Designing Japan in Civ7

Japan was expansionist, in the Japanese isles. They were concerned with completing the conquest of Honshu and later Hokkaido then messing with countries on mainland Asia though they did try to invade the Korean peninsula several times before the early 20th century.

Being a backwater with almost no useful natural resources prevented much interest in invading Japan but also kept them from having an economy to be able to successfully invade other countries till Japan totally industrialized.
Japan was expansionist, in the Japanese isles. They were concerned with completing the conquest of Honshu and later Hokkaido then messing with countries on mainland Asia though they did try to invade the Korean peninsula several times before the early 20th century.

Being a backwater with almost no useful natural resources prevented much interest in invading Japan but also kept them from having an economy to be able to successfully invade other countries till Japan totally industrialized.
Japan only adopt Expansionism policy twice.
1. Imjin War: Though some historian suggested that Toyotomi shogunate actually wanted to marginalize Daimyos. he did somehow aweare that Ming China will help Joseon Korea and Japan will not win. Well if Japan wins. there's an expansion chance. In this case, Japan lost and Daimyos (whom actually ran an invasion force) and the risks of usupations (of Shogun title) were somehow reduced. (really?)
2. Meiji Restoration. under the first 30 years. The first victim wasn't Qing China. but Ryukyu Kingdom which had since completely 'became Japanese'. Ryukyuu never regain independency even after Japan lost WW2
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