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Discussion: Ending the Aztec War

I think we must continue until we:
  • Eliminate them from our eastern borders.
  • Can extort all knowledge, maps and wealth from them.
  • Create a Great Leader to rush the Great Library.
    In fact, I think the Great Leader is more important than extortion as the Great Library would automatically provide us with all the knowledge they possess and more.
Clearly we must knock them down further, as we are at significant cultural risk.

We should therefore continue to prosecute the campaign, with top priority being rolling up the incense city. After that, our forces should clear the coast south of the land bridge.

Our objectives:

1) Engage elite troops in battle whenever advantagous in an attempt to generate a leader. (we'll leave the debate as to what to use that leader on for another time)

2) Knock the Aztec down to where they will concede everything in peace...ie. all techs, world map, and even cities. We have lost too many brave archers and swordsmen to not make this a decisive victory.

If we can generate a GL, extort to catch up in the tech race, and acquire land with horses and incense, then this will be a very successful war.

maybe we should take a few more cities then trade for a couple it would really help with more cities to our economic thing
Originally posted by Shaitan
Note that the previous poll indicated the first great leader should create an army.

I don't disagree with the idea of using the first GL on an army, but did we poll on that, I didn't remember?
Yeah, what poll? :)
I would challenge the validity of any such poll. Policy should be more fluid so that we can use such tools to our advantage rather than remain handcuffed by a policy established several turns ago with no appreciation for our current circumstances.

It seems to be in our best interest that we discuss and debate an issue such as 'What to do with our Great Leader?' at the time that it becomes an issue, not well in advance.

For example, it may make sense to use the first Great Leader to build an army if it becomes available early in a war with a high chance of creating another one before the war ends. However, in our current situation, I doubt we would be able to create two leaders before the Aztecs are subdued. Also, since we have fallen behind in the tech race, I believe that rushing a Great Wonder such as the Great Library would be more beneficial to us than an army.

Of course, my assessment may be wrong, and you may have a different opinion, but we should debate this issue based on our current situation and not be restricted to a policy that may have been established long before we even knew where the Aztecs were.
I have checked the Poll Forum for Demo Game 2 and I can't find a poll on GL useage, but I may have missed it in the title wording, so if someone can have a reference posted, that would help.

In any event, I see the value of what FortyJ says. In general, a GL early in conflict should always be used for a Army. For us, there would be great value in keeping the war open long enough to get an army win, and thus build Heroic Epic.

I don't think we will be behind in tech after we extract the 4-5 techs the Aztecs have in peace, so again, on this level, I find the Great Library to be of limited value.

Don't get me wrong, I build the GL in any game I can get it on Monarch or below, but on Emp and Diety, I find it to be short lived in value as all the civs are in contact.
Yes, once we extract Monty's research from his vault, we will pull even with the other civs. But surely, you're not suggesting that we will be able to keep pace with the other civs in the tech race after that point in time.

I agree that the Great Library will be of limited value as the other civs will quickly reach Education, but it would allow us to unearth the secrets of Currency, Monarchy, Republic, Construction, Feudalism, Monotheism, Engineering, Chivalry, Theology, Invention (possibly), Printing Press (possibly), Gunpowder (possibly), and Education without having to spend another cent on techs.

That money could be saved to provide us with a massive upgrade of horsemen to knights for our next campaign against America or Japan or whoever. In short, it allows for the next logical continuation of our initial "cheap swordsmen" strategy, only with knights.
We should not end this war until we have taken the Aztec cities to the east AND the one to the west on the Forked River. :king:
Well, I'm not sure how all the politics of this may work out, but if I myself had free reign, I would continue the war until the Aztecs are down to one or two cities (Dependant on finances, feasibility, etcetera) and preferrably, until we have squeezed out a leader. I would also rather use the leader for the rushing of the Great Library; I find armies to be of little use, and the Heroic Epic can wait.
I think we should knock them down to one or two cities, sign a peace treaty for everything they have, and then, while they still have a couple units in our territory, tell them to leave or declare war. The AI seems to get very full of its military prowess on emperor level, and will often declare war even when severely outmatched. Then we get to eliminate...er...assimilate them.;)
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