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Current Civ and Leader Abilities Elimination Thread.

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Australia =13+1 =14 Australia has a coastal bias; housing bonuses trump amenities due to the much tougher growth penalties for housing.
Aztec = 11-3=8 Amenity bonus weaker than either Housing bonus or locking in two districts prices at pop 1.
Germany = 18
Australia = 14 - 3 = 11 Don't think it should win.
Aztec = 8 + 1 = 9 Think Aztec is better than these two.
Germany = 18
Australia = 8 (11 - 3) Awesome on coastal desert maps, weaker in mostly inland non-desert areas. which is the main areas one plays.
Aztec = 10 (9 + 1) Not as good as Germany but still pretty good with their enslaving of enemy units.
Germany = 18
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Australia = 8 + 1 = 9 I disagree with above poster. their appeal bonus and DoW bonus make them good in all map types.
Aztec = 10
Germany = 18 - 3 = 15 Good but should not be so far ahead of other 2.
Australia = 6 = 9-3 - DLC so I cannot play them.
Aztec = 11 = 10+1 - Not enough to get them another round and they are fun enough to get the point.
Germany = 15
Dunno how people can keep saying the DLC civs are always OP when they seem to have landed all over the elimination thread's power spectrum. Persia and Poland are both underwhelming in terms of power.

Guess I need to vote to comment ;).

Australia = 7 (6 + 1) I don't have the DLC, but even a cursory glance at their powers shows how insane they are. Housing bonuses, strongest UI in the game and a fairly well-liked UU. The 100% production bonus for DOWs is just the farmable icing on the cake.
Aztec = 11 Not tossing them any votes, but they really deserve top 2. People often overlook the fact that they have the biggest SV boost in the game right now by being able to rush those damn spaceports. Largest SV boost + 50% more amenities and early builders + the second biggest DV boost in the game? I don't know how they could be knocked out before Germany.
Germany = 12 (15 - 3) Not sure why everybody thinks they're the cream of the crop. The UBoat is crap and the CS combat bonus is completely unecessary. Military policies are easily the worst. When I play Germany I never even know what to put in that extra slot. The Hansa being a half price IZ with comm district adjacency is nice, but it doesn't beat out the other two. District locking feels like an exploit to me, so no points for them there either.
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Persia and Poland are both underwhelming in terms of power.

Australia = 7 Better than Aztecs, but a little bit weaker than Germany, because its production bonus relies on war, that may, but doesn't have to come. But pretty good.
Aztec = 11-3=8 - Not good as Australia or Germany. I agree with it being in top 3, but now it should go.
Germany = 12+1=13 - Better than Aztecs and Australia. Number one for me, the bonus district is probably the most useful, versatile and overpowered ability in game.
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Australia = 8 (7 + 1) All of their bonuses are excellent, and work really well together. I think Australia is the strongest.
Aztec = 8 Aztec are likely second best, though its close.
Germany = 10 (13 - 3) The Hansa is amazing, but that is really to only standout feature; I think not as strong as the other two.
I'm happy with the 3 left, Arabia and Scythia are my personal favorites, but I guess those 3 are stronger overall.

Australia = 5 (8-3) all 3 are strong, and I don't think there is much difference in strength, it's more a play-style thing. I'm not the biggest fan of unique improvements in general - it's fun to build many outback stations and all, but not really my cup of playing. And I just think the Digger comes a bit too late for making a difference between these 3 civs left. The +100% production always feels a bit gamey and exploitable.

Aztec = 8 strongest synergy of all civs with their abilities. I disagree on the best science victory civ though. The space port is not that much of an issue. If you can shave of some build turns or even the complete thing with builders, that's nice. But it doesn't compare to a civ with lots of Hansa that get's the GEs for space production afterwards ;-)
Germany = 11 (10+1) For me, this is the easiest civ to play with when not going total domination. The attack bonus against CS makes rolling over them incredibly easy, +7 feels much more when playing than it does on paper. The military card is always handy, especially when choosing Classical Republic, what I usually do. Since I almost never choose Monarchy or Fascism, I can use it later as well. There are quite some good red cards in there. The U-boat is not really necessary, but coastal raiding is always a nice thing to do (you don't need the UU for that though) - combine it with Raid and Sack and you can get some very nice boosts without acquiring warmonger points by other civs. I didn't even mention the Hansa and the Free Imperial Cities yet and won't make this post longer: nearly everyone has realized how game changing they are.
Australia = 6 (5+1) up voting to make it more even. all 3 are strong and deserving.
Aztec = 8
Germany = 8 (11-3) down voting to make it more even. all 3 are strong and deserving.
Australia = 0 (3-3) They look to have a very strong set of bonuses, and a great tile improvement (rare in this game). The bonus production looks insane. However, I haven't used them yet and the other two remaining have proven themselves to be top 5. Hopefully we can revisit this topic after a fall patch and see where the chips fall.
Aztec = 9
Germany = 9 (8+1) It's a coin flip, as Germany and the Aztecs both spoil the user with top tier abilities. I'll go with the Germans here. Districts are powerful and they have an extra one in every city. The Hansa makes for great production, as well as fun city planning. +7 to City States is useful on high difficulties and I never scoff at an extra policy slot. The UU may be underwhelming but they don't need it.
Aztec = 6 (9-3)
Germany = 10 (9+1)

The extra district and the Hansa put Germany ahead, but the Aztecs are a worthy second
Aztec = 6 + 1 = 7 (I'd rather have faster district completion than an extra district, the UU is actually relevant for a long time once the luxury combat bonuses kick in. Aztec units are basically unstoppable once you acquire enough luxuries and you can easily roll over anyone PLUS you get more amenities. Free early workers - also amazing. Their UB isn't great but who cares at this point?)

Germany = 10 - 3 = 7 (Germany is great but the Aztecs are more powerful. The Uboat is underwhelming. The extra district is a nice ability but it's just not as impactful as the Aztec abilites which give you an overwhelming advantage. Hansa and military slot are of course fantastic. CS bonus is ok but I usually prefer to keep them around)
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Aztec = 4 (7 - 3) The Aztec production bonus towards districts is potent, but not as strong as Germany's increased production towards everything. The Military bonuses are less impressive, like Macedonia's they mainly kick in when you're already winning.

Germany = 8 (7 + 1) Strong production synergizes very well with the ability to build an extra district.
Level the playing field!

Aztec = 4+1 = 5 Their ability to rush districts with workers, essentially transfering production from big to small cities, is far more useful and practial vs. being able to build an extra district. Because districts take forever to build, it's the production cost that is the obstacle, not the # of districts

Germany = 8-3 = 5 See above
Aztec = 5 -3 = 2
Germany = 5 +1 = 6

I prefer locking in the cost of two districts the moment a city is built (and having at each population break point one more district cost locked in) over more effective luxuries. Also Germany has an extra military policy card.
Aztec 5 + 1 = 6 See oedali above
Germany 5 - 3 = 2 This is tough, I like both, but I think Aztec is better.

Disregard, the other 2 slipped in before my post. Nuts.
Thanks for this thread, it was fun to participate! I'm happy with Germany as :trophy:. But I would do these changes in the final rankings: I would put France higher, Rome lower and Poland to the top ten. But nevermind.
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