Deathmatch: Council Spoiler Thread

Certainly not, I have only a dozen or so hammers invested in a transport. I would be happy to give it to you if it would help the plan. :D
sweet! Let's do it, then. :thumbsup:

In fact, from a base in Centralization, I can hit either the mountain tile, or the iron hill tile.
So either way, I can invade on turn 230!
This plan will move up the invasion by a full turn. That's really awesome.

I'm dying to know how long we've got till the Bears get Flight. I'm really hoping their discount wasn't enough to give it to them last turn.

I guess we'll know when you get a chance to play!
The Bombing has started! :D

But Niklas - why didn't you readline the units on the gems mountain?
That could have been a potentially fatal mistake by Beorn. With so few units, if you had redlined them, I think I had enough bobmers in range to take the mountain (and all those artillery and workers!) this turn. :sad:

Oh well... it's spilled milk now.

I am in the process of killing those other units you bombed down (which were in range of my artillery - if you had left anything for me to shoot at!)

Full update later when I get time...
It’s late here – so no full update right now. Hopefully sometime tomorrow.

Aside from the missed opportunity on the Gems Mountain – it was a pretty good turn I think! :thumbsup:

I wiped out 380 shields worth of Beorn’s units on the Center Isle :D – that’s a pretty good start, I think.

I used 7 bombers in combat this turn. I had more in range of the Center Island, but they would have had to attack 4/4 units. Since I couldn’t kill anything with them, I decided to repositioned them to be in range for next turns bombardment. Unless I goofed, I’ll be able to bring 12 bombers into play pretty much anywhere on the center isle.

With my navy now hiding in my brand new town of Centralization (thank Niklas!) I can land on either the Iron hill or the Gems mountain… whichever is the better target.

If we can redline most of the units on the Gems mountain – that’s our best bet. The iron Hill is out of reach of my artillery, so if Beorn puts more than a few units there, I’ll be out of luck.

@Niklas, if there are 10 or fewer defense capable units on the Gems mountain – we really need to focus everything we’ve got there, I think.

Bears still didn't have Flight on my turn, whew! So as long as the bears don't break into the build que ( :nono: ) then we've got at least one more turn of clear sailing before we have to deal with Flacks.
I presume you have also planned on building some flaks and fighters to cover for the inevitable counter strike?
yeah - I've already got 2 Flacks deployed. One in my forward base in the south.
The other is protecting the single rail line that connects Fabrication to the rest of the empire.

I'll have 2 more done next turn... and various ones completing after that.
you should also get some fighters.
IIRC Flaks have no range beyond their tile.
Nik, I've been trying to not say anything since I read the GPS, but, I can't resist:

You lost a Bomber?!? Already? To Frigates? Ack! :wallbash:

The Ranger isn't going to like this Yogi.

Maybe you shouldn't keep your airplanes on the coast.

BTW, beware the fact that enemy bombers will strike bombers on the ground first so becareful you don't lose more planes on the ground once they start bombing back. Good luck.
Umm, good spot Marsden. I actually don't have any bombers, so it can't have been mine. :crazyeye: I'm not sure where the straight of shadows is, so I can't tell if it was the Bomber part that was a miswrite or just the color. Will ask him.
I'm pretty sure that's my bomber.
I didn't realize frigates could bomb planes... let alone lethally. :cry:

Did I mention I'm really not very good at this game? :blush:
Basically air units are first on the list and can be killed, then ships but they won't be killed unless bombed by an air unit or Dromon, then land units and finally the town, but bombers can attack the town after all air units are gone. I don't know why. It's a bit confusing just don't keep them in coastal towns. Fighters tend to be hit first but that's a poor waste of a fighter's shields.
ooh yes...that makes perfect sense :crazyeye: [/sarcasm]

:lol: - well, thanks for the explanation Marsden. I do appreciate it.
No more Bombers in coastal towns.
Too bad it cost me 100 shields to learn that...
You can have them in coastal towns if you have enough naval presence outside it to ensure no frigates get close. :evil:
yeah - and speaking of that... apparently the bears have a very large fleet in the Big Ocean.
We'd better get ready for the bombardment of our coastal tiles. :ack:

I've got another destroyer building... but we'll need more than that to stop the fleet that Beorn's got.
Still, a secondary concern.
Bombers and fighters should be placed in airfields with a couple flaks and infantry. The fighter as a very limited intercept range so you should draw an air coerage range plan along your empire and place the airfields accordingly.

Use artillery against enemy vessels if possible and spies to locate where they hide their ships and bomb them.
Just how long interception range do the fighters have?

Go geddem General. :ar15:

I would suggest sending at least one unit onto that hill to claim the workers. And under all circumstances it will be a very nice landing zone even if bombing everyone on the mountain fails.

In other news, Whomp now has Flight, but not Beorn yet.

hmm... I only have 10... maybe 11 Bombers in range of that Mountain tile.
So it's very unlikely I'll be able to capture it.
But that unguarded fortress hill tile looks pretty appealing!

Maybe I'll go ahead and bomb that mountain tile and try to kill as much as possible.
Then invade that iron hill and hope to survive the return onslaught.

Should I sent over all infantry? A few Cavalry with them?
I can transport over 10 units total.

An Infantry in a hill Fortress will have a modified defense of 20 :thumbsup:
But even then, if my Infantry is bombed down to 3/4, a 4/4 Cav could kill me 13.5% of the time, and retreat 41%.

I would bomb the mountain as much as possible, and if you get lucky then land there. I wouldn't hold it for impossible. If not, land on the hill like you say. It would take him quite a lot of resources to get you out of there. I would bring only Infantry in the first wave, Cavalry can't really do much that Infantry couldn't.
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