Cycles of Arete

Don't all religions do that to a certain degree?

I say we embrace free religion once the Mayan war is over. Let our scientific minds go from the burden of ancient texts and customs.

Thank you, Joe Harker. I too, hope we as a nation can evolve beyond burning bushes as a source of enlightenment. Science will free us from the bindings of the old.
I can see your point, King Cyc. I will not add any more spite to this discussion. I am merely trying to get enlightment in what seems so certain to you, and Joe Harker as well, since you believe that the Islamic faith is as good and true as the Hindu faith.

I mean, I surely understand the difference between faith and knowledge. But these do not have to be antonymious. They can coexist. Whilst science and knowledge is what helps us relate to the outside world, and to advance in the sciences such as forging, healthcare, economics and etcetera, faith is what helps us to relate to what is inside, and advance in the spiritual recognition. We need both to function as a nation. Some people, like yourself, are blessed with a certainty that allows them not to be bothered with the gods, but the average Aretian needs something to reassure him when he has been out working all day, something to give him a sense that the meaning of life is something more than mining gold or smelting cannons, and religion give him this.
I choose to believe that these "lesser" religions, such as Islam, confuse the people. If you can concentrate them on one faith and educate them in that faith alone, they will have an easier - and thus better - understanding of the spiritual sanctity. In my opinion, that is.

On a not entirely related note, which Cyc brought up, the people of New Giruvegan was working, they were just not working in the gold mine. My governors all agreed with me that the city needed some enlightment in this dark age of war and thus accepted my decision to have some of the faithful work as priests and preachers. They will ofcourse resume working in the mines once my governors and I feel that the city has regained an appropriate zeal.
Diamondeye, I put them back to work after the rebellion to help with the war effort. Once the elections are over, since both Factions are running on Representation, the city will once again be back in the hands of the citizens.
Hmmm. I would like to informed when you do stuff like that. Anyway, I need not my governor status after the election. I will make a dramatical shift in my roleplay. So thanks but no thanks ;)
Sorry but war weariness was effecting the region and I had to or risk starving off some of the populace. I also built an aqueduct to let the city continue to grow in our post-war development period.
I can see your point, King Cyc. I will not add any more spite to this discussion. I am merely trying to get enlightment in what seems so certain to you, and Joe Harker as well, since you believe that the Islamic faith is as good and true as the Hindu faith.
The Islamic faith is at least as good as the Hindu faith, Diamondeye (maybe your eyes aren't as gem-like as you think). Faith is faith. It doesn't matter if you believe in your (a) God, or a rock in your yard, or put lipstick on a pig and pray to it, thinking it will make your life better. If you believe that certain item will, it probably will. Until you change your mind. Then it will be something else. Money, a soul mate, whatever. Faith is faith. It doesn't matter what material information you base it on.

I mean, I surely understand the difference between faith and knowledge. But these do not have to be antonymious. They can coexist. Whilst science and knowledge is what helps us relate to the outside world, and to advance in the sciences such as forging, healthcare, economics and etcetera, faith is what helps us to relate to what is inside, and advance in the spiritual recognition. We need both to function as a nation. Some people, like yourself, are blessed with a certainty that allows them not to be bothered with the gods, but the average Aretian needs something to reassure him when he has been out working all day, something to give him a sense that the meaning of life is something more than mining gold or smelting cannons, and religion give him this.
I choose to believe that these "lesser" religions, such as Islam, confuse the people. If you can concentrate them on one faith and educate them in that faith alone, they will have an easier - and thus better - understanding of the spiritual sanctity. In my opinion, that is.
Our beliefs on this issue are closer than you might think. I believe religion and the church were brought to such political hieghts and strengths because the ruling class needed this undefiniable source of power to control the poor and uneducated. Religion makes them happy, or at least keeps them content. If an alternate power tries to steal real estate or resources this mystic source of power and control over the masses can actually convince them to lay down their plows, pick up their swords and kill the infidels in the name of their God. Religion is quite useful in controling the masses. Plus a religion's believers have also been convinced that if they give the religion their money, the religion will be better off. A new source of income, how about that. The ruling class has always needed religion, just as religion has always needed the ruling class. It helps control the poor and uneducated. As you say, it makes them feel better.

But if you feel that people are too stupid to understand more than one concept, I believe you are very wrong. It's people like you who burn books, and crucify people. Allow people the opportunity to expand their minds, not shut each other out. :rolleyes:

On a not entirely related note, which Cyc brought up, the people of New Giruvegan was working, they were just not working in the gold mine. My governors all agreed with me that the city needed some enlightment in this dark age of war and thus accepted my decision to have some of the faithful work as priests and preachers. They will ofcourse resume working in the mines once my governors and I feel that the city has regained an appropriate zeal.
Well, as you know, someone with a little better knowledge of domestic affairs has remedied the situation. Thank God for Lord Civius. :)
[ooc]Please keep in mind Diamondeye that my last post was all in character. The out-going King speaking with his defunct Religious Leader. [/ooc]
OOC: out of character I completely agree with your reply, Cyc. Unfortunately the mind of the young Enlightened One is brainwashed with something else. So this debate will not lead anywhere ;)
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