Diplomacy Feedback: Opinion Mechanics


Already Looping
Dec 19, 2017
Hello everyone! I'm still Recursive, your favorite family-friendly endless loop CTD incarnate!

As most of you know, I've been improving the diplomacy AI for a long time now. I've created a comprehensive guide for every Opinion modifier in the game, which I have posted in the second post of this thread.

The information here is accurate as of the 1.0 version.

I'm posting this here to get feedback from the community on what needs adjusting, and I can only do that if everyone knows how the mechanics work. Good ideas may be added to future versions.

Feel free to suggest anything, including adding and deleting modifiers.

Note that this guide also includes:
- A breakdown of the vassal treatment modifiers.
- An explanation of the warmongering penalty.
Last edited:
The Opinion Ratings (based on the sum of all modifiers) are used in many AI decisions.

Note: In the code, negative values improve Opinion and positive values worsen it, but to avoid confusion I have reversed the values for this post (Transparent Diplomacy also reverses them for this reason).
Civ Opinion Score|Civ Opinion Rating
+160 or better (or Teammates)|Ally
+80 to +159|Friend
+30 to +79|Favorable
Between -29 and +29|Neutral
-30 to -79|Competitor
-80 to -159|Enemy
-160 or worse (or Always at War)|Unforgivable

Modifier Durations
Many modifiers have a duration: at the end of the duration, they will expire and no longer affect relations with that leader. For "stacked" modifiers which can be applied multiple times (e.g. stealing), the duration is reset every time the modifier is applied.

The modifier's base duration is increased or decreased based on a leader's Flavors. If a duration is modified by Loyalty, for example, it will last a shorter time for a leader with 3/10 Loyalty, and a longer time for a leader with 8/10 Loyalty.

The value of a timed modifier will decay gradually based on how much of the duration has passed. For example, if you forgave the AI for spying, the duration is 34 turns, and 17 turns have passed since then, the value of the bonus would be reduced by half (50%).

Exception 1: Backstabbing penalties retain their full value until they expire, and the penalty duration isn't affected by flavors.

Exception 2: The penalty duration for ignoring or breaking a promise isn't affected by flavors.

Differential = Flavor - 5

If the Flavor is Forgiveness, Differential instead = (Forgiveness * -1) + 5.

If base duration is less than 50 turns...the differential is added to the duration.
If base duration is exactly 50 turns...2x the differential is added to the duration.
If base duration is more than 50 turns...3x the differential is added to the duration.

Most modifier durations are then scaled by gamespeed:
Quick: 67%
Standard: 100%
Epic: 150%
Marathon: 300%

Modifier durations and applicable flavors are listed in the tables below. A few modifiers have special rules for calculating the duration; these will be covered at the end of the post.

When a normal modifier duration expires, the modifier stops affecting relations entirely.

When a "stacked" modifier duration expires (for things like demands or stealing), the number of times the AI remembers you have done that thing is halved and then rounded down. If after doing this there is still at least 1 application of the modifier, the duration is reset back to the original value and ticks down again until all applications have expired.

As a result, for "stacked" modifiers the value can sometimes decay at different rates, e.g. for 2 trade demands: from -30 to -20 over ~50 turns, then -20 to 0 over the next ~50 turns.

Some modifiers have no duration (—), which means they persist indefinitely until the situation changes. There are also a handful of modifiers which last permanently (or permanently until you directly declare war/capture one of the AI's cities); these instances are also noted.

Hidden Modifiers
The Hideable? column indicates whether the AI can hide an opinion modifier in some way.

No - the modifier will always be displayed (although it might be hidden on the same turn you meet the AI, as they're still evaluating you - and no modifiers are shown if a player is eliminated or if the Hide Opinion Table option is enabled).

Yes - the modifier can be hidden by the AI. Note that an AI can choose to hide modifiers whether they are friendly or hostile.

Can Pretend - the AI can choose to display the modifier as a neutral indicator with a value of 0. The AI may be telling the truth or lying about not caring about this modifier, but the text will not be misleading.

Option to Pretend Bonus - if the Diplo AI Option "No Fake Opinion Modifiers" is enabled (which it is by default), the AI will not show this opinion bonus unless they actually have it. If it is disabled, they can pretend to have the bonus.

Always - this modifier is always hidden even if Transparent Diplomacy or Show Hidden Opinion Modifiers is enabled, unless a special setting is enabled.

The AI cannot hide Opinion modifiers (except for "Always" hidden modifiers) if Transparent Diplomacy or Show Hidden Opinion Modifiers are enabled, but they can still hide their true Approach. Additionally, certain modifiers force most other hidden modifiers to be revealed. These "revealing modifiers" are marked under the Hideable? column with an asterisk *.

The number value of an Opinion modifier is only shown in the table if Transparent Diplomacy or Show All Opinion Values are enabled. All modifiers and indicators except the approach hint are hidden if the "Hide Opinion Table" option is enabled.

Debug Mode activates Transparent Diplomacy and also reveals the AI's true Approach.

Other Notes
Modifiers with a value of +/- 11 or higher are displayed in bright green/red text. Modifiers with a value of +/- 10 or lower are displayed in faded green/red text. Modifiers with a value of 0 are displayed in faded white text.

Whenever a value is divided, any remainder is rounded down (as in the floor() function), unless otherwise specified.

Other human players have entirely different code for the opinion table; the information below only applies to AI players. The modifiers presented for humans are only there for information, and many are omitted as they wouldn't be useful in predicting how a human player might react.

Good Opinion Modifiers
These modifiers improve the AI's Opinion of another player.

Non-Dispute Modifiers
Opinion Modifier|Value|Reason(s)|Hideable?|Base Duration|Notes
You have no contested borders.|+2 to +155|No Territorial Disputes|Option to Pretend Bonus|—|Base value is +10. Warmonger AIs apply an additional bonus: (5 + Neediness) * AI Era / 2. Value is then multiplied by the AI's Boldness flavor and divided by 5. Increased by 12.5% on Immortal and 25% on Deity.
You are not competing for World Wonders.|+4 to +130|No Wonder Disputes|Option to Pretend Bonus|—| Cultural AIs only. Base value is: (5 + Neediness) * AI Era / 2. Value is then multiplied by the AI's WonderCompetitiveness flavor and divided by 5. Increased by 12.5% on Immortal and 25% on Deity. This bonus does not apply if the AI considers you a "wonder spammer".
You are not competing for the favor of the same City-States.|+4 to +130|No City-State Disputes|Option to Pretend Bonus|—| Diplomat AIs only. Base value is: (5 + Neediness) * AI Era / 2. Value is then multiplied by the AI's MinorCivCompetitiveness flavor and divided by 5. Increased by 12.5% on Immortal and 25% on Deity. This bonus does not apply if you have penalties for attacking the AI's City-States or performing coups.
You are not competing for technological advancement.|+4 to +130|Not a Technological Competitor (Tech Count)|Option to Pretend Bonus|—| Scientist AIs only. Base value is: (5 + Neediness) * AI Era / 2. Value is then multiplied by the AI's DiploBalance flavor and divided by 5. Increased by 12.5% on Immortal and 25% on Deity. AI is a bit less aggressive if Science Victory is disabled. In addition, making a Research Agreement or Defensive Pact will reduce aggression, as will being friends with embassies if you're able to give them techs.
You are not competing for cultural advancement.|+4 to +130|Not a Cultural Competitor (Policy Count)|Option to Pretend Bonus|—| Cultural AIs only. Base value is: (5 + Neediness) * AI Era / 2. Value is then multiplied by the AI's DiploBalance flavor and divided by 5. Increased by 12.5% on Immortal and 25% on Deity. AI is a bit less aggressive if Culture Victory is disabled.
Player Has Done Nice Stuff
Opinion Modifier|Value|Reason(s)|Hideable?|Base Duration|Notes
We are trade partners.|+1 to +60|Trade Deals In AI's Favor, Trade Routes With AI|No|Special (see end of post)|If the deal value to the AI is >= 100 or they're receiving 5x+ what they're giving up, a larger bonus is added. The bonus for trade routes applies regardless of who initiates the trade route; multiple trade routes do stack. Bonus is increased by 50% if the AI considers the player a "strategic trade partner". Bonus is removed if you directly declare war on them or capture one of their cities. See end of the post for a detailed explanation of this opinion modifier.
Your recent diplomatic actions please them.|Up to +30|Various Causes|No|Special (see end of post)|Value is reduced by diplomatic actions that disappoint this AI. Bonus is removed if you directly declare war on them or capture one of their cities, and does not increase while at war. See end of the post for a detailed explanation of this opinion modifier.
We fought together against a common foe.|+1 to +100|If both at war with same target: Killing Units, Capturing or Razing Cities, Pillaging or Stealing Tiles, Plundering Trade Routes|No|Special (see end of post)|The value of the bonus depends on the amount of damage inflicted and how strong the third party is compared to the AI (stronger = higher bonus, weaker = lower bonus). Bonus is not applied for capitulated vassals or if at war with the AI. Bonus is removed if you directly declare war on them or capture one of their cities. See end of the post for a detailed explanation of this opinion modifier.
You freed their captured citizens!|+10 for first civilian, +5 for subsequent ones|Returning Captured AI Civilian Units|No|50 Turns (modified by Loyalty)|Settlers are worth 5 civilians in the Ancient Era, and 4 in the Classical Era. Other units are worth 3 civilians in the Ancient Era, and 2 in the Classical Era. The AI's era is used to determine this, not the game era.
You built a Landmark in their territory.|+20 for first Landmark, +10 for subsequent ones|Build Landmark with Archaeologist|No|50 Turns (modified by Loyalty)|
You have shared intrigue with them.|+10 for first sharing, +5 for each subsequent sharing|Share Intrigue From Spies, Warn Target AI Of Coop War Request, Discover Bribed War Against You|No|50 Turns (modified by Loyalty)|To warn the target of a coop war and receive this bonus, select the "Impossible. You go too far." dialogue option; this may have global repercussions, however. When your spies discover a bribed war against you, you automatically share this intrigue with AIs you have a Defensive Pact with, which gives you this bonus. Bonus is removed if you directly declare war on them or capture one of their cities.
You forgave them for spying.|+10|Forgive AI When Caught Spying|No|30 Turns (modified by Loyalty)|If AI spies again after you forgive them, you can forgive them again (resets the duration), or not forgive them (removes the bonus).
You restored their civilization after they were annihilated!|+50 to +200|Resurrecting A Defeated Player|No*|Permanent|Base bonus is +200. Owning the AI's original capital/Holy City reduces the bonus by half each (ownership penalty removed if you trade the city to them). Bonus is removed if you directly declare war on them or capture one of their cities. Resurrecting a player clears all diplomatic penalties.
You liberated their original capital.|+60 to +180|Liberating Original Capital|No*|Permanent|Base bonus is +120. Increased by 50% if AI is currently someone's vassal. Bonus is halved if you ever captured or currently own the AI's Holy City (ownership penalty removed if you trade the city to them). Cannot receive this bonus if you ever captured or currently own the AI's original capital (ownership penalty removed if you trade the city to them). Bonus is removed if you directly declare war on them or capture one of their cities.
You liberated their Holy City!|+80 to +120|Liberating Holy City|No*|Permanent|Base bonus is +80. Increased by 50% if AI is currently someone's vassal. Cannot receive this bonus if you ever captured or currently own the AI's original capital or Holy City (ownership penalty removed if you trade the city to them). Cannot receive this bonus if Holy City status was lost. Bonus is removed if you directly declare war on them or capture one of their cities.
You gave them back their original capital.|+30 to +90|Trade Original Capital Back To AI|No*|Permanent|Base bonus is +60. Increased by 50% if AI is currently someone's vassal. Bonus is halved if you ever captured or currently own the AI's Holy City (ownership penalty removed if you trade the city to them). Cannot receive this bonus if you ever captured or currently own the AI's original capital (ownership penalty removed if you trade the city to them). Bonus is removed if you directly declare war on them or capture one of their cities.
You gave them back their Holy City.|+40 to +60|Trade Holy City Back To AI|No*|Permanent|Base bonus is +40. Increased by 50% if AI is currently someone's vassal. Cannot receive this bonus if you ever captured or currently own the AI's original capital or Holy City (ownership penalty removed if you trade the city to them). Cannot receive this bonus if Holy City status was lost. Bonus is removed if you directly declare war on them or capture one of their cities.
You have liberated some of their people!|+30 per liberated city|Liberating Ordinary Cities|No|75 Turns (modified by Loyalty)|Bonus is doubled if AI is someone's vassal. Cannot receive this bonus if you ever captured or currently own the AI's original capital (ownership penalty removed if you trade the city to them). Bonus is halved if you ever captured or currently own the AI's Holy City (ownership penalty removed if you trade the city to them). Bonus is also divided by (1 + # of cities this player captured - # of cities this player liberated, not counting original capital or Holy City) or 1, whichever is greater. Bonus is removed if you directly declare war on them or capture one of their cities.
Politics & Trade Agreements
Opinion Modifier|Value|Reason(s)|Hideable?|Base Duration|Notes
We have shared embassies. / They have an embassy in your capital. / We have an embassy in their capital.|+1 to +3|Accepted Embassy|No|—|+1 for your embassy, +2 for their embassy, +3 for both.
We have opened our borders to each other. / We have opened our borders to them. / They have opened our borders to us.|+0 to +12|Open Borders|No|Until agreement expires|+4 for their borders being open, +8 for your borders being open, +12 for both. No bonus is applied for their borders being open if player is AI's master, the player hasn't resurrected them, and vassal treatment level is "Mistreated" or worse (voluntary vassals) / "Disagree" or worse (capitulated vassals).
We have a Diplomat in their capital.|+0 to +25|Diplomat in AI's Capital|No|—|+15 base; +10 if AI is Diplomatic or has a UA with diplomacy bonuses. No bonus is applied if player is AI's master, the player hasn't resurrected them, and vassal treatment level is "Mistreated" or worse (voluntary vassals) / "Disagree" or worse (capitulated vassals).
We have made a public Declaration of Friendship!|+30 to +50|Current Declaration of Friendship|No|Until agreement expires|Increased to +50 if player is AI's "most valuable friend".
We were previously friends with their civilization.|+10 to +30|Previous Declaration(s) of Friendship|No|—|+10 for one DoF, +20 for two, +30 for three or more. Ending a Declaration of Friendship early through the Discuss menu, denouncing or declaring war remove this bonus for both players.
We have made Declarations of Friendship with the same leaders!|+20 or better (stacks)|Declaration of Friendship With Same Leaders|No|Until agreements expire|+20 for first mutual friend, +8 for subsequent mutual friends; +20 if mutual friends with the AI's "most valuable friend"; +10 if mutual friends with the AI's "most valuable ally" (if AI has a DP with their most valuable ally; stacks with most valuable friend bonus). Human-to-human DoFs do not apply a bonus. Players with no cities don't count.
We have denounced the same leaders!|+20 or better (stacks)|Denounced the Same Leaders|No|Until denouncements expire|+20 for first mutual denouncement, +8 for subsequent mutual denouncements; +15 if mutual denouncement of the AI's "biggest competitor"; +15 if mutual denouncement of the AI's "biggest World Congress rival" (stacks with biggest competitor bonus).
We have made a Defensive Pact!|+15 to +30|Defensive Pact|No|Until agreement expires|Doubled to +30 if player is AI's "most valuable ally".
We have made a Defensive Pact with the same leaders!|+10 or better (stacks)|Defensive Pact With Same Leaders|No|Until agreements expire|+10 for first mutual DP, +5 for subsequent mutual DPs; +10 if mutual DP with the AI's "most valuable ally"; +5 if mutual DP with the AI's "most valuable friend" (if AI has a DoF with their most valuable friend; stacks with most valuable ally bonus). Players with no cities don't count.
We have made a Research Agreement!|+10 to +20|Research Agreement|No|Until agreement expires|Doubled to +20 for Scientist AIs and those with a UA that gives science bonuses. Research Agreements must be enabled.
We have Pledged to Protect the same City-States.|+12 or better (stacks)|Both players Pledge to Protect the same City-State(s)|No|—|Value is 12 or 3x the number of pledges, whichever is greater. Diplomat AIs double the number of pledges if the player is neither a strong competitor for CS Influence nor bullying/attacking their protected City-States.
Religion & Ideology
Opinion Modifier|Value|Reason(s)|Hideable?|Base Duration|Notes
We have similar Social Policies.|+10 to +50|Same Policy Branches|No|—|Each policy branch you have both unlocked adds 1 to policy score. Each policy branch only one of you have unlocked subtracts 1 from policy score. Value = (Policy Score * 5) or 10, whichever is greater; +5 if the AI has > 7 Neediness. Ideologies don't count.
You have adopted their religion in the majority of your cities.|+0 to +96|Player Has No State Religion + Player's Majority Religion Is AI's State Religion|No|—|Pantheons don't count. Vassal AIs don't apply this bonus. Players who don't have any of their own cities following their state religion can still receive this bonus. Base value is 8, multiplied by the "individual religion emphasis", and then increased by 50% if AI's religion is the World Religion. Base value of this emphasis depends on the average/game Era (Ancient: 2, Classical: 4, Medieval: 6, Renaissance: 5, Industrial: 4, Modern: 3, Atomic: 2, Information: 1); +1 if AI Religion flavor is >= 8, -1 if it's <= 4; +1 if AI has a UA with faith bonuses.
They have happily adopted your religion in the majority of their cities.|+0 to +48|AI Has No State Religion + AI's Majority Religion is Player's State Religion|No|—|Pantheons don't count. Vassal AIs don't apply this bonus. Players must have at least one of their own cities following their state religion to receive this bonus. Base value is 4, multiplied by the "individual religion emphasis", and then increased by 50% if player's religion is the World Religion. Base value of this emphasis depends on the average/game Era (Ancient: 2, Classical: 4, Medieval: 6, Renaissance: 5, Industrial: 4, Modern: 3, Atomic: 2, Information: 1); +1 if AI Religion flavor is >= 8, -1 if it's <= 4; +1 if AI has a UA with faith bonuses. Cannot receive this bonus if player has opinion penalties for converting the AI's cities. Cannot receive this bonus if player has ever captured the AI's Holy City (unless the AI has its Holy City back AND the player subsequently resurrected the AI/gave them independence as their master).
We have adopted the same religion in the majority of our cities.|+0 to +16|AI Has No State Religion + AI & Player Have Same Majority Religion|No|—|Pantheons don't count. Vassal AIs don't apply this bonus. Base value is 2, multiplied by the "individual religion emphasis". Base value of this emphasis depends on the average/game Era (Ancient: 2, Classical: 4, Medieval: 6, Renaissance: 5, Industrial: 4, Modern: 3, Atomic: 2, Information: 1); +1 if AI Religion flavor is >= 8, -1 if it's <= 4; +1 if AI has a UA with faith bonuses. Cannot receive this bonus if player has opinion penalties for converting the AI's cities. Cannot receive this bonus if player has ever captured the AI's Holy City (unless the AI has its Holy City back AND the player subsequently resurrected the AI/gave them independence as their master).
We have both chosen to adopt the X Ideology. / We have both adopted the X Ideology.|+30 to +195|Same Ideology|No|—|Value = 10 * the "individual ideology emphasis", increased by 50% if it's the World Ideology. Base value of this emphasis depends on the average/game Era (Pre-Modern: 7, Modern: 9, Atomic: 10, Information: 8); +1 if AI Culture flavor is >= 8, -1 if it's <= 4; +1 if AI is Cultural or has a UA with culture bonuses; +1 if AI is close to winning a Culture victory. Total value is halved if player or AI is a vassal (unless AI is the player's voluntary vassal) , and the message is changed to the second version.
World Congress
Opinion Modifier|Value|Reason(s)|Hideable?|Base Duration|Notes
They consider us an ally in the World Congress / United Nations.|+10 to +50|Favorable World Congress "Alignment"|No|—|Value depends on "league alignment", which determines how well the AI thinks your World Congress interests align: (Friend: +10, Confidant: +15, Ally: +20, Liberator: +25; doubled for Diplomat AIs or those with a UA that gives bonuses to diplomacy).
They liked our proposal to the World Congress / United Nations.|+30 to +80|AI Is Positively Affected By Player's Proposal|No|50 Turns (modified by DiploBalance)|Proposal score 251-1000: +30 bonus. 1001-2500: +45 bonus. 2501+: +60 bonus. Bonus is increased by 34% for Diplomat AIs or those with a UA that gives bonuses to diplomacy. When a new proposal is submitted, the old bonus/penalty for liking/disliking is immediately replaced by the new one (if any).
We (previously) passed their proposal in the World Congress / United Nations.|+10 to +100|Passing AI's Proposals|No|50 Turns (modified by DiploBalance and Boldness)|Base value is +10, plus a bonus depending on the player's % contribution to the proposal passing. For each 1% of the outcome the player is responsible for, they receive +1 to opinion, up to +50 (bribed votes against the resolution subtract from the player's vote total). The "previously" modifier is added if a bonus for passing the AI's proposals remains, but in the most recent vote the player contributed to the AI's proposal's failure (this doesn't only change the text - if the AI's Boldness is > 5, it also shortens the duration of the modifier). Bonus is increased by 67% for Diplomat AIs or those with a UA that gives bonuses to diplomacy. When a new proposal is passed/defeated, the current value of the modifier is added to the new value.
We helped them become / remain the host of the World Congress / United Nations.|+20 to +105|Successfully Voting For AI As World Congress Host|No|50 Turns (modified by DiploBalance)|Base value is +20, plus a bonus depending on the player's % contribution to the vote total for the AI. For each 1% of the outcome the player is responsible for, they receive +1 to opinion, up to +50. Bonus is increased by 50% for Diplomat AIs or those with a UA that gives bonuses to diplomacy.
Difficulty Level
Opinion Modifier|Value|Reason(s)|Hideable?|Base Duration|Notes
Diplomacy is (much) easier on your difficulty level.|+5 to +15, or user set|Difficulty Level|Yes|Permanent|For humans, this value is the sum of the AttitudeChange value from DifficultyMod.xml and the OPINION_WEIGHT_BASE_HUMAN value from DiploOpinionWeights.sql. For other AI players, it is equal to the OPINION_WEIGHT_BASE_AI value from DiploOpinionWeights.sql. By default this value is +15 on Settler, +10 on Chieftain, +5 on Warlord, and 0 otherwise. If the value is >= +30, "much" is added to the text. This modifier requires the Show Base Human Opinion or Debug Mode settings enabled to be visible.

Bad Opinion Modifiers
These modifiers worsen the AI's Opinion of another player.

Dispute Modifiers
Opinion Modifier|Value|Reason(s)|Hideable?|Base Duration|Notes
Territorial disputes strain your relationship.|-1 to -83|Territorial Disputes|Yes|—|Base value is -15 (Weak dispute level), -25 (Strong dispute level), or -40 (Fierce dispute level). Warmonger AIs apply an additional -10 base penalty. Value is then multiplied by the AI's Boldness flavor, multiplied again by AIDeclareWarProb, and then divided by 1500.
You are competing for World Wonders.|-10 to -66|Built Wonder(s) the AI Was Building|Yes|—|Base value is -10 (Weak dispute level), -20 (Strong dispute level), or -30 (Fierce dispute level). Cultural AIs apply an additional -10 base penalty. Value is then multiplied by the AI's WonderCompetitiveness flavor, multiplied again by AIDeclareWarProb, and then divided by 1500.
You are competing for the favor of the same City-States!|-10 to -66|City-State Influence Competition With AI|Yes|—|Base value is -10 (Weak dispute level), -20 (Strong dispute level), or -30 (Fierce dispute level). Diplomat AIs apply an additional -10 base penalty. Value is then multiplied by the AI's MinorCivCompetitiveness flavor, multiplied again by AIDeclareWarProb, and then divided by 1500.
You are competing for technological advancement. / They are jealous of our superior technology!|-0 to -75|AI Thinks You Have Too Many Techs|Yes|—| Scientist AIs only. Base value is -10 (Weak block level), -20 (Strong block level), or -30 (Fierce block level, also triggers the "jealous" text). Value is then multiplied by the AI's DiploBalance flavor, multiplied again by AIDeclareWarProb, and then divided by 1000 or (2000 - (player or AI's era #, whichever is greater * 250)), whichever is greater. AI will always have the "fierce" block level if you are close to a Science victory. AI is a bit less aggressive if Science Victory is disabled. In addition, making a Research Agreement or Defensive Pact will reduce aggression, as will being friends with embassies if you're able to give them techs. No penalty if AI is not competing for victory with the player.
You are competing for cultural advancement. / They are jealous of our superior culture!|-0 to -75|AI Thinks You Have Too Many Policies|Yes|—| Cultural AIs only. Base value is -10 (Weak block level), -20 (Strong block level), or -30 (Fierce block level, also triggers the "jealous" text). Value is then multiplied by the AI's DiploBalance flavor, multiplied again by AIDeclareWarProb, and then divided by 1000 or (2000 - (player or AI's era #, whichever is greater * 250)), whichever is greater. AI will always have the "fierce" block level if you are close to a Culture victory. AI is a bit less aggressive if Culture Victory is disabled. No penalty if AI is not competing for victory with the player.
They fear you are competing with them. (Weak) / They suspect you are competing with them. (Strong) / They know you are competing with them, and they hate it! (Fierce)|-4 to -340|Competing with AI For Same Victory Condition|Yes|—|Base value is -20 (Weak dispute level), -30 (Strong dispute level), or -40 (Fierce dispute level). An extra penalty of -4 is added each era. Value is then multiplied by the AI's VictoryCompetitiveness flavor, multiplied again by AIDeclareWarProb, and then divided by 500. If Victory Dispute Level >= Victory Block Level, it supersedes it. No penalty if AI is not competing for victory with the player. No penalty until turn 151.
Your behavior worries them. (Weak) / Your behavior angers them. (Strong) / Your behavior infuriates them. (Fierce)|-2 to -170|Competing with AI For Different Victory Condition|Yes|—|Base value is -20 (Weak block level), -30 (Strong block level), or -40 (Fierce block level). An extra penalty of -4 is added each era. Value is then multiplied by the AI's VictoryCompetitiveness flavor, multiplied again by AIDeclareWarProb, and then divided by 1000. If Victory Block Level > Victory Dispute Level, it supersedes it. No penalty if AI is not competing for victory with the player. No penalty until turn 151.
They believe we are expanding our empire too aggressively!|-2 or worse|Too Many Cities/Tiles|Yes|—|The "city difference" is equal to ((Player City Count * 100) - (Median City Count * 200)) / 100 OR (Player City Count - AI City Count), whichever is smaller. The "tile difference" is equal to ((Player Tile Count * 100) - (Median Tile Count * 250)) / 100 OR (Player Tile Count - AI Tile Count), whichever is smaller. 10 * the city difference or 1 * the tile difference, whichever is greater, is added to the base -20. An extra -20 is added for Warmonger AIs or those with a UA that gives war bonuses. The value is then multiplied by the AI's Boldness flavor, multiplied again by AIDeclareWarProb, and then divided by 1000. Penalty requires the following: player must have >2x the median city count and >1.5x the average city count, OR >2.5x the median tile count and >1.5x the average tile count. Penalty does not apply if any of these are true: player is too far away, player has a strong enough military (Average+), the AI has at least as many cities OR at least as many tiles as the player, the player has less than 4 cities. No penalty if AI is not competing for victory with the player.
They believe we are building World Wonders too aggressively!|-1 to -133|Too Many World Wonders|Yes|—|Only Wonders that were constructed, not conquered, count for this. The "wonder difference" is equal to (Player Wonder Count - Median Wonder Count) or (Player Wonder Count - AI Wonder Count), whichever is smaller, but the median only includes civs that have built at least 1 Wonder. The "threshold" is 4 + DifficultyMod (2 below Prince; 1 below Emperor; 0 otherwise). The base penalty is -20 + (-5 * (wonder difference - threshold)), capped at -60. An extra -20 is added for Warmonger AIs or those with a UA that gives war bonuses. The value is then multiplied by the AI's WonderCompetitiveness flavor, multiplied again by AIDeclareWarProb, and then divided by 1000. Penalty requires the following: Player wonder count >= threshold. Penalty does not apply if any of these are true: player is too far away (unless AI has a UA that gives culture bonuses or is going for Culture Victory), AI has built at least as many Wonders as the player. No penalty if AI is not competing for victory with the player.
War Stuff
Opinion Modifier|Value|Reason(s)|Hideable?|Base Duration|Notes
Warmongering Penalties|-1 or worse|Declaring War, Conquering Cities, Using Nukes|Yes|Special (see end of post)|Warmongering penalties are very complicated; see the end of the post for a detailed explanation of this opinion modifier.
You killed or captured their civilians! / You killed or captured civilians during war!|Up to -50|Killing/Capturing Civilian Units, Razing Cities|No (personal penalty), Yes (global penalty)|Special (see end of post)|The penalty is not applied to units that are stationed in cities. See the end of the post for a detailed explanation of this opinion modifier.
You plundered their trade routes!|-5 per trade route|Plundering Trade Routes|No|25 Turns (modified by Forgiveness)|For each plundering while not at war, the penalty is applied once for the destination civ, and (Morocco only) three times for the owning civ. If Morocco plunders the trade route while out of sight of the owning/destination civ, they won't receive this penalty.
You nuked them!|-100|Nuking Them|No|Permanent|Any civ who takes damage from the nuke will apply this penalty. This also counts as a backstabbing penalty with that civ only.
You captured their Holy City!|-20 to -80|Capturing/Owning Holy City|No|Permanent (Capture), Until City Is Given Back (Ownership)|Base penalty is -80. Returning the Holy City (provided it still has Holy City status) halves the capture penalty and eliminates the ownership penalty. If the AI is resurrected or freed from vassalage by the master and the city is returned, the capture penalty is removed. Except with capitulated vassals (or resurrected AIs, for the ownership penalty), this also counts as a backstabbing penalty with that civ only. Capitulated vassals who have a Vassal Treatment Level better than Mistreated halve this penalty.
You captured their original capital.|-40 to -160|Capturing/Owning Original Capital|No|Permanent (Capture), Until City Is Given Back (Ownership)|Base penalty is -160. Returning the capital halves the capture penalty and eliminates the ownership penalty. If the AI is resurrected or freed from vassalage by the master and the city is returned, the capture penalty is removed. Except with capitulated vassals (or resurrected AIs, for the ownership penalty), this also counts as a backstabbing penalty with that civ only. Capitulated vassals who have a Vassal Treatment Level better than Mistreated halve this penalty.
Your military deployment is (extremely) threatening.|-10 to -60|Too Many Units Near AI's Borders|No|—|-10 for Low Aggressive Posture, -20 for Medium, -40 for High, -60 for Incredible. Aggressive Posture is based on total # of non-scout combat units and their combat strength compared to the AI's highest CS unit they can build. If AI has opened their borders, player and AI have a Declaration of Friendship/Defensive Pact, or player liberated AI from vassalage, no penalty is applied. Penalty also doesn't apply while at war or while a peace treaty is in effect.
Player Has Done Mean Stuff
Opinion Modifier|Value|Reason(s)|Hideable?|Base Duration|Notes
Your recent diplomatic actions disappoint them.|Up to -30|Various Causes|No|Special (see end of post)|Value is reduced by diplomatic actions that please this AI. See end of the post for a detailed explanation of this opinion modifier.
You stole their territory while at peace!|-10 or worse (stacks)|Steal Territory Through Citadels/America UA|No|Until Peace Treaty is signed|Penalty does not increase while at war, but penalties for peacetime thefts persist until a Peace Treaty is signed. Depending on if a high value tile was stolen, penalty can be -10 to -30 (for an American tile steal) or -30 to -60 (for a citadel). High value tiles are Strategic/Luxury Resources, Natural Wonders, GPTIs and chokepoints. Stealing a civ's embassy in a City-State will also apply a penalty (-60 for Diplomat AIs or those with a UA that gives diplomacy bonuses, -30 otherwise).
Your spies were caught stealing from them.|-20 per theft|Identified/Killed Result From Spy Action|No|50 Turns (modified by Forgiveness)|
You were caught plotting against them.|-20 for first plot, -10 for subsequent plots|AI Warns Coop War Target, Spies Learn About Bribed War|No|Varies|Duration is between 14 and 40 turns, not scaling with gamespeed, depending on the player's military strength and proximity (closer/stronger lasts longer, farther/weaker lasts shorter). Penalty is also applied to Defensive Pacts/teammates of the target. When a bribed war is agreed to, players who have surveillance established in any of the buyer or the seller's cities will learn about it, and automatically share this information with all of their friends, Defensive Pacts, vassals and masters (no chain sharing occurs, though).
Your spies usurped their City-State Alliance in a coup d'état.|-30 per coup|Successful Coup Against City-State Ally|No|50 Turns (modified by MinorCivCompetitiveness)|
You excavated their cultural artifacts!|-30 per artifact|Extract Artifact|No|50 Turns (modified by Forgiveness)|A permanent penalty is also applied to the AI's cost to allow Open Borders in the future, and they may be unwilling to do so entirely.
Opinion Modifier|Value|Reason(s)|Hideable?|Base Duration|Notes
You demanded they not expand near your lands!|-20|AI Refused To Make Expansion Promise|No|30 Turns|
You asked them not to spy on you.|-10|AI Refused To Make Spy Promise|No|30 Turns|
You made a trade demand of them! / You forced them to pay tribute.|-20 for first demand, -10 for subsequent ones|Trade Demands|No|50 Turns (modified by Forgiveness)|Once the first penalty is acquired, subsequent demands will not increase the penalty unless they are successful (although the attempt will reset the penalty timer). If a vassal gives in to a demand, the penalty text for the demand modifier changes to "You forced them to pay tribute."
Politics & Trade Agreements
Opinion Modifier|Value|Reason(s)|Hideable?|Base Duration|Notes
We have denounced each other!|-50|Mutual Denouncement|No*|Until a Denouncement ends|Penalty does not decay over time.
They have denounced us!|-35|AI Denounced Player|No*|Until Denouncement ends|Penalty does not decay over time.
We have denounced them!|-35|Player Denounced AI|No|Until Denouncement ends|Penalty does not decay over time.
You have denounced a leader they made a Declaration of Friendship with!|-20 or worse (stacks)|Denouncing AI's Friends|No|Until Declaration or Denouncement ends|Base penalty is -20. Subsequent denouncements add -8 each. If you denounced the AI's "most valuable friend", an additional -15 penalty is added. If you denounced the AI's "most valuable ally", an additional -15 penalty is added (if they have a Defensive Pact with each other).
Their friends or allies have denounced you!|-10 or worse (stacks)|Denounced By AI's Friends/Allies|Yes|Until friendship/alliance or Denouncement ends|Base penalty is -10. Subsequent denouncements add -5 each. If the denouncement is by an AI's teammate, most valuable friend, or most valuable ally, an additional -10 penalty is added. This penalty is not applied if: the AI has a Declaration of Friendship or Defensive Pact with the denounced player, the denounced player has liberated one of the AI's cities, the denounced player currently has an equal or greater Opinion Rating than the denouncer, or the denounced player has a greater "DoF Level" than the denouncer.
You have made a Declaration of Friendship with one of their enemies!|-20 or worse (stacks)|Player Befriended A Third Party AI Denounced Or Is At War With|No|Until War/Denouncement or Declaration ends|Base penalty is -20. Subsequent friends add -8 each. Befriending the AI's biggest competitor adds -20. Befriending the AI's biggest World Congress rival adds -20 (stacking with the biggest competitor penalty).
You have made a Defensive Pact with one of their enemies!|-20 or worse (stacks)|Player Made Defensive Pact With Third Party AI Denounced Or Is At War With|No|Until War/Denouncement or Defensive Pact ends|Base penalty is -20. Subsequent Defensive Pacts add -10 each. Making a Defensive Pact with the AI's biggest competitor adds -20. Making a Defensive Pact with the AI's biggest World Congress rival adds -20 (stacking with the biggest competitor penalty).
Note on Promises: If the AI makes a promise not to do something, and then the same type of promise is ignored/broken by the other player towards the AI, the AI then cancels its promise (this does not count as breaking it).
Opinion Modifier|Value|Reason(s)|Hideable?|Base Duration|Notes
You made a promise not to declare war on them, and then broke it!|-80|Broke Military Promise|No|80 Turns ( Backstabbing Penalty! )|
You made a promise not to declare war on another civilization, and then broke it!|-40|Broke Military Promise (Global)|Yes|80 Turns ( Backstabbing Penalty! )|The global penalty is not applied if you have a personal penalty for breaking this promise. AI can choose to ignore your backstabbing if they like you or dislike the player you backstabbed.
You refused to move your troops away from their borders when they asked!|0|Ignore Military Promise|No|40 Turns ( Promise )|Triggered when you declare war when the AI asks you to promise not to; but this penalty has been disabled.
You made a promise to stop expanding near them, and then broke it!|-40|Broke Expansion Promise|No|50 Turns ( Promise )|Both settling AND conquering near them count as a broken promise.
They asked you to stop expanding near them, and you ignored them!|-30|Ignored Expansion Promise|No|30 Turns ( Promise )|
You made a promise to stop buying land near them, and then broke it!|-40|Broke Border Promise|No|50 Turns ( Promise )|
They asked you to stop buying land near them, and you ignored them!|-30|Ignored Border Promise|No|30 Turns ( Promise )|
You made a promise not to conquer a City-State protected by them, and then broke it!|-80|Broke City-State Conquest Promise|No|80 Turns ( Backstabbing Penalty! )|
You made a promise not to conquer another civilization's protected City-State, and then broke it!|-40|Broke City-State Conquest Promise (Global)|Yes|80 Turns ( Backstabbing Penalty! )|The global penalty is not applied if you have a personal penalty for breaking this promise. AI can choose to ignore your backstabbing if they like you or dislike the player you backstabbed.
They asked you to stop attacking a City-State protected by them, and you ignored them!|-30|Ignored City-State Conquest Promise|No|40 Turns ( Promise )|
You made a promise to stop demanding tribute from a City-State protected by them, and then broke it!|-40|Broke City-State Bullying Promise|No|50 Turns ( Promise )|
They asked you to stop demanding tribute from a City-State protected by them, and you ignored them!|-20|Ignored City-State Bullying Promise|No|30 Turns ( Promise )|
You made a promise to stop converting their cities, and then broke it!|-10 to -60|Broke Conversion Promise|No|60 Turns ( Promise )|Value depends on the game (average) era: -10 * the era emphasis for religion (Ancient: 2, Classical: 4, Medieval: 6, Renaissance: 5, Industrial: 4, Modern: 3, Atomic: 2, Information: 1).
They asked you to stop converting their cities, and you ignored them!|-5 to -30|Ignored Conversion Promise|No|40 Turns ( Promise )|Value depends on the game (average) era: -5 * the era emphasis for religion (Ancient: 2, Classical: 4, Medieval: 6, Renaissance: 5, Industrial: 4, Modern: 3, Atomic: 2, Information: 1).
You made a promise to stop excavating their artifacts, and then broke it!|-40|Broke Digging Promise|No|50 Turns ( Promise )|
They asked you to stop excavating their artifacts, and you ignored them!|-30|Ignored Digging Promise|No|30 Turns ( Promise )|
You made a promise to stop spying on them, and then broke it!|-40|Broke Spy Promise|No|50 Turns ( Promise )|
They asked you to stop spying on them, and you ignored them!|-30|Ignored Spy Promise|No|30 Turns ( Promise )|
You made a promise to start a cooperative war against another empire, and then broke it!|-40|Broke Coop War Promise|No|60 Turns ( Promise )|Coop war promises can be broken by: ending your Declaration of Friendship with your ally early through the Discuss menu, denouncing your ally, making a Declaration of Friendship with your target, making a Defensive Pact with your target.
Religion & Ideology
Opinion Modifier|Value|Reason(s)|Hideable?|Base Duration|Notes
We have divergent Social Policies.|-10 to -50|Different Policy Branches|Yes|—|Each policy branch you have both unlocked adds 1 to policy score. Each policy branch only one of you have unlocked subtracts 1 from policy score. Value = (Policy Score * 5) or -10, whichever is greater; -5 if the AI has > 7 Neediness. Ideologies don't count. The AI can choose to ignore policy differences (or pretend to).
Religious differences strain your relationship.|-0 to -60|AI Has State Religion + Player Has Different State Or Majority Religion, OR AI Has No State Religion + Different Majority Religions|Yes|—|Pantheons don't count. Vassal AIs don't apply a penalty for this. Value for different majority religions is -2 * the "individual religion emphasis". Value for different state religions (including state religions founded by the player's teammates) is -5 * the "individual religion emphasis", and then increased by 50% if one of the religions is the World Religion. Base value of this emphasis depends on the average/game Era (Ancient: 2, Classical: 4, Medieval: 6, Renaissance: 5, Industrial: 4, Modern: 3, Atomic: 2, Information: 1); +1 if AI Religion flavor is >= 8, -1 if it's <= 4; +1 if AI has a UA with faith bonuses. In the case of differing majority religions, the AI won't apply a penalty if the religion was founded by one of their teammates, provided that teammate is still alive and has > 0 cities. The AI can choose to ignore religious differences (or pretend to).
They are spreading their own religion, but you converted some of their cities to your religion.|-1 to -6 per conversion point|Converting Cities Of An AI With A State Religion|No|25 Turns (modified by AI's Religion flavor)|Value is equal to the average (game) era's religion emphasis (Ancient: 2, Classical: 4, Medieval: 6, Renaissance: 5, Industrial: 4, Modern: 3, Atomic: 2, Information: 1) multiplied by the number of "conversion points". Each direct conversion via Missionary/Great Prophet adds 1 conversion point if the city was not following the AI's State Religion, 3 if it was following the AI's State Religion, and 25 for the Holy City. Conversion points are set to 4 (if higher) if the player promises to stop converting the AI's cities.
You have chosen to adopt the X Ideology, but they believe in Y. / You have adopted the X Ideology, but they believe in Y.|-30 to -195|Different Ideologies|Yes|—|Value = 10 * the "individual ideology emphasis", increased by 50% if either ideology is the World Ideology. Base value of this emphasis depends on the average/game Era (Pre-Modern: 7, Modern: 9, Atomic: 10, Information: 8); +1 if AI Culture flavor is >= 8, -1 if it's <= 4; +1 if AI is Cultural or has a UA with culture bonuses; +1 if AI is close to winning a Culture victory. Total value is halved if player or AI is a vassal (unless AI is the player's voluntary vassal) , and the message is changed to the second version. The AI can choose to ignore ideological differences (or pretend to).
Protected City-States
Opinion Modifier|Value|Reason(s)|Hideable?|Base Duration|Notes
You have killed City-States under their protection!|-40 to -60|Killing AI's Protected City-States|No|50 Turns (modified by AI's Friendly bias towards City-States)|-40 for killing one City-State; -20 is added if more than one was killed.
You have attacked City-States under their protection!|-20 to -35|Attacking AI's Protected City-States|No|30 Turns (modified by AI's Friendly bias towards City-States)|-20 for attacking one City-State; -15 is added if more than one was attacked. This penalty is not applied if the player has a penalty for killing the AI's protected City-States.
You have demanded tribute from City-States under their protection!|-15 to -25|Bullying AI's Protected City-States|No|30 Turns (modified by AI's Friendly bias towards City-States)|-15 for bullying one City-State; -10 is added if more than one was bullied. This penalty is not applied if the player has a penalty for killing OR attacking the AI's protected City-States.
They mistreated your protected City-States, and you didn''t look the other way!|-10 to -20|AI Attacked/Bullied Player's Protected City-States, Player Sided With City-State|No|10 Turns (modified by Forgiveness)|-10 base penalty; an extra -10 is added if the AI has > 7 Boldness OR > 7 Meanness OR a UA that gives them bonuses for bullying/attacking City-States.
The AI will add the penalty with the HIGHEST value to its Opinion score, NOT all of them. Vassals cannot be untrustworthy, and (except for the last penalty) cannot receive backstabbing penalties either.
If several of these penalties apply, the active modifier with the highest Message Priority is displayed (1 being highest).

Opinion Modifier|Value|Reason(s)|Hideable?|Base Duration|Notes
Your friends found reason to denounce you!|-10 or worse (stacks)|Player Denounced By Others While They Were Friends|No*|75 Turns ( Backstabbing Penalty! )|No penalty is applied if the AI doesn't consider the player untrustworthy. The value of the penalty for each friend who backstabbed depends on what the AI thinks of that friend: if the AI hates them, there is no penalty; if the AI likes the player better than the backstabber (based on last turn's Opinion score), only -10 is added; if the AI likes the backstabber better than the player, -20 is added (-40 if the AI considers the backstabber a friend/ally). Message Priority: 9
You have denounced leaders you've made Declarations of Friendship with!|-40 or worse (stacks)|Player Denounced Others While They Were Friends|No*|75 Turns ( Backstabbing Penalty! )|No penalty is applied if the AI doesn't consider the player untrustworthy. The value of the penalty for each friend who was backstabbed depends on what the AI thinks of that friend: if the AI hates them, there is no penalty; if the AI considers them a friend/ally, -80 is added; otherwise -40 is added. Message Priority: 8
We made a Declaration of Friendship and then denounced them!|-80|Player Denounced AI While They Were Friends|No*|75 Turns ( Backstabbing Penalty! )| Message Priority: 7 (if AI is player's vassal), 6 (otherwise)
You declared war on your own vassal!|-50 or worse (stacks)|Player Declared War On Own Vassal|No*|100 Turns ( Backstabbing Penalty! )| Vassalage from Civilization IV Diplomatic Features (included in Vox Populi) must be enabled. This penalty does not apply for refusing to grant independence when requested. No penalty is applied if the AI doesn't consider the player untrustworthy. The value of the penalty for each former vassal who was backstabbed depends on what the AI thinks of that former vassal: if the AI hates them, there is no penalty; if the AI considers them a friend/ally, -100 is added; otherwise -50 is added. Message Priority: 6 (if AI is player's vassal), 7 (otherwise)
You declared war on them while they were your vassal!|-100|Declared War On AI When They Were Player's Vassal|No*|100 Turns ( Backstabbing Penalty! )| Vassalage from Civilization IV Diplomatic Features (included in Vox Populi) must be enabled. This penalty does not apply for refusing to grant independence when requested. Message Priority: 5
You have declared war on leaders you've made Declarations of Friendship with!|-75 or worse (stacks)|Player Declared War On Others While They Were Friends|No*|100 Turns ( Backstabbing Penalty! )|Only DIRECT war declarations count (attacking the third party's Defensive Pact doesn't count, but attacking the third party's Master does count). No penalty is applied if the AI doesn't consider the player untrustworthy. The value of the penalty for each friend who was backstabbed depends on what the AI thinks of that friend: if the AI hates them, there is no penalty; if the AI considers them a friend/ally, -150 is added; otherwise -75 is added. Message Priority: 4
You have declared war on civilizations that you've resurrected!|-75 or worse (stacks)|Player Declared War On Others After Resurrecting Them|No*|—|No penalty is applied if the AI doesn't consider the player untrustworthy. The value of the penalty for each resurrected civ that was backstabbed depends on what the AI thinks of that player: if the AI hates them, there is no penalty; if the AI considers them a friend/ally, -150 is added; otherwise -75 is added. Message Priority: 3
We made a Declaration of Friendship and then declared war on them!|-150|Player Declared War On AI While They Were Friends|No*|100 Turns ( Backstabbing Penalty! )|Only DIRECT war declarations count (attacking the AI's Defensive Pact doesn't count, but attacking the AI's Master does count). Message Priority: 2
You restored their civilization and then declared war on them!|-200|Declared War On AI After Resurrecting Them|No*|Permanent|This penalty prevents the player from resurrecting the AI in the future. Message Priority: 1
World Congress
Opinion Modifier|Value|Reason(s)|Hideable?|Base Duration|Notes
They consider us a rival in the World Congress / United Nations.|-10 to -40|Unfavorable World Congress "Alignment"|Yes|—|Value depends on "league alignment", which determines how well the AI thinks your World Congress interests align: (Rival: -10, Hatred: -15, Enemy: -20; doubled for Diplomat AIs or those with a UA that gives bonuses to diplomacy).
We are their greatest rival in the World Congress / United Nations.|-25 to -50|Player Is AI's Greatest World Congress Rival|Yes|—|If the AI considers the player to be their greatest World Congress rival, the positive and negative "league alignment" modifiers are ignored, and this -25 penalty is applied instead (-50 for Diplomat AIs or those with a UA that gives bonuses to diplomacy).
They disliked our proposal to the World Congress / United Nations.|-30 to -80|AI Is Negatively Affected By Player's Proposal|No|50 Turns (modified by DiploBalance)|Proposal score -251 to -1000: -30 penalty. -1001 to -2500: -45 penalty. -2501 or worse: -60 penalty. Penalty is increased by 34% for Diplomat AIs or those with a UA that gives bonuses to diplomacy. When a new proposal is submitted, the old bonus/penalty for liking/disliking is immediately replaced by the new one (if any).
We (previously) defeated their proposal in the World Congress / United Nations.|-10 to -100|Defeating AI's Proposals|No|50 Turns (modified by DiploBalance and Forgiveness)|Base value is -10, plus a penalty depending on the player's % contribution to the proposal's defeat. For each 1% of the outcome the player is responsible for, they receive -1 to opinion, up to -50 (bribed votes for the resolution subtract from the player's vote total). The "previously" modifier is added if a penalty for defeating the AI's proposals remains, but in the most recent vote the player contributed to the AI's proposal's success (this doesn't only change the text - if the AI's Forgiveness is > 5, it also shortens the duration of the modifier). Bonus is increased by 67% for Diplomat AIs or those with a UA that gives bonuses to diplomacy. When a new proposal is passed/defeated, the current value of the modifier is added to the new value.
Difficulty Level
Opinion Modifier|Value|Reason(s)|Hideable?|Base Duration|Notes
Diplomacy is (much) more difficult on your difficulty level.|User set|Difficulty Level|Always|Permanent|For humans, this value is the sum of the AttitudeChange value from DifficultyMod.xml and the OPINION_WEIGHT_BASE_HUMAN value from DiploOpinionWeights.sql. For other AI players, it is equal to the OPINION_WEIGHT_BASE_AI value from DiploOpinionWeights.sql. By default this value is always either positive or 0, but it can be set to a negative value by the user. If the value is <= -30, "much" is added to the text. This modifier requires the Show Base Human Opinion or Debug Mode settings enabled to be visible.

Vassalage Opinion Modifiers
These modifiers require Vassalage from Civilization IV Diplomatic Features (included in Vox Populi) to be enabled.
Opinion Modifier|Value|Reason(s)|Hideable?|Base Duration|Notes
We are their vassal state, and they like it!|+40|Master AI|No|—|To affect humans, requires "Allow Human Vassalage" Game Option.
We are vassals of the same master!|+30|Same Master|No|—|To affect humans, requires "Allow Human Vassalage" Game Option. Does not appear for teammates.
They are our voluntary vassal state.|+20|Voluntary Vassal AI|No*|—|Voluntary Vassalage adds an Opinion bonus, but also increases all "mistreatment penalties" by 20%.
They are our vassal state.|0|Capitulated Vassal AI|No*|—|When the AI capitulates, they reset almost all negative modifiers, UNLESS the penalty for betraying them after resurrecting them is present.
You protected their territory as their master!|Up to +50|Killing Enemy Combat Units Near Vassal, Capturing Enemy Settlers Or Cities Near Vassal|No|Special (see end of post)|Affects Opinion twice: once here, and once in Vassal Treatment Score. Failures to protect them count against this bonus. Bonus remains after vassalage ends. Barbarian Settlers don't count. Acquiring a city through trade does not count, but liberating a city you conquered does count.
You failed to protect their territory as their master!|Up to -50 (-60 for Voluntary Vassals)|Vassal's Units Get Killed In Their Team's Lands Or Your Lands, Vassal's Tiles Are Pillaged, Vassal's Cities Are Captured|No|Special (see end of post)|Affects Opinion twice: once here, and once in Vassal Treatment Score. Successes in protecting them count against this penalty. Penalty remains after vassalage ends.
They are content with your treatment of them as their master.|-9 or better|Vassal Treatment Score: Content|No|—|See below for a breakdown of Vassal Treatment Score. The better this modifier, the more likely the vassal AI is to obey you.
They disagree with some of your policies as their master.|-10 to -29|Vassal Treatment Score: Disagree|No|—|See above.
They believe they are being mistreated as your vassal!|-30 to -59|Vassal Treatment Score: Mistreated|No|—|See above.
They are extremely unhappy with your rule over them!|-60 to -99|Vassal Treatment Score: Unhappy|No|—|See above.
They believe they are being enslaved under your rule!|-100 or worse|Vassal Treatment Score: Enslaved|No|—|See above.
You liberated them without being asked to.|+50|Liberated Vassal Voluntarily|No|Permanent|Removed if you directly declare war on them or capture one of their cities.
You granted their nation independence!|+25|Liberated Vassal When Demanded|No|100 Turns (modified by Loyalty)|Removed if you directly declare war on them or capture one of their cities.
You refused to grant them independence when they asked!|-50|Refused To Liberate Vassal|No|100 Turns (modified by Boldness)|
They fear your acquisition of multiple vassals!|-20 per vassal|Owning Multiple Vassals|Yes|—|Each player on a team counts as one vassal. No penalty for having a single vassal. Friends and vassals don't care.
Vassal Treatment Score Breakdown
Vassal Treatment Modifier|Value|Notes
Demands made of them|-20 per demand (-24 for Voluntary Vassals)|Affects Opinion twice: once here, and once directly. After making the first demand, further demand attempts don't increase the penalty until one is accepted (but do reset the penalty timer). Penalty decays at the same rate as demands do. If a vassal gives in to a demand, the penalty text for the demand modifier changes to "You forced them to pay tribute."
Current taxation policies|Up to -43 (-51 for Voluntary Vassals)|Penalty = (((Gold Taxed By Masters Since Vassalage Started * 100 / Gross Gold Collected Since Vassalage Started)^1.5) / 4) + (Current Tax Rate / 2)
Protection of their lands|Between +50 and -50 (-60 for Voluntary Vassals)|Affects Opinion twice: once here, and once directly. Improved by killing units/non-Barbarian Settlers and capturing cities near them, up to +50. Worsened by allowing their units to die in their team's lands (or your lands), their tiles to get pillaged, or their cities to get captured, up to -50. Value of protection is based on the defeated player's war value lost; value of failing to protect them is based on the war value the vassal lost. Decays over time.
Trade Route with them|+15|Multiple trade routes do not increase the bonus.
Shared religion interests|Between +40 and -25 (-30 for Voluntary Vassals)|(If vassal did not found/conquer) Vassal's majority religion is master's religion: +20, Shared majority religions: +10; (If vassal founded/conquered and master didn't) Master's majority religion is vassal's religion: +40; (If both players founded/conquered) Vassal's majority religion is master's religion: -25, any of vassal's cities following master's religion: -10. No bonuses if Holy City was captured by master. No penalties if vassal AI chose to ignore religious differences.

Neutral Indicators
These indicators might have a displayed value with Transparent Diplomacy, but do not actually affect Opinion. They are shown in the table only to inform the player.
We are on the same team.|Teammates|No*|Teammates always consider each other Allies and ignore all negative modifiers.
They desire friendly relations with our empire.|FRIENDLY Surface Approach|Can Pretend|Surface approach is always FRIENDLY if AI has a Declaration of Friendship with you.
There haven't been any major incidents which have shaped our relationship.|NEUTRAL Approach + Just Met|No|Some opinion modifiers require one turn to pass since meeting the AI before they will be displayed.
They have no strong feelings about us one way or the other.|NEUTRAL Surface Approach|Can Pretend|AI can pretend to have a non-hostile attitude even if Transparent Diplomacy or Show Hidden Opinion Modifiers are enabled.
They don't consider us relevant to their interests.|NEUTRAL Surface Approach (Hostile AI)|Can Pretend|
They fear our great might!|AFRAID Approach|Only hidden by a Declaration of Friendship|AI cannot pretend to be AFRAID; they are always being sincere.
They suspect we might be a threat to them.|GUARDED Surface Approach|Can Pretend|
They don't want anything to do with us.|HOSTILE Surface Approach|Can Pretend*|
This leader has been eliminated from the game.|Defeated AI|No|Replaces all other modifiers, since they are no longer relevant.
We have divergent Social Policies.|Different Policy Branches|Can Pretend|If the modifier appears as neutral, the AI has chosen to ignore your Policy differences (or is pretending to).
We have different religious beliefs.|Different Religions|Can Pretend|If the modifier appears as neutral, the AI has chosen to ignore your Religion differences (or is pretending to).
You have chosen to adopt the X Ideology, but they believe in Y. / You have adopted the X Ideology, but they believe in Y. |Different Ideologies|Can Pretend|If the modifier appears as neutral, the AI has chosen to ignore your Ideology differences (or is pretending to). The second message appears if the human player is a vassal.
You promised not to declare war on them for n more turn(s).|Military Promise Made (Human)|No|Agree not to attack an AI when they confront you about your military deployment. Breaking this promise results in a backstabbing penalty!
You promised not to settle near them for n more turn(s).|Expansion Promise Made (Human)|No|Agree to stop expanding near an AI when they confront you about it. Breaking this promise results in a penalty with this AI.
You promised not to buy land near them for n more turn(s).|Border Promise Made|No|Agree to stop buying land near an AI when they confront you about it. Breaking this promise results in a penalty with this AI.
They promised not to declare war on you for n more turn(s).|Military Promise Made (AI)|No|AI agreed not to attack you when you asked them to move their troops (Discuss menu). If AI breaks this promise, they receive a backstabbing penalty!
They promised not to settle near you for n more turn(s).|Expansion Promise Made (AI)|No|AI agreed not to settle near you when you asked them (Discuss menu).
If you denounce them or declare war on them within the next n turn(s), other civilizations might view you as a backstabber.|Ending a Declaration of Friendship early|No|Informs the player of how many turns are left before they can denounce/declare war without a backstabbing penalty. Text changes to only include "declare war" if you backstabbed the AI via denouncement.
We are completely untrustworthy to them.|Backstabbing Penalties, Capturing Capital, Capturing Holy City, Nuking Them|No*|If AI considers you a backstabber, diplomacy is extremely difficult. The penalty for using nukes is permanent unless they capitulate to you or you capitulate to any player.
We have gone to war in the past.|Previous War (Hostile AI/Debug Mode)|Yes|Shown if AI is currently acting hostile or Debug Mode is enabled, otherwise see below.
We have gone to war in the past, but they do not seem to hold a grudge.|Previous War|Can Pretend|AI can pretend to have a non-hostile attitude even if Transparent Diplomacy or Show Hidden Opinion Modifiers are enabled.
Gandhi's words are backed with NUCLEAR WEAPONS!|At War + Nuclear Gandhi Option Enabled + He has nukes now or has nuked you before|No|:)
You are at war!|At War|No* (see note)|*If AI declares war on you themselves (including being bribed, but not via a Defensive Pact/vassalage), or if they wanted to declare war on you when you declared war on them - they will reveal almost all hidden modifiers.
Debug Mode Key Player Indicators
Top Friend: Civ Name, Top DP: Civ Name|Player is AI's most valued friend/ally|Always
Top Competitor: Civ Name, Top WC Rival: Civ Name|Player is AI's biggest competitor/biggest World Congress rival|Always
Debug Mode Approach Indicators
When Debug Mode is enabled, these indicators replace the Surface Approach indicators above.
Real Approach is Friendly.|FRIENDLY Approach|Always
Real Approach is Neutral.|NEUTRAL Approach|Always
Real Approach is Afraid.|AFRAID Approach|Always
Real Approach is Guarded.|GUARDED Approach|Always
Real Approach is Hostile.|HOSTILE Approach|Always*
Real Approach is Planning War.|WAR Approach, not at war|Always
Real Approach is War.|WAR Approach, at war|Always

Special Modifiers
Modifiers which are complicated enough to deserve their own explanation section.
Gamespeed Scaler is:
67 on Quick
100 on Standard
150 on Epic
300 on Marathon​

We are trade partners.
Recent Trade Value is increased by two things: trade routes being sent between the player's cities and the AI's cities, and trade deals being made in the AI's favor (demands and help requests DO NOT count for this).

The maximum Recent Trade Value depends on game speed: 200 on Standard, 134 on Quick, 300 on Epic, and 600 on Marathon.

Recent Trade Value decays by 2 on each of the AI's turns. It is set to 0 for both players if war is declared by either of them.

For each 5 Recent Trade Value (scaling with gamespeed), +1 is added to Opinion, for a maximum bonus of +40.

If the AI considers the player a "strategic trade partner", the recent trade bonus is increased by 50% (raising the maximum to +60).

Trade Routes
(in either direction)
Flavor Bonus: AI's Gold flavor + AI's Science flavor + AI's Culture flavor + AI's Diplomacy flavor (all of which are capped between 1 and 10)
Yield Bonus: (10 * amount of Gold for AI) + (10 * amount of Science for AI) + (10 * amount of Culture for AI)

Recent Trade Value Added = ((Flavor Bonus + Yield Bonus) / 4) * Gamespeed Scaler / 100

Trade Deals
Generous Trade Deals (trade deal has deal value >= 100, or AI receives > 5x what they give up):​
Recent Trade Value Added = (Deal Value To AI / 5) * Gamespeed Scaler / 100
Normal Trade Deals with a positive value:
Recent Trade Value Added = (Deal Value To AI / 10) * Gamespeed Scaler / 100

We fought together against a common foe.
Common Foe Value is increased by inflicting damage to a third party that both the player and the AI are currently at war with.

NO bonus is given if the player and the AI are at war.
NO bonus is given if the AI is the player's capitulated vassal.

The maximum Common Foe Value depends on game speed: 5000 on Standard, 3350 on Quick, 7500 on Epic, and 15000 on Marathon.

Common Foe Value decays by 25 on each of the AI's turns. Capitulation resets Common Foe Value to 0. If the player directly declares war on the AI or captures one of their cities, Common Foe Value is also reset to 0.

For each 50 Common Foe Value (scaling with gamespeed), +1 is added to Opinion, for a maximum bonus of +100.

The amount of Common Foe Value added depends on how militarily strong the AI perceives the third party to be compared to them:
Immense: 300% of normal bonus
Powerful: 200% of normal bonus
Strong: 150% of normal bonus
Average: 100% of normal bonus
Poor: 75% of normal bonus
Weak: 50% of normal bonus
Pathetic: 25% of normal bonus

If the attacker has a bonus to warscore accumulation, this also affects the amount of Common Foe Value they receive.

In addition, the final bonus is multiplied by gamespeed scaler and then divided by 100.

The base value of each common foe value increase is listed below:

Killing Units

Air Units:
- Get the power of the highest power air unit the owner can currently build.
- Value = (This unit's power * 100) / Highest Power (or 100, if none can be built)

Naval Units:
- Get the power of the highest power naval unit the owner can currently build.
- Value = (This unit's power * 100) / Highest Power (or 100, if none can be built)

Other Units:
- Get the power of the highest power land unit the owner can currently build.
- Value = (This unit's power * 100) / Highest Power (or 100, if none can be built)

Plundering Trade Routes
Value = 100, scaling with era (no era scaling in Community Patch only)

Pillaging Tiles
Base value is 40.
Value multiplier starts at 0.

Add 100 to value multiplier if there's a Strategic Resource on the tile.
Add 50 to value multiplier if there's a Luxury Resource on the tile.
Add 20 to value multiplier if there's a Bonus Resource on the tile.
(only if the owner has revealed the resource)

If a Citadel was pillaged, add 100 to value multiplier.
If a Fort was pillaged, add 50 to value multiplier.

If the tile improvement was created by a Great Person, add 100 to value multiplier.

Value = Base value * (100 + Value Multiplier) / 100

Stealing Tiles
Base value is 80.
Value multiplier starts at 0.

Add 200 to value multiplier if there's a Natural Wonder on the tile.

Add 100 to value multiplier if there's a Strategic Resource on the tile.
Add 50 to value multiplier if there's a Luxury Resource on the tile.
Add 20 to value multiplier if there's a Bonus Resource on the tile.
(only if the owner has revealed the resource)

If the plot is a choke point:
- Add 50 to value multiplier.
- If a Citadel was on the tile, add 100 to value multiplier.
- If a Fort was on the tile, add 50 to value multiplier.

If a Great Person Tile Improvement was stolen, add 100 to value multiplier.

Value = Base value * (100 + Value Multiplier) / 100

Conquering Cities
Base value is 175.
Add 150 * the population of the city to the value.
Add 200 * the number of World Wonders in the city to the value.

Increase the value by 100% if this city is the major civ's original capital.
Increase the value by 50% if this city is another major civ's original capital.
Increase the value by 15% if this city is a City-State's original capital.

If the conqueror has owned the city more than once, divide the value by 3 * the number of times they've owned the city (for a drastic reduction in value).

Razing Cities
Base value is 175.
Add 150 * the population of the city to the value.
Add 200 * the number of World Wonders in the city to the value.
Divide the value by 1/2 the number of turns until the city will be destroyed or 1, whichever is greater.

(The war score bonus is applied every razing turn, but only if this is the lowest population the city has been razed to since its most recent conquest.)

You protected their territory as their master!
You failed to protect their territory as their master!

These two modifiers are important for vassals; they are applied twice to Opinion, once directly and a second time via the Vassal Treatment modifier. The point of vassalage is protection, after all!

The scores are added to each other, and the sum is the final modifier.

The maximum Vassal Protection Value depends on game speed: 2500 on Standard, 1675 on Quick, 3750 on Epic, and 7500 on Marathon.

Each AI also has a separate "Vassal Failed Protection Value", with the same maximum. Both values decay by 25 on each of the AI's turns. This decay continues to happen at the same rate even if the AI ceases to be the player's vassal.

For each 50 Vassal Protection Value (scaling with gamespeed), +1 is added to Opinion, for a maximum bonus of +50.
For each 50 Vassal Failed Protection Value (scaling with gamespeed), -1 is added to Opinion, for a maximum penalty of -50.

If the AI is a voluntary vassal, the failed protection penalty is increased by 20% (raising the maximum to -60).

Vassal Protection Value
Vassal Protection Value is increased in three ways: killing combat units near your vassal's borders, killing non-Barbarian Settlers near your vassal's borders, and capturing cities near your vassal.

The mechanics of each increase are described below. All of these values, before being applied, are multiplied by gamespeed scaler and then divided by 100.

Killing Nearby Combat Units
The killed enemy unit must be:
- Within the vassal's territory, OR
- Adjacent to the vassal's territory, OR
- Within 6 tiles of one of the vassal's cities, OR
- Visible to the vassal and in neutral territory, the master's team's territory, or the vassal's team's territory.

Air Units:
- Get the power of the highest power air unit the owner can currently build.
- Value = (This unit's power * 100) / Highest Power (or 100, if none can be built)

Naval Units:
- Get the power of the highest power naval unit the owner can currently build.
- Value = (This unit's power * 100) / Highest Power (or 100, if none can be built)

Other Units:
- Get the power of the highest power land unit the owner can currently build.
- Value = (This unit's power * 100) / Highest Power (or 100, if none can be built)

Note: For Barbarians, the vassal's highest power units are used (which tends to produce values over 100 as vassals are behind in tech, resulting in a higher bonus).

Killing Non-Barbarian Settlers
Value = 300 * (8 - owner's Era)

Value is doubled if the current Game Turn (not Turns Elapsed!) is <= 100.

Value is then multiplied by gamespeed scaler, divided by 100, and then divided by 5.

Capturing Cities
Only conquering the cities of other major civs counts for this.

The captured city must be at least CLOSE to one of the vassal's cities, which means it is:
- Less than 12 tiles away, and;
- The city owner must be able to embark OR the city must be on the same landmass as the closest vassal city, and;
- If the captured city and the closest vassal city are not on the same landmass: if the city owner cannot cross the ocean, the cities must be less than 6 tiles away (rather than 12).

Base value is 175.
Add 150 * the population of the city to the value.
Add 200 * the number of World Wonders in the city to the value.

Increase the value by 100% if this city is the civ's original capital.
Increase the value by 50% if this city is another major civ's original capital.
Increase the value by 15% if this city is another City-State's original capital.

If the conqueror has owned the city more than once, divide the value by 3 * the number of times they've owned the city (for a drastic reduction in value).

Vassal Failed Protection Value
Vassal Failed Protection Value is increased in four ways: the vassal's combat units being killed, the vassal's civilian units being killed or captured, the vassal's tiles being pillaged, and the vassal's cities being captured.

The mechanics of each increase are described below. All of these values, before being applied, are multiplied by gamespeed scaler and then divided by 100.

Vassal's Combat Units Are Killed
To qualify for this penalty, the vassal's unit must be within their own team's territory OR within the player's territory. If the unit is somewhere else, the master won't receive a penalty.

Air Units:
- Get the power of the highest power air unit the vassal can currently build.
- Value = (This unit's power * 100) / Highest Power (or 100, if none can be built)

Naval Units:
- Get the power of the highest power naval unit the vassal can currently build.
- Value = (This unit's power * 100) / Highest Power (or 100, if none can be built)

Other Units:
- Get the power of the highest power land unit the vassal can currently build.
- Value = (This unit's power * 100) / Highest Power (or 100, if none can be built)

Vassal's Civilian Units Are Killed Or Captured
Great Generals, Great Admirals, and any kind of civilian "city attack support" unit don't count.

Base value is 500 for Great People, 300 for Settlers, and 100 for other units, multiplied by (8 - the vassal's Era).

Value is doubled if the current Game Turn (not Turns Elapsed!) is <= 100.

Value is then multiplied by gamespeed scaler, divided by 100, and then divided by 5.

Vassal's Tiles Are Pillaged
Base value is 40.
Value multiplier starts at 0.

Add 100 to value multiplier if there's a Strategic Resource on the tile.
Add 50 to value multiplier if there's a Luxury Resource on the tile.
Add 20 to value multiplier if there's a Bonus Resource on the tile.
(only if the owner has revealed the resource)

If a Citadel was pillaged, add 100 to value multiplier.
If a Fort was pillaged, add 50 to value multiplier.

If the tile improvement was created by a Great Person, add 100 to value multiplier.

Value = Base value * (100 + Value Multiplier) / 100

Vassal's Cities Are Captured
Base value is 175.
Add 150 * the population of the city to the value.
Add 200 * the number of World Wonders in the city to the value.

Increase the value by 100% if this city is the civ's original capital.
Increase the value by 50% if this city is another major civ's original capital.
Increase the value by 15% if this city is another City-State's original capital.

If the conqueror has owned the city more than once, divide the value by 3 * the number of times they've owned the city (for a drastic reduction in value).

You killed or captured their civilians!
You killed or captured civilians during war!

The highest of the personal (first) and global (second) penalties are applied to the AI's Opinion of the player. Note that if the AI is hiding negative modifiers, they will show the first penalty but not the second in the display; the value will be modified as if there was no global penalty.

Personal Penalty
The maximum Civilian Killer Value depends on game speed: 5000 on Standard, 3350 on Quick, 7500 on Epic, and 15000 on Marathon.

Civilian Killer Value decays by 100 on each of the AI's turns.

For each 100 Civilian Killer Value (scaling with gamespeed), -1 is added to Opinion, for a maximum penalty of -50.

Civilian Killer Value is increased in two ways: killing or capturing the AI's civilian units and razing their cities. The value of these increases is explained below.

Killing or Capturing Civilian Units
Great Generals, Great Admirals, and any kind of civilian "city attack support" unit don't count.
Civilian units that are stationed in a city don't count towards the penalty either.

Base value is 500 for Great People, 300 for Settlers, and 100 for other units, multiplied by (8 - the AI's Era).

Value is doubled if the current Game Turn (not Turns Elapsed!) is <= 100.

Value is then multiplied by gamespeed scaler, divided by 100, and then divided by 5.

Razing Cities
For each turn of razing:

Value = 500 * (AI Era or 1, whichever is greater)

(The opinion penalty is applied every razing turn, but only if this is the lowest population the city has been razed to since its most recent conquest.)

Global Penalty
If the civilian killing player has an opinion penalty of -25 or worse with any other major civ meeting the following conditions:
- The AI has met them;
- The AI actually cares that their civilians are killed;
- The AI's current Opinion Rating of the killing player is Neutral or worse;
- The AI doesn't have a Declaration of Friendship or Defensive Pact with the killing player;

Then the global penalty is -20.

Your recent diplomatic actions please them.
Your recent diplomatic actions disappoint them.
These two modifiers are based on the player's Recent Assist Value. Unlike Vassal Protection, however, only a single value is used for Recent Assist. Diplomatic actions that please the AI add Recent Assist Value, and diplomatic actions that disappoint the AI subtract Recent Assist Value.

Recent Assist Value ranges between +/- 150 on Standard, +/- 100 on Quick, +/- 225 on Epic, and +/- 450 on Marathon.

Recent Assist Value decays by 3 on each of the AI's turns. If below 0, it will increase by 3 until it reaches 0. If above 0, it will decrease by 3 until it reaches 0, unless the player and the AI have agreed to start a coop war soon (within 10 turns) and the promise has not been broken.

For each +/- 5 Recent Assist Value (scaling with gamespeed), +/- 1 is added to Opinion.

Diplomatic Actions which please the AI:
Note: No positive bonuses are gained for this if the player and the AI are currently at war. Additionally, directly declaring war on the AI or conquering one of their cities will set this bonus to 0.

All bonuses are multiplied by gamespeed scaler and then divided by 100.

Agreeing to a Coop War
+300 Recent Assist Value (maxed out positive)

*Note: Either agreeing immediately or waiting 10 turns will apply this bonus. During the 10-turn waiting period, the bonus will not decay.
Agreeing to Requests for Help
+(Deal Value to the AI / 2) Recent Assist Value
Accepting Less Than The Maximum Peace Deal Value When AI Loses A War
Recent Assist Value = (((Maximum Peace Deal Value - Actual Peace Deal Value) / Maximum Peace Deal Value) * 300) / 100
Brokering Peace
If losing player is a major civ:
+300 Recent Assist Value with players on the losing AI's team (maxed out positive)
+300 Recent Assist Value with players who have a DoF or DP with the losing AI's team members (maxed out positive)
+300 Recent Assist Value with vassals of the losing AI (maxed out positive)

If losing player is a City-State:
(The automatic inclusion of City-State allies in a Peace Treaty does not apply a bonus.)
+300 Recent Assist Value with the ally of the City-State (maxed out positive)

For players who have pledged to protect the CS or are friends with it:
- If they're a Diplomat AI or have a UA with diplomacy bonuses or are going for diplo victory or are close to diplo victory: +300 Recent Assist Value (maxed out positive)
- Otherwise: +150 Recent Assist Value
Brokering War
If target player is a major civ AND the AI finds out about your brokered war*:
+300 Recent Assist Value with AIs at war with the target player (maxed out positive)

*When a bribed war is agreed to, players who have surveillance established in any of the buyer or the seller's cities will learn about it.
They will automatically share this information with all of their friends, Defensive Pacts, vassals and masters (no chain sharing occurs, though).
Prematurely Ending Declaration of Friendship
AI might apply a bonus for this if they like the player *and* dislike the third party.

The magnitude of the bonus depends on the circumstances:
- If AI considers the third party a backstabber: +75
- Otherwise, if AI is at war with them: +50, plus an additional +25 if their war state is Defensive or Nearly Defeated
- Otherwise, if AI was denounced by the third party: +50
Denouncing A Player
AI might apply a bonus for this if they like the player *and* dislike the third party.

The magnitude of the bonus depends on the circumstances:
- If AI considers the third party a backstabber: +150
- Otherwise, if AI is at war with them: +75, plus a bonus if their war state is bad (Defensive: +35, Nearly Defeated: +75)
- Otherwise, if AI was denounced by the third party: +75
Declaring War on Other Major Civilizations
If AI views the third party as untrustworthy: +300 (maxed out positive).

If AI is also at war with the third party and the AI's war state with them is:
- Offensive or Nearly Won: No bonus.
- Calm: +50
- Stalemate: +100
- Defensive: +200
- Nearly Defeated: +300 (maxed out)
Giving Own Vassal Independence
+300 bonus for the vassal(s) and anyone who has a Declaration of Friendship with them (maxed out)

Note: This bonus applies whether the master liberated the vassal themselves or agreed to their request for independence.

Diplomatic Actions which disappoint the AI:
All penalties are multiplied by gamespeed scaler and then divided by 100.

Brokering Peace With A Major Civ
Players at war with them: -300 Recent Assist Value (maxed out negative)
Brokering War
If target player is a major civ AND the AI finds out about your brokered war*:
-300 Recent Assist Value for the AI and their teammates, Defensive Pacts, masters and vassals (maxed out negative)
-300 Recent Assist Value for any AI that has a DoF with any member of the target team (maxed out negative)

If target player is a City-State AND the AI finds out about your brokered war*:
-300 Recent Assist Value with the City-State's ally (maxed out negative)
For players who have pledged to protect the CS or are friends with it:
- If they're a Diplomat AI or have a UA with diplomacy bonuses or are going for diplo victory or are close to diplo victory: -300 Recent Assist Value (maxed out negative)
- Otherwise: -150 Recent Assist Value

*When a bribed war is agreed to, players who have surveillance established in any of the buyer or the seller's cities will learn about it.
They will automatically share this information with all of their friends, Defensive Pacts, vassals and masters (no chain sharing occurs, though).
Breaking A Coop War Promise
-300 Recent Assist Value with the AI you broke the promise with (maxed out negative)

Coop war promises can be broken by: ending your Declaration of Friendship with your ally early through the Discuss menu, denouncing your ally, making a Declaration of Friendship with your target, making a Defensive Pact with your target.
Backstabbing (Denounce a Friend / Declare War On A Friend / Vassal / Resurrected Civ)
-300 Recent Assist Value with the target (maxed out negative)

For declaring war on your vassal outside of a request for independence:
-300 Recent Assist Value with all of the vassal's friends (maxed out negative)
Refuse To Give A Vassal Independence
-300 Recent Assist Value with the vassal's team (maxed out negative)

Friends of the vassal who aren't also better friends of the master (based on last turn's opinion scores):
- 300 Recent Assist Value (maxed out negative)
Prematurely Ending Declaration of Friendship Or Denouncing
-300 Recent Assist Value with the affected AI and their teammates (maxed out negative)
-150 Recent Assist Value with any AI who has a DoF, DP, or Opinion Rating of Ally for the affected AI (if they hate you)

(Denouncing only)
-75 Recent Assist Value with any AI who has a DoF, DP, or Opinion Rating of Ally for the affected AI (if they don't hate you)
Refusing Coop War Request (Target Not Warned)
Recent Assist Value = -1 * (100 - (AI's Neediness flavor - 5))
Warned Target Of Coop War Request
Warned Target And Their Teammates & Defensive Pacts: -300 Recent Assist Value with the asker (maxed out negative)
Warned Target's Friends (who want to stay friends): -150 Recent Assist Value with the asker

Asker and their Teammates: -300 Recent Assist Value with the player who warned the target (maxed out negative)
Asker's Friends who don't have a DoF or DP with the player who warned the target:
-1 * (100 - (AI's Neediness flavor - 5)) Recent Assist Value with the player who warned the target
Refusing Requests For Help
If AI Neediness > 7, -150 Recent Assist Value; otherwise -75.

Warmongering Penalties

The penalty for warmongering is by far the most complicated opinion modifier, so I have split its explanation into subsections.

A few important notes:
Vassals receive NO warmongering penalties with their masters. When a vassal capitulates, their warmongering penalty with all players is reset to 0.
Masters receive NO warmongering penalties with their vassals. When vassalage begins, both players reset their warmongering penalty with each other to 0.
When a player dies, their warmongering penalty is reset to 0.
When a player is resurrected, the resurrector's warmongering penalty is reset to 0 with the resurrected player.

The number penalty added to the AI's Opinion score is:
(Warmonger Amount * AI's WarmongerHate flavor) / 20, rounded down.

The WarmongerHate flavor ranges between 1 and 10.

The translation into Opinion is simple, so the rest of this explanation will deal with the Warmonger Amount, which is far more complicated.

Caps & Decay Rate
Warmonger amount is capped between 0 and 21,474,836 (it is stored in 100s, so 1 warmonger amount = 100). It decays once per AI turn; the decay rate varies based on a few factors.

Base decay is 200, or 2 warmonger amount. The base decay is multiplied by a value based on relative military strength (if the AI considers you stronger than them, lower decay rate; weaker than them, higher decay rate).

Immense: 50
Powerful: 75
Strong: 100
Average: 150
Poor: 200
Weak: 250
Pathetic: 300

...and then divided by 100.

Decay rate is then multiplied by 3 if the player is an AI's most valuable friend (and they have a DoF) or most valuable ally (and they have a DP); otherwise, if the two players have a DoF, it is multiplied by 2.

It's then doubled if Casus Belli is active, and halved if Global Peace Accords is active.

The decay rate or 100, whichever is greater, is subtracted from the x100 warmonger amount.

Declaring War On A City-State
NO penalty is applied if the player is also at war with the defending City-State.
NO penalty is applied if the player hasn't met the warmonger.
NO penalty is applied for vassals, since they can't declare war themselves.

If a penalty is applied, before doing anything else, 1 is added to the number of City-States the observer has "seen" this player attack (this is applied as long as the observer has met the warmonger, not necessarily the defender).

The base penalty is 5 + ((5 * # of City-States we've seen them attack) / 2).

A value is added to "warmonger strength modifier" based on the warmonger's perceived military strength compared to the observing major:
Immense: +100
Powerful: +75
Strong: +50
Average: +33
Poor: +0
Weak: -25
Pathetic: -50

The base penalty is multiplied by (100 + Warmonger Strength Modifier) and then divided by 100.

World Congress resolutions are then factored in:
- If City-State Sanctions is in effect, the penalty is halved.
- If Casus Belli is in effect, the penalty is halved.
- If Global Peace Accords is in effect, the penalty is doubled.

Finally, the penalty is modified by the current game (average) era:
Ancient Era: 50% of normal
Classical Era: 60% of normal
Medieval Era: 70% of normal
Renaissance Era: 80% of normal
Industrial Era: 90% of normal
Modern Era: 100% of normal
Atomic Era: 110% of normal
Information Era: 120% of normal

Declaring War On A Major Civ
NO penalty is applied if the player is also at war with the defending major civ.
NO penalty is applied if the player hasn't met the warmonger.
NO penalty is applied for players declaring war as part of a Defensive Pact or vassalage.
NO penalty is applied if a human declares war on a human, except for the attacked team and their Defensive Pacts/vassals.
NO penalty is applied for AI players that have the WAR approach, are planning to attack the defender, or consider the defender a backstabber.
NO penalty is applied for players who are planning a coop war against the defender.

If a penalty is applied, before doing anything else, 1 is added to the number of major civs the observer has "seen" this player attack (this is applied as long as the observer has met the warmonger, not necessarily the defender).

The base penalty is 10 + ((10 * # of Major Civs we've seen them attack) / 2).

A value is added to "warmonger strength modifier" based on the warmonger's perceived military strength compared to the observing major:
Immense: +100
Powerful: +75
Strong: +50
Average: +33
Poor: +0
Weak: -25
Pathetic: -50

If the observer is NOT on the defending team and does NOT have a Defensive Pact / vassalage with the defending team, then a value might be subtracted from "warmonger strength modifier" based on the defender's perceived military strength compared to the observing major (the highest strength among the defender's team members is used):
Immense: -75
Powerful: -50
Strong: -25
Average or weaker: -0

The base penalty is multiplied by (100 + Warmonger Strength Modifier) and then divided by 100.

World Congress resolutions are then factored in:
- If the defending player is sanctioned and the observer is NOT on the defending team and does NOT have a Defensive Pact / vassalage with the defending team, the penalty is halved.
- If Casus Belli is in effect, the penalty is halved.
- If Global Peace Accords is in effect, the penalty is doubled.

Finally, the penalty is modified by the current game (average) era:
Ancient Era: 50% of normal
Classical Era: 60% of normal
Medieval Era: 70% of normal
Renaissance Era: 80% of normal
Industrial Era: 90% of normal
Modern Era: 100% of normal
Atomic Era: 110% of normal
Information Era: 120% of normal

Nuking A Major Civ
NO penalty is applied if the player hasn't met the warmonger.
NO penalty is applied if the player hasn't met the defender.

If a penalty is applied, before doing anything else, 1 is added to the "number of times nuked" for the DEFENDER.

The base penalty is 20 + (20 * # of times the OBSERVER has been nuked by them).

A value is added to "warmonger strength modifier" based on the warmonger's perceived military strength compared to the observing major:
Immense: +100
Powerful: +75
Strong: +50
Average: +33
Poor: +0
Weak: -25
Pathetic: -50

If the observer is NOT on the defending team and does NOT have a Defensive Pact / vassalage with the defending team, then a value might be subtracted from "warmonger strength modifier" based on the defender's perceived military strength compared to the observing major (the highest strength among the defender's team members is used):
Immense: -75
Powerful: -50
Strong: -25
Average or weaker: -0

The base penalty is multiplied by (100 + Warmonger Strength Modifier) and then divided by 100.

World Congress resolutions are then factored in:
- If the player is sanctioned and the observer is NOT on the defending team and does NOT have a Defensive Pact / vassalage with the defending team, the penalty is halved.
- If Casus Belli is in effect, the penalty is halved.
- If Global Peace Accords is in effect, the penalty is doubled.

Finally, the penalty is modified by the current game (average) era:
Ancient Era: 50% of normal
Classical Era: 60% of normal
Medieval Era: 70% of normal
Renaissance Era: 80% of normal
Industrial Era: 90% of normal
Modern Era: 100% of normal
Atomic Era: 110% of normal
Information Era: 120% of normal

Conquering Cities
Important Note: This same calculation is used for the warmonger "care" display when mousing over the banner of a city you're at war with.

penalty is applied if the observer hasn't met the conqueror.
NO penalty is applied for capturing a city from Barbarians.
NO penalty is applied for reconquering your own city.
NO penalty is applied for reconquering a city you were the previous owner of (before the conquered player).
NO penalty is applied if the observer is at war with the conquered player and anyone on their team has a war score of less than 0.

Base value depends on the city's economic value (for the conquered player) compared to the economic value of the most valuable city in the world. Economic value is increased by yields, World Wonders, and resources (including monopolies).

Base value = (Economic Value * 100) / (Highest Economic Value Of Any City or 1, whichever is greater). Base value is increased by 50% if the conquered player's original capital was conquered. The minimum base value is 1.

If the conqueror has owned the city before this most recent conquest, but warmongering penalties still apply, divide the base value by (# of times city owned + 2).

There are three main modifiers to the base value: status modifier, which mainly deals with Defensive Pacts and vassalage; strength modifier, which mainly deals with relative military power; and political modifier, which factors in geopolitics. There is also the resurrection modifier, World Congress modifiers, and the era modifier. These will all be covered in subsections below.

Status Modifier
Status modifier starts at 100.

The conquered city's owner as well as their teammates, vassals, masters, Defensive Pacts, and anyone currently in a coop war with the owner against the conqueror, has a status modifier of 200.

For anyone else:
- If the observer has not met the defender, status modifier is 50.
- If the observer is in a coop war with the conqueror against the city owner, status modifier is 10.
- Otherwise, if the observer is also at war with the city owner, status modifier is 75.

The base penalty is multiplied by the status modifier and then divided by 100. If it is now 0, the calculation ends here.

Strength Modifier
Strength modifier starts at 0.

A value is added to the strength modifier based on the warmonger's perceived military strength compared to the observing major:
Immense: +100
Powerful: +75
Strong: +50
Average: +33
Poor: +0
Weak: -25
Pathetic: -50

If the observer is NOT on the defending team and does NOT have a Defensive Pact / vassalage with the defending team, then a value might be subtracted from the strength modifier based on the defender's perceived military strength compared to the observing major:
Immense: -75
Powerful: -50
Strong: -25
Average or weaker: -0

If strength modifier is lower than -75, it is increased to -75.

The current penalty is multiplied by (100 + the strength modifier) and then divided by 100. If it is now 0, the calculation ends here.

Political Modifier
Political modifier starts at 0.

ALL political checks are skipped for the conquered city's owner and their teammates, Defensive Pacts, vassals, masters, and anyone currently in a coop war with the owner against the conqueror.

For a City-State defender:
- If observer is allied with the City-State, +75 to political modifier.
- If observer is friends with the City-State, +50 to political modifier.
- Otherwise, -25 to political modifier.

- If observer has Pledged to Protect the City-State, +50 to political modifier.
- Otherwise, -25 to political modifier.

For a major civ defender:
- If observer has a Declaration of Friendship or Defensive Pact with the conquered player, their "DoF Level" is checked (the number of DoFs made without a premature end, denouncement or declaration of war by either party).
1 DoF: +25 to political modifier.
2 DoFs: +50 to political modifier.
3+ DoFs: +75 to political modifier.

- If no Declaration of Friendship or Defensive Pact with the conquered player:
If the observer has denounced the city owner, -25 to political modifier.
If the observer has BEEN denounced BY the city owner, -25 to political modifier.
If the observer considers the city owner a backstabber, -50 to political modifier.

- If observer has a Declaration of Friendship or Defensive Pact with the conqueror, their "DoF Level" is checked (the number of DoFs made without a premature end, denouncement or declaration of war by either party).
1 DoF: -25 to political modifier.
2+ DoFs: -50 to political modifier.

- If no Declaration of Friendship or Defensive Pact with the conqueror:
If the observer has denounced the conqueror, +25 to political modifier.
If the observer has BEEN denounced BY the conqueror +25 to political modifier.
If the observer considers the conqueror a backstabber, +75 to political modifier.

- If the observer and the conqueror have the same religion bonus: -25 to political modifier.
If the conquered player also has a penalty for religious differences: -25 to political modifier.

- If the conqueror has a penalty for religious differences with the observer: +25 to political modifier.
If the conquered player also has the same religion bonus with the observer: +25 to political modifier.

- If the observer and the conqueror have the same ideology bonus: -50 to political modifier.
If the conquered player also has a penalty for ideological differences: -50 to political modifier.

- If the conqueror has a penalty for ideological differences with the observer: +50 to political modifier.
If the conquered player also has the same ideology bonus with the observer: +50 to political modifier.

Conqueror's Proximity to Observer:
Neighbors: +75 to political modifier.
Close: +50 to political modifier.
Far: +25 to political modifier.
Distant: -25 to political modifier.

Finally, the political modifier is capped between -75 and +100.
The current penalty is multiplied by (100 + the political modifier) and then divided by 100. If it is now 0, the calculation ends here.

Resurrection Modifier
If the conqueror resurrected OR was resurrected by the observer, halve the warmongering penalty.

If the conquered player resurrected OR was resurrected by the observer, double the warmongering penalty.

World Congress Modifiers
- If the conquered player is sanctioned and the observer is NOT on the defending team and does NOT have a Defensive Pact / vassalage with the defending team, the penalty is halved.
- If Casus Belli is in effect, the penalty is halved.
- If Global Peace Accords is in effect, the penalty is doubled.

Era Modifier
Finally, the penalty is modified by the current game (average) era:
Ancient Era: 50% of normal
Classical Era: 60% of normal
Medieval Era: 70% of normal
Renaissance Era: 80% of normal
Industrial Era: 90% of normal
Modern Era: 100% of normal
Atomic Era: 110% of normal
Information Era: 120% of normal

Liberating Cities
The liberation bonus is SUBTRACTED from the player's current warmonger value.

Important Note:
This same calculation is used for the liberation "care" display when mousing over the banner of a city you could liberate.

NO bonus is applied if the observer hasn't met the liberator.
NO bonus is applied for reconquering your own city.
NO bonus is applied if the observer is at war with the liberated player.
NO bonus is applied if the city was previously owned at any point by the observer's team, and it is being given to a different team.

Base value depends on the city's economic value (for the liberator, because that's how much value they're choosing to give up!) compared to the economic value of the most valuable city in the world. Economic value is increased by yields, World Wonders, and resources (including monopolies).

Base value = (Economic Value * 100) / (Highest Economic Value Of Any City or 1, whichever is greater). Base value is increased by 50% if the liberated player's original capital was liberated. The minimum base value is 1.

If the conqueror has owned the city before this most recent liberation, but a liberation bonus still applies, divide the base value by (# of times city owned + 2).

There are three main modifiers to the base value: status modifier, which mainly deals with Defensive Pacts and vassalage; strength modifier, which mainly deals with relative military power; and political modifier, which factors in geopolitics. There is also the resurrection modifier, World Congress modifiers, and the era modifier. These will all be covered in subsections below.

Status Modifier
Status modifier starts at 100.

The liberated player as well as their teammates have a status modifier of 400. The liberated player's Defensive Pacts, vassals and masters have a status modifier of 200.

If the observer has not met the liberated player, status modifier is 50.

The base bonus is multiplied by the status modifier and then divided by 100. If it is now 0, the calculation ends here.

Strength Modifier
Strength modifier starts at 0.

A value is added to the strength modifier based on the liberator's perceived military strength compared to the observing major:
Immense: -100
Powerful: -75
Strong: -50
Average: -33
Poor: -0
Weak: +25
Pathetic: +50

If the strength modifier is below 0 for a member of the liberated team or one of their Defensive Pacts, vassals or masters, it is set to 0.

If the observer is NOT on the liberated team and does NOT have a Defensive Pact / vassalage with the liberated team, then a value might be subtracted from the strength modifier based on the liberated player's perceived military strength compared to the observing major:
Immense: -75
Powerful: -50
Strong: -25
Average or weaker: -0

If strength modifier is lower than -75, it is increased to -75.

The current bonus is multiplied by (100 + the strength modifier) and then divided by 100. If it is now 0, the calculation ends here.

Political Modifier
Political modifier starts at 0.

ALL political checks are skipped for the liberated player and their teammates, Defensive Pacts, vassals, and masters.

For a liberated City-State:
- If observer is allied with the City-State, +75 to political modifier.
- If observer is friends with the City-State, +50 to political modifier.
- Otherwise, -25 to political modifier.

- If observer has Pledged to Protect the City-State, +50 to political modifier.
- Otherwise, -25 to political modifier.

For a liberated major civ:
- If observer has a Declaration of Friendship or Defensive Pact with the liberated player, their "DoF Level" is checked (the number of DoFs made without a premature end, denouncement or declaration of war by either party).
1 DoF: +25 to political modifier.
2 DoFs: +50 to political modifier.
3+ DoFs: +75 to political modifier.

- If no Declaration of Friendship or Defensive Pact with the liberated player:
If the observer has denounced the city owner, -25 to political modifier.
If the observer has BEEN denounced BY the city owner, -25 to political modifier.
If the observer considers the city owner a backstabber, -50 to political modifier.

- If observer has a Declaration of Friendship or Defensive Pact with the liberator, their "DoF Level" is checked (the number of DoFs made without a premature end, denouncement or declaration of war by either party).
1 DoF: +25 to political modifier.
2+ DoFs: +50 to political modifier.

- If no Declaration of Friendship or Defensive Pact with the liberator:
If the observer has denounced the conqueror, -25 to political modifier.
If the observer has BEEN denounced BY the conqueror -25 to political modifier.
If the observer considers the conqueror a backstabber, -50 to political modifier.

- If the observer and the liberated player have the same religion bonus: +25 to political modifier.
If the observer and the liberator also have the same religion bonus: +25 to political modifier.

- If the liberated player has a penalty for religious differences with the observer: -25 to political modifier.
If the liberator also has this penalty with the observer: -25 to political modifier.

- If the observer and the liberated player have the same ideology bonus: +50 to political modifier.
If the observer and the liberator also have the same ideology bonus: +50 to political modifier.

- If the liberated player has a penalty for ideological differences with the observer: -50 to political modifier.
If the liberator also has this penalty with the observer: -50 to political modifier.

Liberator's Proximity to Observer:
Neighbors: +75 to political modifier.
Close: +50 to political modifier.
Far: +25 to political modifier.
Distant: -25 to political modifier.

Finally, the political modifier is capped between -75 and +100.
The current bonus is multiplied by (100 + the political modifier) and then divided by 100. If it is now 0, the calculation ends here.

Resurrection Modifier

If the liberator resurrected OR was resurrected by the observer, double the liberation bonus.

If the liberated player resurrected OR was resurrected by the observer, double the liberation bonus.
World Congress Modifiers
- If the liberated player is sanctioned and the observer is NOT on the liberated team and does NOT have a Defensive Pact / vassalage with the liberated team, the bonus is halved.
- If Casus Belli is in effect, the bonus is halved.
- If Global Peace Accords is in effect, the bonus is doubled.

Era Modifier
Finally, the bonus is modified by the current game (average) era:
Ancient Era: 50% of normal
Classical Era: 60% of normal
Medieval Era: 70% of normal
Renaissance Era: 80% of normal
Industrial Era: 90% of normal
Modern Era: 100% of normal
Atomic Era: 110% of normal
Information Era: 120% of normal

Miscellaneous Information
Anti-Warmonger Fervor Calculation
Penalty = Warmonger Amount / 25. The maximum penalty is 0 to 75%, based on the attacking player's difficulty level (ResistanceCap value).

The penalty does not apply if the defending unit is within the attacking unit's own territory, and is halved if the defending unit is in neutral territory.

Warmonger Threat Level
To determine a player's Warmonger Threat level, the AI checks the player's warmongering opinion penalty with them (not the base warmonger amount). It does this after processing warmonger decay each turn, and every time warmonger amount changes from a war declaration, nuke, or city capture/liberation.

- Masters and vassals always have a threat level of NONE with each other.
- If opinion penalty is >= 200, threat level is CRITICAL.
- If opinion penalty is >= 140, threat level is SEVERE.
- If opinion penalty is >= 80, threat level is MAJOR.
- If opinion penalty is >= 20, threat level is MINOR.

The AI then does a sanity check: it checks to see how many civilizations and City-States they KNOW that the other player conquered.
- AI knows that a civilization or City-State exists if they met them or if one of their captured cities is revealed on the map.
- A player is counted as conquered if they have been eliminated, vassalized, or had their capital conquered by the player being evaluated.

Conquered Players = Conquered Civilizations + (Conquered City-States / 2)
Percentage = (Conquered Players * 100) / (# of Civilizations At Game Start)

If percentage is >= 33, threat level is CRITICAL regardless of the opinion penalty.
If percentage is >= 25, threat level is SEVERE regardless of the opinion penalty.

Opinion Modifier Message
The modifier is displayed if threat level is above NONE or there is an opinion penalty.

The first part of the message depends on the Warmonger Threat level.
If threat is MINOR or NONE: "They have some early concerns about your warmongering."
If threat is MAJOR: "They are wary of the potential threat posed by your warmongering."
If threat is SEVERE: "They believe your warmongering has become an existential threat."
If threat is CRITICAL: "They fear your warmongering will end this world in fire!"
If threat is CRITICAL and the AI has been nuked by the player: "They fear your warmongering will plunge the world into nuclear winter!"

The second part of the message depends on the AI's WarmongerHate flavor and civilization.

If Random Personalities is NOT enabled:
Montezuma (always 1 WarmongerHate): "(They are bloodthirsty warmongers!)"
Enrico Dandolo and Gandhi (always 10 WarmongerHate): "(They furiously abhor warmongers!)"

All other civs:
If WarmongerHate is 9 or 10: "(They hate warmongers!)"
If WarmongerHate is 7 or 8: "(They strongly dislike warmongers.)"
If WarmongerHate is 5 or 6: "(They dislike warmongers.)"
If WarmongerHate is 3 or 4: "(They overlook modest warmongering.)"
If WarmongerHate is 1 or 2: "(They ignore most warmongering.)"

Guide Last Updated: September 3, 2021

September 3/21 - Updated this guide for the 1.0 version. Agreeing to coop wars now applies a Recent Assist bonus, added new Debug Mode info.
August 29-31/21 - Fixed a few errors.
August 28/21 - Posted this guide.
Last edited:
A lot to take in obviously and I'll give it a good look. Just wanted to give Recursive a shout out, that this level of documentation can be very difficulty and its often thankless work, so I will say THANK YOU for such a great effort. And a kudos on the tables, that makes things SO much easier to read.
I don't care about anything else, but -

also - if you already have the newest version, does it change anything if you replace it?
A lot to take in obviously and I'll give it a good look. Just wanted to give Recursive a shout out, that this level of documentation can be very difficulty and its often thankless work, so I will say THANK YOU for such a great effort. And a kudos on the tables, that makes things SO much easier to read.
Im not wise enough to offer any feedback so will eagerly await the next patch and be very greatful for it.

Incredible job. Well done and thank you.
Amazing work!!
Holy jumping stir-fried jesus, you were not kidding when you said comprehensive.
This is beyond impressive. Is invigorating! Thank you!

You're welcome! :)

Any and all feedback would be appreciated!

I don't care about anything else, but -
View attachment 607320
also - if you already have the newest version, does it change anything if you replace it?

It's not savegame compatible (see "Notes" at the start of the patch version instructions).

Nuclear Gandhi is enabled by default - when he builds a nuke he promptly goes insane with power and aggression. If he doesn't currently have nukes but has nuked someone, he will remain aggressive towards that/those players(s). It's rarely seen but it's been added for a while. Those who do not like it can disable it in DiploAIOptions.sql or by turning on Random Personalities.

Should be sticky !

I will sticky a thread with guides on various diplomacy mechanics which I'll be building on over time, but I wanted to make this thread first to get feedback on the changes and perhaps make some more edits - I can copy and merge posts, so not an issue.
You're welcome! :)

Any and all feedback would be appreciated!

It's not savegame compatible (see "Notes" at the start of the patch version instructions).

Nuclear Gandhi is enabled by default - when he builds a nuke he promptly goes insane with power and aggression. If he doesn't currently have nukes but has nuked someone, he will remain aggressive towards that/those players(s). It's rarely seen but it's been added for a while. Those who do not like it can disable it in DiploAIOptions.sql or by turning on Random Personalities.

I will sticky a thread with guides on various diplomacy mechanics which I'll be building on over time, but I wanted to make this thread first to get feedback on the changes and perhaps make some more edits - I can copy and merge posts, so not an issue.
I meant as in I already have the 8-19 version, or is this split up?
Are these versions "brothers" or are they seperate
Does this only work with VP, or does it run fine with vanilla CPP? I love your work, but the design philosophy behind the rest of VP is not want I want out of C5 unfortunately.
I've tried out VP with your changes, and I've probably said this before here, but it is the most challenging AI I've ever seen in Civ by far. Thank you for your work.
I remember you saying that the demand code needed a rework, has that been included in the changes?
Yeah this is really useful to have. A couple of things that provide positive modifiers here I didn't know about.
Does this only work with VP, or does it run fine with vanilla CPP? I love your work, but the design philosophy behind the rest of VP is not want I want out of C5 unfortunately.
I've tried out VP with your changes, and I've probably said this before here, but it is the most challenging AI I've ever seen in Civ by far. Thank you for your work.

Vassalage modifiers won't be applied in vanilla, but aside from that, yes, the diplomacy AI works the same.

I remember you saying that the demand code needed a rework, has that been included in the changes?

No. Still needs to be done.

Yeah this is really useful to have. A couple of things that provide positive modifiers here I didn't know about.

A few changes were made to Recent Diplomatic Actions / Recent Assist in this patch version (the most notable one being that instead of the buggy maxed out recent trade bonus for accepting a peace treaty, you now get rewarded for not extorting the AI out of the maximum amount).
Ok I'm going to start my feedback. Considering the immensity here, I am going to do my post in chunks below to keep things organized, but I will update this post frequently as I work through things. So please check back for the latest!

  • I think there should be some adjustment for the late game. 50 turns early on makes plenty of sense, 50 turns after Turn 300 on standard speed might as well be forever. Perhaps an Era modifier or something should be considered, I don't necessarily need the modifiers to scale continuously all game, but at some point the 50 turns base should be shorter to have any reasonable attempt at changes in the late game.
  • I don't understand this statement: When a "stacked" modifier duration expires (for things like demands or stealing), the number of times the AI remembers you have done that thing is halved and then rounded down. If after doing this there is still at least 1 application of the modifier, the duration is reset back to 0 and ticks down again until all applications have expired.
    • How can the duration tick down from 0?
  • Under the No Contested Borders area, there is this note for warmonger AIs (Warmonger AIs apply an additional bonus: (5 + Neediness) * AI Era / 2.). I would think that we would want the bonus to go down for warmongers in the late game, as warmongers are going to want to conquer far away lands as much as neighbors.
  • Under We are Trade Partners, If the deal value to the AI is >= 100 or they're receiving 5x+ what they're giving up, a larger bonus is added. Personally I think 5x is a bit steep, realistically that to me isn't a deal, that is me just giving money to the AI (aka a complete bribe). Even a 2x deal is pretty steep in terms of true dealmaking, giving DOUBLE to the AI what I think a trade is worth is a major thing. I would think this bonus could be 2x or 3x, 5x just seems extremely high.
  • You Freed our Captured Citizens: Settlers are worth 5 civilians in the Ancient Era, and 4 in the Classical Era. So does that mean returning a settler to an AI (assuming this is the first returned) is worth 10 + 5 x 4 = 30? Also I thought all AI settlers captured are automatically turned into a worker. Is it actually possible to return a settler?
  • You have Shared Intrigue with them: I feel that +10 is a bit low for coop war sharing (aka the you have gone to far). The other ones are passive, they don't hurt your diplomatically, but considered this one is me "sticking my neck out" I think I should get a little more for it.
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