people, but i figure ive been around long enough, so welcome to CFC Tasslehoff. always a pleasure when someone new comes on
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