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corporation advisor help?


May 28, 2003
I need help understanding the corporation advisor screen. I was looking at Civilized Jewelers and I heard that it's supposed to always turn a profit. But the only resources I have are 1 gold and 1 gems. Now if I mouse over Civilized Jewelers in the Corporation Advisor screen, it looks like it says I'll get +1 coins, +3 culture, but then for each city it varies between -1, -2, or -3 coins. If I'm understanding it right, then that would mean I'd only be breaking even or losing gold if I chose Civilized Jewelers. Or does -3 coins basically mean I'll have to pay a one time fee of 3 gold to spread to that city? Can anyone enlighten me?
I'm no expert, but this is how I understand it:

- you pay a *one time fee* when your Executive spreads a corporation to a foreign city (much like a Missionary does when spreading religion, except that does not cost any money). This fee varies, in my games, it usually ends up costing around 100 gold.
- the "-3 coins" (or: "-x") you see is the cost which would be incurred due to "corporation" payments; these are *per turn*, and are much like maintenance; in fact, they are listed in the "maintenance" section of your city screen. They can be reduced by Courthouses and can vary depending on the civic (e.g. free markets cost less, environmentalism more).
- the "+1 coins" (or: "+x") you see is the income you receive for the number of resources. I am away from game and civloped right now, but unless I am mistaken, the Jewelry corporation gives its main bonus in gold. Hence, you probably have very few resources for that corporation if you are only getting +1 coin, possibly only 1 or 2 resources. This can increase dramatically when you get more resources.

Hence, it will not "always" turn a profit; you will run on a deficit if, for example, you have very few resources, have no courthouses in the cities to which it is spread, and run an expensive civic (like environmentalism) -- plus the cost of actually spreading the corporation (one time fee). It will frequently turn a profit, however, if you have a decent number of resources and run a more lucrative civ.

Does that help?
You should also remember that your Corporate HQ will get gold for each branch you spread (up to a max of 12 gold (IIRC) per turn - per branch).

This thread pretty much explains everything you need to know.
The -X coins indicates the base maintenance cost of the corporation per turn. Bear in mind that this doesn't include the effects of inflation - the total cost will be somewhat higher as all maintenance will later have your current inflation percentage applied to it, and this number is the relevant one for comparing corporation output to.

Remember that as long as you have the HQ in your Wall Street city, you can get 12gpt from that, which will not be shown in the corporation advisor screen. Even at 100% inflation you'd still be getting (1+12) - (3*2) = 7gpt profit in that situation. Civ Jewellers, as long as you have the HQ, should always at least break even. That is however probably all it will do if you are running Enviromentalism and have virtually no resources. Try to trade for more sources of gold, gems etc. and you should see the profits increase.
If I'm understanding it right, then that would mean I'd only be breaking even or losing gold if I chose Civilized Jewelers.

Your forgetting the +4 you get from the head office. +12 if you have Wall Street there and all the commerce improvements. It may not be profitable for the individual cities but it will be for your empire as a whole.
you have to look carefully and analyse your resource base before going into corporations heavily...as far as i can tell, if you have a lot of resources, your maintenance costs will exceed the plus12gpt as well...
but then again that doesnt need to matter. if one has got say cereal mills producing 16plus food per city, thats potentially up to 8 specialists one can run to offset that costs...
corporations are very complicated in their effects....
best rule of thumb is, dont expand in your own territory to make money, do it for the benefit the corp gives you, foreign expansion is there to make money...but remember if it's costing you money to expand, and your getting plus12gpt back, it might take u 10-12 turns to make ur money back.
Well, that is before handling and delivery costs. You should also consider that the HQ gets 8 gold (with a bank, marketplace, and grocer, and another 4 gold if it's has all those and wallstreet). Also consider that the 1 gold made is multiplied by buildings, and the 1/2 gold maitennance can be decreased 25% by free market and 50% by a courthouse in the city
Is there a screen where I can see what resources I'm currently using? All I can find is the foreign relations screen that shows my excess resources.
If you look in the top right hand corner of the city screen you can see a list of all resources the city has access to, and how many of each you have.
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