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Construct Buildings and Units at same time.


Oct 1, 2010
Hi does anyone know if there is a mod to let you build a structure and a unit at the same time in each city.
Why did you ask this again, and why here? This is for tutorials and references. And, like I asked in the other thread, why? Where's the gain? If you wanna build a 60-hammer unit and a 60-hammer building, and you're making ten hammers per turn, you can finish one in 6 turns and the other in 12 turns. If you split it to 5 hammers each, you get both done in 12. There's no gain.
Moderator Action: Moved to the main forum.
Only finished tutorials and references go into this tutorials subforum, questions belong to the main forum ;).

At the question...no, i don't think there's a mod like this out.
I'm not even sure if you can create such a mod, it would need serious modifications in the game core (at least that's what i'm thinking).
you could modify the Python OnBuildingBuilt to give you unit that appears once you've built the building. And then you make the cost to build the unit -1 so that it can't be built unless you've built that building. So you could have a city improvement called "Coastal Battery" and on building the improvement have a unit appear in your city with that name. I've done that before.

What I couldn't figure out is how to make units bombard yet unable to move!
you could modify the Python OnBuildingBuilt to give you unit that appears once you've built the building. And then you make the cost to build the unit -1 so that it can't be built unless you've built that building. So you could have a city improvement called "Coastal Battery" and on building the improvement have a unit appear in your city with that name. I've done that before.

What I couldn't figure out is how to make units bombard yet unable to move!

He was asking to produce a unit and a building at the same time, with the method that uses hammers, not pythons.
He was asking to produce a unit and a building at the same time, with the method that uses hammers, not pythons.
:lmao: Too funny! :lol:

Admit it Jarlaxe Baenre - you despise the Python because you don't know any. :p
:lmao: Too funny! :lol:

Admit it Jarlaxe Baenre - you despise the Python because you don't know any. :p


        :lol: = gc.getInfoTypeForString(POST_TYPE_PYTHON)
        pBaldyr = gc.getInfoTypeForString(POSTER_BALDYR)
        WittyComeback = gc.getInfotypeForString(TXT_KEY_IMAGINATION_31)

        if (pBaldyr.isPoster(:lol:)
                pPost.setNumRealOccurences(WittyComeback, 1)
                pPost.setNumRealOccurences(WittyComeback, 0)
Now you only have to master the code tags... ;)
Spoiler :
Also, you probably need to supply a string parameter for a method called "getInfoTypeForString()"

On a serious note, there seems to be somewhat of a schism between the XML and the Python modders, at least sometimes. This is actually pretty stupid because it would be superior to be able to use both. (I don't know any XML myself, so I tend to figure out ways to do unnecessary things in Python instead. :rolleyes:)

Of course we should just learn C++ instead and be able to do whatever we want to, without the constraints of either XML nor Python. But since we're obviously not gonna :rolleyes: we might as well join forces and combine our knowledge of XML and Python, not?
Oh yeah, you're that Macintosh guy who can't mod CivIV for real. :rolleyes:

Buy a PC?
Oh yeah, you're that Macintosh guy who can't mod CivIV for real. :rolleyes:

Buy a PC?

Pay hundreds of dollars for a computer when my computer is free?

Get viruses on a computer and have it stop working?

Lose all of my computer skills and have to start over again?

Get a CHUNKY keyboard?!?!?!?!

And actually, I could mod civ extensively if I had the software to hack the game itself, and the knowledge, and the time, and the multiple identities to hide afterwards.
Pay hundreds of dollars for a computer when my computer is free?

Get viruses on a computer and have it stop working?

Lose all of my computer skills and have to start over again?

Get a CHUNKY keyboard?!?!?!?!
Compile my own DLL file?!? Never! :mad:

Well, I'm not ever getting a Mac, that much is sure. Not because a PC is superior in any other way than that it is the platform they build Civ games for. My computer is basically a modding tool, so a Mac would be a broken one at that...
Well, I'm not ever getting a Mac, that much is sure. Not because a PC is superior...
Actually, Macs are PCs in all but name, running an Unix-like OS. ;)

In fact, I really like the hardware aesthetics of Macs, so much that at some point in the future (given sufficient income), I plan to get a Mac and make it a triple boot system (Win 7/Linux/OSX). Might take a few years, though... :p

Cheers, LT.
Why did you ask this again, and why here? This is for tutorials and references. And, like I asked in the other thread, why? Where's the gain? If you wanna build a 60-hammer unit and a 60-hammer building, and you're making ten hammers per turn, you can finish one in 6 turns and the other in 12 turns. If you split it to 5 hammers each, you get both done in 12. There's no gain.

You know, you could apply the two independently, so that you build both with 10 hammers each.

Moderator Action: One more offtopic most, and everything offtopic in here will be moved to the bin.

Aw.... I was about to post some stuff refuting 3 of JBs 4 anti-windows points.... :p

Whats a most? :p
I think what he means is not to have building(6) + unit(6) = 12 He was a seperate building path...

building(6) -> 6 turns
Unit(6) ->

they both conrtuct at the same time like 2 cities in 1
I can actually see the point with being able to build several things at the same time. Like you don't mind building that Security Bureau for 40 turns while you build a much more needed Spy in the same city (at half speed, granted).

But it would make more sense if the game had different kinds of production. Like metals, wood, cloth, electronics, arms and so on. Depending on what you wanna build you accumulate the necessary type of goods in the production bar. So it would make sense to be able to build different things at the same time - as long as you're utilizing different types of production. But this is of course another mod altogether... :p
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