Cycles of Arete

I had no other source of computers! This is my home computer, so I keep everything on here. I don't have a computer where I work, so if you guys want to overthrow me, you can go ahead, I'll step off if needed.
I am 100% sure that I never said that the regent takes over on the throne. Why would I say that? Quote me if you will. Cyc may make things organized, but you've never seen what I can do as King. And you will never find another person who could do the job as well as I can. So cut me out if you will, but just remember the things I've done for this demogame. Remeber Arete Ball, Dayton's Diaries, or the Faction Honor System? Those were my creations. And remember, Cyc said that I never returned his PM, I did in fact return it- from my friend's laptop- the day he brutally overthrew me. And it's not like I could go over there every day. And my new computer is here now. So there's my whole system of beliefs. Now you can make an informed decision.

The Regents sole purpose is to be stand in King for an announced absence and assume the thrown if the King has an unnanounced absence of over 3 days. Here is the the list of Regent responsibilities under the APR. Since the CoA did not create new rules for the regent I come to the conclusion that since you adopted their Regent position you also adopted their rules.

APR Regent Discussion
  • The King appoints a Regent upon being Crowned.
  • The Regent is the DP for the King if he cannot play the turns, The Regent also has the power to appoint DP's in the Kings absence.
  • The Regent assumes the thrown if the King steps down or has an unannounced absence of 72 hours.

After Cyc announced his intentions to assume the thrown I requested a suspension. At this point you were absent 8 days, more than a couple. From here it was 4 more days, over 72 hours before I accepted Cycs proposal and cast the deciding vote for his coronation. He was within his rights to seek the crown IMO.

P.S. Thanks vra and Diamondeye for staying at least a little loyal to me.:goodjob:

Assembly Hall August 8th,
The citizens of Arete are becoming rejuvenated as we approach our next turnchat. King Civplayah announced his absence to the people and should be given the option to step down. I request a suspension of the Regents action to claim the crown until after the TC. If the King has not responded by then I will officially endorse you (Lord Regent Cyc) as Aretans new King.

I made known your announced absence and suspended the Regents action to assume the crown for 4 days. We did not know when or if you would be returning. This is a Dgame and players come and go at a regular basis. Nothing here was done maliciously and I have made every effort as Clerk of the Realm to make sure your side is heard. If this is not being loyal to you both as King, before Cycs coronation, and citizen, now, then what else can I do?
The problem is, as it has been for all factions so far, is the lacks of rules, there are too many grey areas. Because you were absence, for whatever reason, there was nothing that could stop Cyc taking charge and you had been away a long time so the public accepted his kingship because we needed a leader, not to be in limbo for weeks to see if you would come back.

Like you said there isn't a rule saying you could take power from a leader but likewise there was no rule stopping anyone.
Triad was very well organized, but the leading faction, the Legion, was not, which caused the Triad collapse. But sort of good in a historical way, since dynasties do collapse over time.
As I posted in the Vacation thread, my attendance will be spotty at best for at least a week. If Regent Lord Civius needs to step up and replace me for any reason, that's fine. He has my permission.

I will return.
Seems Cyc will be out for a little longer so I am appointing myself King until his return. As King I will name a Regent to the Crown. Upon his return I will step down and let the Regent keep his post.

As I posted in the Vacation thread, my attendance will be spotty at best for at least a week. If Regent Lord Civius needs to step up and replace me for any reason, that's fine. He has my permission.

I will return.
I will probably be back full time in a day or two.
I am officially back. My puter is fine. I humbly ask to be re-instated. :salute:
Will you continue your post as Regent, Lord Civius?
No I am going to let Civplayah keep his post. I am also cutting my ties to the Cycles of Arete and will once again be an Independent. Nothing against the CoA they are a great Prime-Faction.
The ceremonial promenade of the King's Court trailed behind Cyc as he made his way toward his throne. As he finished climbing the steps leading to the marble platform where his throne sat, the King shooed away the attendants at his side, who had started to flutter about him like butterflies, seeing to his every need. He required no special attention, demanded nothing but a little peace during his accession or re-accession to the throne. He had instructed messengers to find Diamondeye and inquire about the Coronation. But he had to wait for his reply.
His first day back in power. It's good to be King.
As your King, I am outraged that took place today in the Turn Chat. There was no discussion for a Declaration of War. Only Provo saying he couldn't declare war and Lord Civius saying the DOW needed to come from me. I even asked Provo for a Military report so we could discet it and plan for a war, but all I got was Provo's immeadiate plan for declaring on the Babs two turns into today's TC. This is proposterous!

Therefore, I am removing civplayah and Provolution from the Designated Player list. Effective immediately. I leave for a bit and come back to find you two have gotten us into two unplanned wars. Totally unauthorized. Both of you are no longer on the DP list.
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