

You will pay for denying me French glory!

@LightFang: Psst, wanna trade?
Lightfang sent in country preferences first. It was only fair.
The Russian Foreign Service is now operating.

Tout le monde va manger les escargots et parler français...^^


Hey, guys, I just want to spam spam spam the NES channel. I like doing diplomacy in realtime. I'm sure you guys would appreciate it too.

server: irc.irc-chat.net
channel: #nes


France remains neutral in everything. So far. :O
orders sent
This is an interesting start.


Austria: A bud -> ser
Austria: F tri -> ven
Austria: A vie -> tyr

England: F edi -> nwg
England: F lon -> nth
England: A lvp -> yor

France: F bre -> mao
France: A par -> gas
France: A mar -> spa

Germany: F kie -> hol
Germany: A mun -> boh
Germany: A ber -> sil

Italy: A ven -> pie
Italy: A rom -> ven
Italy: F nap -> ion

Russia: F stp (sc) -> bot
Russia: A mos -> ukr
Russia: A war -> gal
Russia: F sev -> bla

Turkey: A con -> bul
Turkey: F ank -> bla
Turkey: A smy -> con

Spoiler Spring 1901 Moves :

Spoiler Results :

Deadline is 54 hours from now: Tuesday at 6 PM.

It would be good if I got them tomorrow, though, so we can move quickly.
BTW, do you guys like the maps that show bounces on them better than the old ones?


Spoiler New Style :

Spoiler Old Style :
This -is- a NES. jalapeno, how about an idea!

Format your first post. Have a link to the ruleset we're using. Then have a "Next Orders Due By" on there. Then you can list the current players along with their countries. You can round it off with "Current Turn/Map".

Please? 8)
This -is- a NES. jalapeno, how about an idea!

Format your first post. Have a link to the ruleset we're using. Then have a "Next Orders Due By" on there. Then you can list the current players along with their countries. You can round it off with "Current Turn/Map".

Please? 8)
Write the post up and PM it to me, and I'll put it up. ;)
Oh, also, I like the new style better, and I hate you, MjM. :P
Front page added, courtesy of LightFang.
I agree that the new style looks better. And that we seem to have a very interesting start... :rolleyes:
I downloaded the GIMP and have been playing around with it. Here's one of the first results:

EDIT: See post 60 for new map.

Obviously, this will be cooler when we've had more than one turn.
GIF is ewww ugly! D: I like my nonlossy PNG.

I guess it would look cooler...if you slowed it down and maybe added the arrows, then had it slide there (har har tweening) and stuff.

But then, that'd be tons of work. :P
Gif is ugly, but PNG isn't animated. :p

I can slow it down...how much time delay do you want?
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