Countdown to Brave New World Pack

I hope this gets kicked off before I go to bed very soon. Some of us grown ups do have to get up early and go to work.
Man, firing up Civ G&K 4 hours ago kind of backfired on me, this particular game is super interesting and after 4 hours I sort of don't want to quit. I will of course in a few minutes but damn it.
Think about how Europeans feel about all this...

NSA already is.

Spoiler :
Too soon?

Also, nearly 700 users on.

edit: now over 700
I was just looking at steam and "1 Item Downloading" just popped up, I clicked on it in shear excitement,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Workshop Content.......(again I might add) :( hahaha
I dunno. I mean, with G&K, wasn't it already checked when you started up civ?

Yes - my game always boots up into G&K since that was installed a long time ago. So all the update was, was for DirectX 9...only gosh knows why...:crazyeye:

So yeah, still waiting for the main BNW file download.
had the steam update but no files, clicked on civ to kill the next 15 minutes and then things started happening
had the steam update but no files, clicked on civ to kill the next 15 minutes and then things started happening

That's basically what happened to me, 48 minutes ago. But it shouldn't be long now...
yup, I already know I'm going to be very sleepy at work in the morning, but I aint scuuured! haha
I have two things on my schedule for the next 24 hours: a paper route, and Brave New World. I also have 1600 jelly beans. This could be interesting.
I have two things on my schedule for the next 24 hours: a paper route, and Brave New World. I also have 1600 jelly beans. This could be interesting.

LoLz :cool:
I have nothing to do at all.

I am so happy.

Should go fill up my water bottle.

8 Minutes.
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