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CvGameTextMgr, BUG, and WorldBuilder Issues...


The White Wizard
Jul 31, 2007
Austin, Texas
I just finished added a boolean function in CvBuildingInfos that checks to see if the city is on a peak or not (Useful for Ski Resort Buildings, and such...). It works fine. (I can code things by myself. :))

However, I added this section to CvGameTextMgr to alert players that the building needs to be on a peak. The problem is that it gives a python exception and the worldbuilder UI is broken. I tested it again without the CvGameTextMgr code, and the problems went away...

Here's my code:

    if (kBuilding.isBuildOnlyOnPeaks())
        if (!(pPlot->isPeak()) || pPlot == NULL)
        else // else is here to catch errors, or rare cases...

It compiles fine. I want to show red text when the requirement is not met, regular grey text when it is.
It helps to have the Python exception that you are seeing. Plus post a few lines of context around the failing line of code with that line bolded or in red or something.

If pPlot is NULL then the if() test will get a null pointer exception. Always check the pointer for NULL before using it with ->.

if (!pPlot || !pPlot->isPeak())

Also, the comment after the "else" is incorrect. The else block is for when the plot is a peak--not an error condition.

Does this extra text show up correctly in the Civilopedia or when hovering over the building action button in the bottom-center of the screen?
It helps to have the Python exception that you are seeing. Plus post a few lines of context around the failing line of code with that line bolded or in red or something.

If pPlot is NULL then the if() test will get a null pointer exception. Always check the pointer for NULL before using it with ->.

if (!pPlot || !pPlot->isPeak())
Also, the comment after the "else" is incorrect. The else block is for when the plot is a peak--not an error condition.

Thanks, I knew it was because of the NULL issue, I just wasn't sure why I was catching it.

Problem Solved. Everything works correctly.
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