DI1 - 3CC AW (Look at me I'm insane!)

Originally posted by Sir Bugsy
What are the rest of the team's thoughts?

I know I am not part of the team but maybe there are some horses N or NE or NW of Kyoto. You guys need to give serious consideration to making 1 of your 3 cities a coastal city. No Navy in AW just doesn't sound very good, if you know what I mean....:p

Thanks for the input, and good idea. even if we are panegea, we could have some off shore islands to invade.

I should have gone and looked at the starting conditions again.
I didn't realize it was a pangaea. Still though, nothing irritates me more than having my coasts bombarded/invaded and not being able to do anything about it. :lol:
Personally my thoughts are these:

1) Maybe we should stop scouting with our warrior. We haven't met anyone yet and this is too good to last. Let them come to us.

2) Second city I was thinking 1 square sw of the cow and one square south. This way we dont overlap with Kyoto.

3) Coastal city sounds cool how about sw of Kyoto. How about on the hill two squares north of the sw mountain? This should put us on the coast and also adds in the hil defence bonus?

But what do I know?

Excellent point about not scouting. We only want to scout enough to determine where to put our cities and and find immediate critical resources (which we already know). We can build colonies on the silk and horses and road to them.

After considering all opinions, I would say we could chose either:
1: One tile directly south of the cow. No overlap with Kyoto, cow in range immediately. (Red dot)

2: One tile directly east of the cow. On coast?, no overlap, room for a city to south of Kyoto (pink dot)


I'm voting for red dot right now.

I'm not too fond of settling down in that jungle. Maybe on the blue dot. There might be some overlap with the capitol.

Final idea, and then I'll shut up. Maybe follow the river north and settle near the delta.

What do you think DI1 team?

I know I'm just a lurker here, but considering your second city location (red dot) Sir Bugsy, did you take the river in consideration (1 tile SW for example)? No need to build an aquaduct (which you would need pretty soon since you're not going to build any settlers). Settling 1 tile SW of the red dot would also have less desert in your city range and more money from the river. On the other hand, you would have to clear some jungle (but they may yield bonus grasslands) and instead of building an aquaduct, you'd need a temple (or a library may be buildable by then?).

Just offering some thoughts on the (red dot) city placement, but then again, I've never played any kind of xCC, so feel free to ignore whatever I say. ;)

May it be obvious that I'm very interested in this SG and I'll be watching from the sideline and hoping you succeed! :goodjob: It's a very bold attempt!!
Excellent point. No I didn't take the river into consideration, and you're right we should. That is probably why melifuous was talking about putting it SW, S of the cow.

All lurkers welcome by the way. God knows I need the help. The rest of the team may not though.

You're right, probably not a lot of food and/or shields in all that sand.

What are your thoughts andvruss on those dots of mine?
I think they look fine. Just make sure we have enough rpoduction strenght with them both, since it is doubtful we will advance to the industrial ages. We probably will have either won or lost by then.
Well, it's your turn. I don't know if you want to wait for the others to pitch in their two cents worth.

If you don't, good luck!
Tommy, can you hear me?
Can you feel me near you?

Anyone out there?
2900: warrior comes back to help stop civs from discovering us.
2850: not much
2800: same
2750: Found Osaka, 1 tile SW of the proprojected red dot.
2700: Expand palace :)
2670: hook up silks
2630: Kyoto warrior-settler
2590: not much
2550: same
2510: Osaka warrior-barracks

Thats pretty much all. No contact yet.


Wow! I didn't see the silks to the west of Kyoto! Very cool.:cool:

I'm thinking that I will look at the land SW of Kyoto for third city location, continue not scouting, and build military.

At some point we will need to look at building a temple in city #2 to get it to expand to cover the cow. Probably not during my turns though.

Andvruss (Just Played)
Sir Bugsy(Up Now)
ballplayr412 (On Deck)
Originally posted by Sir Bugsy
At some point we will need to look at building a temple in city #2 to get it to expand to cover the cow. Probably not during my turns though.

Hmm maybe not your turns, but think of this. When the AI is sending troops at us like they are going out of fashion do you think it likely that we will be able to build a non-military unit then?

I would very much like to get temples in every city before the real fighting starts, we will only have 3 cities and we need their borders to continue to expand.

So a temple now seems like a VERY good idea...


PS. As fot your idea for city 3, sw of Kyoto sounds good. But please make sure that
a) Kyoto does not share tiles with the new city after expansion.
b) Its on the coast to allow us to build our 20k city there and give it all possible chance of building every wonder.
OK, I'm playing now and will post within four hours or so. I will take Melifluous' advice and start a temple in city #2 ASAP, and will follow his coastal/non-overlap advice on city #3.

I think both points are good headwork.

Originally posted by Sir Bugsy
OK, I'm playing now and will post within four hours or so. I will take Melifluous' advice ... I think both points are good headwork.


Aw shucks... :love:

Stop it, you're making me blush... :o

Here's a post halfway through my turns.

Pre-turn 2510 BC – Check cities – Both look good, no MM needed. Looking good at this point, thanks andvruss. :goodjob: IW due in 6 turns. Hit enter.

(1) 2470 BC – Worker finishes road >mine BG. Warrior heading west towards future city site.

(2) 2430 BC – Kyoto grows to pop 4. Check happiness of Kyoto and we won’t need to adjust slider. Set new pop to work BG. Settler in 5 turns. Warrior continues west.

(3) 2390 BC - Move warrior SW. I think I will place city #3 on the hill which will give a defensive bonus, have access to the coast , and not have too much jungle to cut down. IW due in 2 turns. Check slider but can’t reduce yet.
(4) 250 BC –IW due in one. Adjust slider to 90% for +1gpt. Move warrior onto hill. Here’s the view.


(5) 2310 BC – IW comes in. Go for Masonry in 7 turns at 100%. Can you says city walls! And we have iron on the hill directly east of Kyoto!!

If any one has any comments on city placement, please comment. I will hold off building the city for a couple of hours.

1) City spot has 2 BG and 2 normal grass without improvement and is on a hill for a nice defence bonus.

2) Iron right next to the capital? Someone is smiling on us.

Build that city.

And lets get asswhupping.


PS> Also did you notice the perfect interlocking with the other two cities that that city site has?
(6) 2270 BC – ZZZZ
(7) 2230 BC - Kyoto: Settler - > Barracks. Settler moves on down the road towards new home. Worker completes mine and moves south to start an intercity road. Due to loss of pop in capitol, Masonry is now due in 8 turns, but only momentarily.
(8) 2190 BC – Settler moves, Worker begins road.
(9) 2150 BC – Kyoto grows, masonry now due in 5 turns.
(10) 2110 BC – Osaka: Barracks > Temple. Per Melifuous’ idea. I’m going to post this without building the city. The settler in on location.

Future considerations:
1. Osaka is going to need a slider adjustment when it grows so that it does not riot.
2. Hooking it up to the intercity network will be a task to finish here soon.
3. We may also want to consider a second worker. If we are lucky one of the other civs, may have one available during that initial trading session before we declare war on them.
4. We have a second source of iron south of city #3. Of course we won’t want to hook that up unless our first supply is dried up. Nice to have though :)
Here's the save:http://www.civfanatics.net/uploads5/DI1,_2110_BC.SAV
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