my entire thing got erased because of TOO MANY IMAGES! ( i had 2)
im too annoyed by this to make anything fancy so here is the scope of our game
turn 0 (you had 14 turns but ended on 13...gave me +1)
set tech to 70% and LRS in 14 and -2
switched Constantinople (const) to settler to take the 2 irons from Bulgars
turn 1
corinth settler-temple
dromon scouts
worker begins road to horses
turn 2
varna worker-temple
ephesus temple-settler
world advisor says we 2nd place in tech [dance] even though we have none ?
turn 3
const settler-spear
send a dromon to corinth to pick up settler later
stoopid barb threatens attalea, rush spear for 16 gold
turn 4
barb turns away to another shall pay....
meet germans, they are impressed by culture and have weak army, in 20 turns it will be vice verca
road connects const to varna
turn 5
aggressive settle smyrna for 2 irons, sorry about that
ibt- barb slays itself on our spear
turn 6
const spear-worker
trans-peninsular road made connecting const to corinth
turn 7
sinope worker-worker
ancrya temple-settler
larissa settler-barracks
nicaea worker-worker
turn 8
const worker-settler
contact celts, they not too powerful
turn 9
contact poles and england
find out france, germany, and abbasids have horseback riding (mandatory for next age) and will not trade
workers begin connecting iron
worker mines BG near ephesus
turn 10
trebizond founded (for fishing) and begins a worker
another road begins to the next iron
workers finish irrigating Nicaea, go to hills for mining operation (to max shield const, priority here is high)
post-turns LSR in 3 at 0 gpt and a city is ready for founding
here is save
save 912
btw...don't go for viking techs...get to WESTERN CHURCH IMMEDIATELY and go for the production of the Holy Roman Empire wonder (2 free tech), this will help us in every way, however we should begin a prebuild soon and start maxing out production there too