If they are .BIC files then they should work with version 1.29b2 for Mac.
If they are .BIX files they are for PTW and therefore not compatible.
If they are embedded in .EXE installers, then you will not be able to convert them unless you run the installer on a PC to extract the .BIC and any other files it contains. Or ask the map's creator to provide the raw files for you.
Originally posted by hawai_74 thanks for your answers AlanH i understand now.
In fact they were .BIC files and i tried to open them in the civ editor v.1.32.1 and it doesn't work.
Originally posted by hawai_74 thanks for your answers AlanH i understand now.
In fact they were .BIC files and i tried to open them in the civ editor v.1.32.1 and it doesn't work.
Ahah! Sorry, I assumed you were failing to open them in the game. I believe the Mac editor can only open files created by it or another 1.21 editor, although the maps it generates can be played in the 1.29 game software. So, as Dojo says, if the maps were created by the current PC 1.29 editor they will be compatible with the Mac game but not with the Mac editor.
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