COVID-19 virus thread (formerly Wuhan coronavirus)

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Are any of you guys buying any supplies? I don't really feel the need to stock up. Can't imagine water supplies becoming tainted or food supplies shutting down. We have a lot of cereals at my house, not tons of canned goods though. No bottled water.

I bought the usual giant package of toilet paper the other day because we were running low and had to restrain myself from telling people I was just low on toilet paper and not an idiot.
Thank you for this confidence.

You could show your gratitude by offering some alternative, because the one suggested certainly seems the most plausible even though one person has confidence it is not the case and in the absence of an alternative I just have to go with it.

Who are these people eating raw meat?

Generally, eating a respiratory infection virus is probably gonna kill it anyway. It's the handling of the raw meat that is the problem so even if you are cooking it before you eat it you might already be in trouble from just putting it in the pan.
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Who are these people eating raw meat?

Asides from unsafe food handling, which is extremely common, zoonotic influenza spreads by contact with infected farmed animals, not by insufficient cooking, and E. coli spreads by animal farming contaminating plants that don't normally call for cooking.

Plus, cooking doesn't kill prions, and prions are horrifying.
I bought the usual giant package of toilet paper the other day because we were running low and had to restrain myself from telling people I was just low on toilet paper and not an idiot.

We have four kids and they go through an immense amount of toilet paper.

And food. And in a few years we'll have three teenage boys at the same time. That's going to be expensive.

Are any of you guys buying any supplies? I don't really feel the need to stock up. Can't imagine water supplies becoming tainted or food supplies shutting down. We have a lot of cereals at my house, not tons of canned goods though. No bottled water.

Nah, not really. We are a family of six, anyway, and go through a lot of food. Usually one or two big grocery runs per week, and a little supplementary shopping. A normal grocery run for us may LOOK like we're hoarding, though, because (as I said) we go through a lot of food and it usually makes sense to buy stuff in big packs

A lot of people are being panicky idiots though, and emptying the store shelves of various common things. For instance when I went to the store today there was no instant yeast left. Whatever people think they're going to do with that much instant yeast is beyond me. I bake bread and such on a regular basis myself and I know how long the stuff lasts.
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We have four kids and they go through an immense amount of toilet paper.

And food. And in a few years we'll have three teenage boys at the same time. That's going to be expensive.

I know your pain. My three boys, thanks to including twins, span a total of 25 months.

I was just uncomfortable because the same giant pack that I always buy suddenly put me on "is that guy a panicky toilet paper buyer?" hotseat. Can someone explain why anyone buys the little four packs of toilet paper, ever?
we'll have three teenage boys at the same time.

Ha, then they're gonna start going through even more toilet paper :lol:

@topic, serious:

I think it's pretty much inevitable that the US is gonna end up like Italy. To avoid that we need to be 'locking down' the country pretty much now and, obviously, we aren't doing it. The Republicans have also indicated that they aren't gonna pass the Democrats' bill taking some (inadequate, but something is better than nothing) measures for the virus. That is gonna make them look really, really bad when the healthcare system starts to be overwhelmed by cases.
I wonder if a high death toll/massive social disruption will actually harden Trump's support among his faithful? I don't think he'll expand on his base at all, but I could see his supporters responding to all this by blaming Obama while pushing their fingers deeper into their ears.
I wonder if a high death toll/massive social disruption will actually harden Trump's support among his faithful? I don't think he'll expand on his base at all, but I could see his supporters responding to all this by blaming Obama while pushing their fingers deeper into their ears.

I don't think you should consider a reducing or hardening base for Trump until we're all drowning. They'll toss him on a stake once it's too late to matter. Before then, there'll always be an alternative fact to cling to—but that is the status quo for his supporters.
I wonder if a high death toll/massive social disruption will actually harden Trump's support among his faithful? I don't think he'll expand on his base at all, but I could see his supporters responding to all this by blaming Obama while pushing their fingers deeper into their ears.

Just look at Tristan_C and you have your answer. They're going one further than blaming Obama, and appear to be blaming race-mixing.
For the record I don't own a car, and I carry the big 12-pack rolls home from the store on foot. The store is 3 blocks from my place though so it's easy for me.
Our NM governor yesterday suggested that churches stop large services. Today a host on the local talk radio station called her godless and suggested defiance. The local pastor of the city's largest evangelical church also took her to task and said that god had everything well in hand and that everyone should attend his services.
If you get hit hard, you'll want some ready-to-serve stuff laying around. But IIRC you and your wife are in pretty decent shape, so you only need enough for a few days and not two to four weeks.

Funny enough my wife was very sick last week with something, possibly the flu but the doctor just said wait it out cus there's nothing we can do for you anyway and they didn't test her. Originally the week before that my daughter had a sore throat and fever and they tested her for strep which came back negative. No other typical flu symptoms so just an unknown virus. I'm pretty sure my wife got that, but she had aches and chills, mild fever and stayed in bed for three days. Cough developed after which she is still dealing with. Cough always seems to linger. So no, I'm very certain she doesn't have corona virus but maybe some flu strain she's mostly over.

Anyway, I went and bought some water. I got the last two packs on the entire shelf at walmart. Weird. Tons of flavored water left, and other drinks like gatorade but no plain water. Past isle also looked low. I bought some microwave mac n cheese. And some nyquil and ibprofuen. Just stuff we'll want on hand if we get sick and don't want to leave the house.

What I noticed about Trump's speech which I watched later online was yes he mentioned it as being foreign but he blamed Europe of all places. He said Europe didn't ban travel to/from China and as a result they got infected and we got infected from European travelers, hence the ban. Kinda makes no sense to me. Basically everyone's fault but ours.

Our NM governor yesterday suggested that churches stop large services. Today a host on the local talk radio station called her godless and suggested defiance. The local pastor of the city's largest evangelical church also took her to task and said that god had everything well in hand and that everyone should attend his services.

a large portion of congregations is elderly and I have noticed they typically go even when sick. It's their duty or something. I would definitely stay away. I know the arch diocese already halted wine at communion (catholics all share the same cup) a few weeks ago and drained the holy water fonts.
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The above is absolutely wrong. Those remedies are the only thing that will stop it. There are no "medical remedies".

And this is right and should have been done weeks ago all over the world.
You may have misunderstood my post (I didn't clarify it).
I do agree with you, there are no medical remedies.
Non Medical Remedies are the only way.
However they do not really stop the virus, they slot it down to a more or less manageable pace.
For me stopped is zero new cases... Maybe we differ in our definition.

China hasn't completely stopped it, there are still cases popping out every day. However they are so few and far between that can be easily tracked and isolated.
Even today I was on WeChat with a friend and business partner in Shenzhen; she said "in my community,there's 7 cases".
They keep the guard up, because when they will reopen everything, they risk a second wave.
Same applies to Taiwan, even if the latest couple of cases were imported.
For example an Australian musician, went to Taiwan for a concert, was positive and the authorities had to quarantine over 50 people that were in contact with him (it was classic music so nothing leading to crowds).
They perfectly know they will have more cases, so they are ready for it.
You can track and isolate all risk people only if you have limited cases per day
As a curiosity Taiwan has setup "quarantine hotels", where people at high risk will stay.
She sent me a photo of the menu served there (breakfast I think)

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