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Dawn of Civilization General Discussion

Leoreth said:
New update: added civ specific birth announcements
Could you post an excerpt of the XML file holding the text (or whatever is easiest for you)?
Could you post an excerpt of the XML file holding the text (or whatever is easiest for you)?
Here's the GitHub link.

e: The France blurb should probably stress the rise of the Carolingian dynasty more than the formation of a Frankish kingdom, which was already well underway by the 750 AD spawn date.
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Yeah, that makes sense. Further feedback welcome. I did not spend that long thinking about every individual entry.
Yeah, that makes sense. Further feedback welcome. I did not spend that long thinking about every individual entry.
Don't have much to add but I got a good laugh out of "Colonial rulers are considering acts that would result in a self-governing confederation in Canada." Oh they're "considering" it? How very Canadian of them.
Yes. A lot of this is actually a consequence of phrasing it in such a way that reflects that the actual spawn date is still ten turns away. So there is a lot of preparing and considering and consolidating and whatever else.
Makes sense. I guess it's harder to phrase these events in a way that feels contemporary, rather than just alluding to what they're leading to. For France on normal speed that would put you in 650 AD, right in the middle of the decline of the Merovingians, with the "mayor of the palace" (a sort of prime minister equivalent, most famously Charles Martel whose son Pepin became the first Carolingian king) gaining more power and making the king their puppet. Maybe something like this:

"Frankish gains in Gaul are strengthening the position of a few nobles at the expense of the old dynasty."
Yeah, but it also needs to somehow convey that a spawn is about to happen soon. Like "here's why a new civilization is going to appear soon". It's not always easy, but in my opinion a flavourful message is still better than "the xyz spawn is imminent".
This is the general discussion thread for Dawn of Civ. You can discuss recent changes to the mod (available through Git), as well as anything not better suited for one of the other threads here.
How can I enable Polynesia as an AI in 1.16.6? I can't find it in GlobalDefinesAlt anymore
How can I enable Polynesia as an AI in 1.16.6? I can't find it in GlobalDefinesAlt anymore
In XML/Civilizations/CIV4CivilizationInfos.xml, set bAIPlayable for Polynesia to 1.
I don't know if this intentional, but at the start of a Maya game the Holkans get 100% withdrawal chance when in their "rise of civ" territory. This means that they can effectively farm for XP the Holkans that show up on the Danibaan hill without risk for several turns, then get promotions, heal themselves and take the newly spawned Danibaan relatively safely.
There is a hardcoded limit on the withdraw chance defined in the GlobalDefines.xml. For DoC (and also the vanilla game) it is 90%. (Unless the additional withdrawal chance is applied after this limit is applied. But I don't think Leoreth coded it this way)

90% is still a lot, but it is not 100% free.

I don't see this limit be applied in the code that calculates the withdraw chance. It is only referenced in the code that determines if a promotion is valid for a unit. (If the promotion would increase the total withdrawal chance to more than the limit, that promotion cannot be chosen.)
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Yeah, the game correctly assumes that there is no other way to gain withdrawal chance besides promotions.
The world ended in 2020.
Some of the leaders are currently unavailable for selection (latest full release), will they become available at some later update? Sorry if this has been answered already, but I couldn't find anything on it.
Some leaders are locked to certain civics and thus can't be chosen at start, not sure if that's what you mean.

Speaking of which, what does choosing a leader at start actually do? If I start a 600 AD French game as Napoleon I'll get his music in the waiting bar, but then my saves at start will still be labeled "Charlemagne".
Some leaders are locked to certain civics and thus can't be chosen at start, not sure if that's what you mean.

Speaking of which, what does choosing a leader at start actually do? If I start a 600 AD French game as Napoleon I'll get his music in the waiting bar, but then my saves at start will still be labeled "Charlemagne".
Ok yeah, that's what I meant and it makes sense. I was just disappointed I couldn't choose Mao for my China run. :(
Big fan of the spawn flavor text, it’s a lovely touch. Apologies if this has been asked in the past but are there any plans for incorporating any of the Civilizations Reborn civs after the big map? I discovered that mod mod mod about two years late & I’m a big fan of how the Khazars, Yuezhi, & Hopewell are implemented.
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