[GS] Diplomacy selling and buying


Jan 25, 2012
I find diplomacy selling and buying hugely unintuitive if the player wants to get as much as possible from the AI.
  • Sometimes I propose a resource to the AI, they might not like it so much, e.g. they already have a lot of horses, but their stock at max wouldn't hurt, so they proposed just 1 gold for 1 horse but also 1 gold for 20 horses. In that case I have to do 20 transactions to get 20 gold and maximise my revenue. Maybe the 1 gold is a decimal number 0.X that has been rounded up?
  • Sometimes I propose 1 resource, they buy it for 6 but if I sell 4 resources they buy for 28. And if I propose 5 resources then it's 1 gold per turn during 30 turns (it's just an example). To optimize my revenue, I have to try all scenarii and this becomes very tiring.
Could this be improved?
If behind this, it's a matter of a number being rounded up, what about exchanging .1 gold as well? (it appears in the turns income)
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