Custom Scenario Settings


Mar 27, 2020
How do I change the custom scenario settings? I'm trying to play the Crusades scenario with a different game speed than Legendary, but even if I save the scenario as another worldbuilder save and try to launch that I still cannot edit the starting settings whatsoever. Which really sucks because a Custom Scenario game should really just let you do that and yet no dice.
Question though, is this happening because the original scenario file in PrivateMaps is... "locked" for lack of a better word (It's not read-only, it just has a strange lock icon on it in Explorer)? I noticed that when I opened up the scenario file from my worldbuilder save that it still pointed at the PrivateMaps path, is that what is causing this uneditable-in-game settings behavior?

One last thing, are there any... triggers/events that are a part of the default unedited scenario? Comparing the two files didn't really show any actual differences aside from the settings I wanted to change but I figured it'd be best to ask.

Edit: Upon further inspection of the file, I found these variables, were these what was giving me all this trouble?
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