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Could Wikileaks please dump Firaxis and 2K email on Civ V?

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Death to Giant Robots
Feb 20, 2010
Screw all this stuff about North Korea and China and the Iranian atomic bomb. Can't Wikileaks release something really interesting and useful, like the emails between Firaxis and 2K about Civ V, about its development, about the question if they knew how unfinished it was? What did the beta testers write? That's what the world needs to know.

These people have no sense of priorities.
I really can't work out why this game is so unbalanced with so many features unfinished. The graphics look so polished (unlike Civ 4) you suspect they left game play to last and ran out of time. But only a moron would do this, and Shirk says they had 3 years and 56 people working on this title.

Why is multiplayer incomplete and seem to be an after thought? Surely the game would have been initially writen with multiplayer only so game play can be tested from stage 1 and before AI done.

Why do I get the impression that the designer thinks he can ignore the lessons learnt from Civ 1 to 4 and think he can design the whole game on his own?

Who was the project manager? Who was boss? Shirk says he was just the go between. Was it boyish looking Shafer? Did he lack the balls to tell the programmers to stop frigging around on fun stuff and pull their fingers out?

I haven't seen them myself but I can guess what they said. I'm sure anyone can ;). At least with N. Korea and Iran, knowledge of their precise activities has value (such as where said arms are located or precise targets). Confirming what we all know between the companies is less useful lol.
Valve is not evil:)It's just a great VG developer who cares for their costumers.Unlike 2K\Firaxis.They want to scam us on every turn.Literally.
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