• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Convince me to buy it!

ggganz said:
Convince me to care!
Oh, and I never play mods, so tat's why I need convincing. :D

It'll be a bridge you're standing next to. ;)
How can I? I never play the way any mod could possibly get me to. I want to start at 4000 B.C. and build my civ my way! If [civ4] modding was as easy as [civ3] modding, then I, might even make one. But [civ3] had serious issues that couldn't be fixed with [civ3] Edit.
Hadrean said:
Civ4 modding is easier than CivIII modding

Have you ever modded Civ 3? It's easy as pie.

Civ 4 you have to know programming languages, WTF? Who in the hell knows programming languages?

Civ 3, you made a bunch of folders with the art and text folders. It was so damn easy.
ggganz said:
And, [civ3], there was [civ3] Edit, which was baisically just a WorldBuilder with way more! The only difference is that you couldn't add cities or units to the map.

Yes, you could. You were just too stupid to look how. :p
ggganz said:
Did that ability come with a patch, because I never got that game patched. By the time I had any access to a decent ISP, [civ4] was already out. And I was too young to play well. I never won on Cheiftain!

Nope, it was there from the beginning. I don't have my Civ 3 Vanilla patched, and I just made a quick scenario with cities and units.
Hadrean said:
How can you not win on chieftain?
I was six. Then, when I was seven, it stopped working. Then, when I was older, I fixed it. Then, six months later and before I could relearn it, [civ4] came out and I decided [civ3] sucks.
ggganz said:
I was six. Then, when I was seven, it stopped working. Then, when I was older, I fixed it. Then, six months later and before I could relearn it, [civ4] came out and I decided [civ3] sucks.

Hey, you don't happen to live in Sunnyvale Texas do you? Pretty small joint if you do. I live in that general area (Dallas) but have never known anybody that's lived there. I think you did the right thing, BTW, because Civ4 is less labor and is a better game in most respects.
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