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Continent Flavors


Aug 10, 2010
One thing that I haven't seen mentioned or listed as a returning feature is continent flavors.

In Civ 5, continents in a game were distinguished by a subtly differing style and color palette. Desert and grassland on one continent looked different from desert and grassland on another but were still identifiable as such.

Is this feature returning in VI? I haven't looked closely at the Lets Plays, but it seems like this feature would have more utility than it did before. Now that continents share landmasses and have gameplay ramifications, a visual cue that distinguishes them without swapping overlays would be great.

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Which is the way in civ vi to know continents' borders beside toggling the color palette ?

I wouldn't have called them " Continents " but " Zones " instead
Yea I'm hoping it returns. I figure they didn't bring it back since there could be up to like 8 continents in one game now (if playing with 16 civs).

That said, I'd hope to see something done about that. Maybe each landmass could have their own type of forest/mountain model (baobab trees vs pine vs oak, smooth vs craggy) and each individual continent on a landmass can have mildly different color palettes.
No, it doesn't exist in Civ VI.
I forgot about that system in Civ 5, the differences were way too minor to pay any detail to them. Cool idea anyways.

Here are the Civ 5 continent "palettes": (I can't find how to put an image to Spoilers in the new forum..)
Spoiler :
Yeah, I think we may have rose-tinted exactly how striking the differences actually were :lol:
I'd like to see continental variet too, by all means, that's one of the things I'd really like to see in expansion (clearly won't be in vanilla, though we'll probably see continent dependent luxory resource distribution). Not only different color pallet and vegetation, but also subtly distinct geography. Continents in Civ always somewhat lacked identity, having predictable mixture of grasslands, deserts and so on. One continent could be dominated by plains and hills, other full of offshore islands and indented seas. More varied geography would pair well with exploration UI theme and paper map, it would be shame to miss it.
I also liked this feature in Civ V. A lot of attention has been given in Civ VI to make it full of character and variety (such as with the distinct look of Palaces, Cities, and units.) I would love to see the world we play in given the same variety. Give it enough life, flavor, and variety to be a character in its own right. Having continents vary from one another geographically would be a great way to do this and I would love to see this in a future expansion.
I hope it gets patched in at some point. In fact, if it were done well enough I'd even pay for it as DLC. It would be much more visually pleasing to have some variety, and it would have the practical benefit of making continents visually distinct. It would sort of need the corollary of making continent boundaries make more sense though: as is the change might be too abrupt.
I hope it gets patched in at some point. In fact, if it were done well enough I'd even pay for it as DLC. It would be much more visually pleasing to have some variety, and it would have the practical benefit of making continents visually distinct. It would sort of need the corollary of making continent boundaries make more sense though: as is the change might be too abrupt.
If the change was abrupt, they could help continent borders make more sense....
Unfortunately they would have to take
~7-9 distinct terrains (woods, rainforest, desert, grassland, plains, tundra, snow..maybe hills/mtn) and make it 28-36 (you can make do with 4 distinct types..like maps only need 4 colors)
Considering how much gameplay there is with continents, it would be pretty nice to have there be some distinctions. Hopefully this comes eventually. If not, though, I can understand why, the art team has been busy elsewhere.
Hopefully it does get implemented at some point, this was a very nice feature of Civ V and something you just take for granted now but that nevertheless does make a difference.
I said it elsewhere, but I think it's worth saying again: The whole concept of continents as it currently stands in Civ 6 seems to me like a work in progress. I expect it will take much more effort in subsequent patches and/or mods to get this right, so that it feels more intuitive instead of forced and arbitrary.
I said it elsewhere, but I think it's worth saying again: The whole concept of continents as it currently stands in Civ 6 seems to me like a work in progress. I expect it will take much more effort in subsequent patches and/or mods to get this right, so that it feels more intuitive instead of forced and arbitrary.
I believe we'll accustom to it quite fast, honestly.
I said it elsewhere, but I think it's worth saying again: The whole concept of continents as it currently stands in Civ 6 seems to me like a work in progress. I expect it will take much more effort in subsequent patches and/or mods to get this right, so that it feels more intuitive instead of forced and arbitrary.
They'd probably do just fine if they added continental borders on the map. (By default, not a lens but a thicker hex line at the border)
The problem is that continental borders in Civ 6 often appear to have no justification outside of a need for game-playing purposes. If they would at least roughly follow major mountain ranges and/or seas they'd make a lot more sense. That's what I expect to be implemented at some point in the fairly near future.
The problem is that continental borders in Civ 6 often appear to have no justification outside of a need for game-playing purposes. If they would at least roughly follow major mountain ranges and/or seas they'd make a lot more sense. That's what I expect to be implemented at some point in the fairly near future.
If significant parts of continent borders would be made of impassable terrain, this would affect civs with abilities tied to continents, making Teddy life easier, while England and Spain life harder.
If significant parts of continent borders would be made of impassable terrain, this would affect civs with abilities tied to continents, making Teddy life easier, while England and Spain life harder.
Yes, I agree with that. But I'm not clear, are you arguing for or against having "significant parts of continent borders made of impassable terrain"?
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