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"Crusade" NEW Midle ages scenario PBEM

Looks like I'm the one to blame here

I looked through my mails from June 15th and there it was.
Can't believe I missed it

I'm really sorry guys
Last time I've sent the file was on June 15th. I'm still available if you resend me the file and if you still want me in.

If anyone wants to contact me, the best way is email, not PM's through Civfanatics.

Sorry... thought the save was at you... seems knutis had it.
You are welocome of course.

I have it ... i'll play.
Killed one Byz cavalery.
@Byz... Did you placed your cavalery on automove near city of Oran (i think, i mean the lone city from Tunisia... can't remember)? Do not place units on auto when attacking.
I had to load and play the file a second time today. The reason is I unintentionally right-clicked on Byzantine Ingenuity and the time to finish research on another tech went from 2 to 9 turns. All moves played the same as the first save.

GPS adyyc

took another Rus town

20 Ansars attacked Caesarea and took it. Did stack attack so i can say i killed all garisons and lost 2 Ansars. 8 of them are out of the city as they won or retreat.

Assasin cut road to Caesarea.

Spear + MInfantry army advances in Byzantin teritory.
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