It’s late here – so no full update right now. Hopefully sometime tomorrow.
Aside from the missed opportunity on the Gems Mountain – it was a pretty good turn I think!
I wiped out 380 shields worth of Beorn’s units on the Center Isle

– that’s a pretty good start, I think.
I used 7 bombers in combat this turn. I had more in range of the Center Island, but they would have had to attack 4/4 units. Since I couldn’t kill anything with them, I decided to repositioned them to be in range for next turns bombardment. Unless I goofed, I’ll be able to bring 12 bombers into play pretty much anywhere on the center isle.
With my navy now hiding in my brand new town of Centralization (thank Niklas!) I can land on either the Iron hill or the Gems mountain… whichever is the better target.
If we can redline most of the units on the Gems mountain – that’s our best bet. The iron Hill is out of reach of my artillery, so if Beorn puts more than a few units there, I’ll be out of luck.
@Niklas, if there are 10 or fewer defense capable units on the Gems mountain – we really need to focus everything we’ve got there, I think.
Bears still didn't have Flight on my turn, whew! So as long as the bears don't break into the build que (

) then we've got at least one more turn of clear sailing before we have to deal with Flacks.