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Discussion: Ending the Aztec War


Apr 24, 2002
London, UK
Well it's taken longer than we'd hoped, but the war against the Aztecs finally seems to be heading into its last stages. We now need to decide when to sign a Peace Treaty with them.

I will post a poll based on the options thrown up in this thread once I get back on Wednesday afternoon/evening.
I propose that we do not make peace until we have taken both of their eastern cities and are able to extract every last drop of gold, tech and geographical information from them in negotiations.

This will ensure that while the Aztecs are no longer a threat they will not be too weak and poor to be useful to us in the future, and save us a lot of the gold that would otherwise be spending in trades for all the aztec knowledge.
I think we should get rid of them.... The extra cities/land might be useful.... and they'd be a nasty reminder of the war.
Eklektikos has an excellent suggestion. This was our original purpose is war, and as such, we should do that.

My only concern it that the length of time that will take. Ideally, this was should be over by after the first turn chat of the new term.
We can't get rid of them and extort their knowledge (at least not without taking a huge rep hit). They have many things that we want right now, so are too valuable to eradicate just yet. We can always wipe them out later on when we have no further use for them. :D
Leave them their last city, (the western one) and periodically extort them for gold and techs. :)
The Aztecs still have five cities. Currently the eastern cities appear to have no culture and only one population point, so "capturing" those cities will likely result in them being automatically razed to the ground.

Nonetheless, I think we should eradicate their presence from the southeastern coast and restrict them to lands located west of Tenochtitlan. This will allow us unhindered expansion towards the eastern Land Bridge (until America gets in our way, that is).

I also think we should continue our assault on the Aztecs until we can extract every bit of knowledge and wealth from them, but no further. We need to show the world that we are indeed compassionate people.
By the time the war is over they might not have anything we don't have. We expected a quick war. It is going to take longer than that. In about 2 T/C's we are going to have lit. The aztecs have probley already lowered their sci rate to pay for the war. If we keep ourselves evened out then their will not be very much they'd have that we don't.
Still, if we do destroy them, we lost the potential of recieveing their maps and all their gold.

Leaving them to one city will be most beneficial, especially since we can use it as cannon fodder later...:satan:
If I'm not mistaken, they have Philosophy, Mathematics, Map-making, & Polytheism. Plus, I'd wager that their world map is considerably larger than ours.
I say reduce them as much as possible before extorting them for peace.
Take them down to 1 city, probably one of the western ones. Then extort everything they have got, (and keep extorting for the rest of the game). I would prefer we try to achieve this asap, but I was never under the illusion that this would be a quick war, and I am not too much concerned with how long it takes to reach this result.

Who's next? ;-)
Take them down to a city, then sue for everything they've got! maps, gold, techs, workers (if applicable)...
The Aztecs have five cities remaining as of 825BC. Reducing them to 1 city may take longer than many of us expect, and longer than Fanatika can afford.
maybe they even trade some of their cities. like if they are down to 4 and give us 3+all techs, that would be perfect.
waiting till we dont get a rep hit any more and then the final assault.
I think we should keep taking cities until they are ready to give us everything they have in terms of tech, gold, maps, etc. I would not be a bit surprised if we also get a city out of it. But I don't see any reason to pursue the war one turn longer than necessary to meet these goals. The number of cities they have left is somewhat irrelevent as we're likely to stomp on them again in the future and we can 'adjust' their city count as needed.
well, in fact i would maybe also support a second strategy:
we take all their cities on the land bridge.
we leave them their cities in the west.
they will propably not run into us again till very late, but propably be destroyed by the japaneese or other western civilizations.
if we leave them split up with us in between, we will have many foreign troops marching through our lands if someone declares war on them. this could draw us into a mayor conflict.
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