• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Dino Planet (beta)

Dino Planet?

  • Wow great! Now I can eat my enemies!

    Votes: 43 71.7%
  • Pointless. Who wants to be a dinosaur?

    Votes: 7 11.7%
  • I'm confused. What's a dinosaur?

    Votes: 10 16.7%

  • Total voters


Gone to the dogs
Feb 1, 2004
It seemed a shame that Faraxis included some great dinosaur graphics that didn’t seem to get used much. So, here it is:
Dino Planet (beta 2)


You start at 251 million years BC - the start of the Dinosaur era. In about 190 million years a big asteroid is going to hit the planet and your time will be over. Before that you must build a beacon to attact an alien race to come and rescue you.

  • All units have been replaced.
  • All technologies have been replaced.
  • All city improvements have been replaced.
  • The only way to win is to build the only wonder.
  • Three eras based on the major geological epochs.
  • Fast paced with lots of opportunity for violence.
  • Each turn represents 1 million years.

The game is intended for multiplayer use so I’m not too concerned about balance to help the computer – it’s more important that it plays well between humans.

The mod is for Conquests 1.22. Unzip and place in the Conquests Scenarios folder.

If you don’t have Play the World you will need to download the dinosaur graphics from the Civilization web site. Put it in the Play the World Extras folder.

Things left to do
  • Tribe names and city names (there are no leaders).
  • Barbarian names.
  • Some techs should really have more interesting names – I want to remove the names that are just dinosaurs.

It’d be really cool if any of the graphics people could help out with some of these:
  • Most techs need an icon.
  • I would like the colours changed for the worker (to dun) and queen (to gold) units.
  • New era splashes.
  • Anything else that looks like it needs doing.

Thanks to everybody who uploads graphics to this site as I’ve taken things from all over the place.

Thanks to Pang, Tai & Bernie for play testing and DrX for tribe names.

Thanks to Dease for doing a load of new graphics and npbnpb for suggestions.
Interesting..... What were the dinosaurs there for in the first place?
Wow :cooool:, I'm at a place where I can't play civ due to deadlines and the like but I look forward to giving this a go.
Yeah. me too. Too much to do, not enough time. I can't imagine how little time I'm going to have when I actually get a job!
Please finish it quick, I've dremed of this, HURRY!!!
Not bad at all. I have played about 10 games now, in two days so the mod is entertaining. In only one was I able to build the wonder. Luck is very important. If Holy Metal is not available in your area of control when you discover the Alians tech then there is not enough game time left to find it before the collision. By ignoring all non esential techs I was able to reach the Alians on or before the start of the last 20 turns. Studying any of the non essentail techs meant death.
I have yet to download the mod, but this looks a lot like the Dinosaur scenario from the Fantastic Worlds expansion pack for Civ2. Was this the inspiration for the scenario?
Glad to see someone else using the Dinos that have been neglected. I have one I started a long time ago. I will check you your Mod last time I played a good one was Civ2 as someone else said. :goodjob:
Sorry, I've been away in Malaysia for a Sikh wedding (yeah I know, showing off).

The computer does find playing the game quite hard, but that doesn't make it easy for you. I wanted it deliberately quite hard to force you to build quickly and really go for it. The sidelined techs are meant to be tempting and should enable a player to really cause problems for anybody near building the wonder.

Personally I think that with a bit of polishing it should be quite good, especially for multi-player where you could just do a points win and have fun eating each other's dinos.
You should change the City Names.
I think that Alexandria, Amanra, Heliopolis, Abydos and Hieraconpolis weren't names of possible places full of dinos in the mesozoic era.
QFred said:
You should change the City Names.
I think that Alexandria, Amanra, Heliopolis, Abydos and Hieraconpolis weren't names of possible places full of dinos in the mesozoic era.

Indeed. It'd be great if anybody wanted to 'adopt a tribe' and come up with a full set of city names (leaders aren't used).

I'll take a proper look through your icon library next week when I'll look at doing an update.
How big is it? If it under 100MB I might just get it, looks brilliant!
It's a lot smaller than 100MB - only about 12MB. Don't forget that you may also need to download the dino graphics from Farixis if you don't have PtW (although the scenario is for Conquests).
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