DDS Texture (Image File) Creation and Usage for Beginners

How do you make DDS files that are 45x45, 50x50, 55x55 ?
You can:
1. Not use DXT compression, OR
2. Make the icon an atlas group of icons, sized up until you get your multiple of 4--so worst case (e.g., the 45×45 one), you need a 4x4 atlas (i.e., 180×180), OR
3. You can just add pixels to the right and bottom after it's centered (e.g., make your 45×45 a 48×48). Just don't recenter it and you should be fine.
In GIMP, one of the brush types is whatever you have copied to your clipboard. Copy the image from Dojo256.png and then select the Clipboard brush type (it will look like whatever you have copied) from the brushes panel. Now just use the paintbrush tool to actually draw the Dojo onto the top left circle of DojoAtlas256.xcf.

You might have to play around with the size of the brush to get it just right; you can do this by double left-clicking the paintbrush tool (doing this brings up the tool options panel) and changing the size parameter.

You can also just paste the image from Dojo256.png into DojoAtlas256.xcf and move it over the top left circle to get the same results.
Don't follow the image tutorial if you want nice looking pictures in your game. His recommend compression format will decrease the image quality to a pixelated mess. I saw it the moment I was going to save.

I would recommend A8B8G8R8 - Ate bait gate rate ;)
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