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disk not registering in the drive


Sep 24, 2007
when i put the disk into the drive civ starts up but then when i try to play the game it says to insert the disk or something of that sort

no i'm not a . .. .. .. .tard i didn't put in the wrong disk (i can't believe that is on the FAQ seriously how stupid ARE people) the game installed fine but now it won't play and this is the only game that does this
i have the same with my warlords cd :(
still looking for a solution.....
he is in cd writer or dvd reader....same result on both..
anyone knows why ? or knows what need to be done?
thanx in advance
now even better i swapped around and finally winXP reconize the disks.....but the game still asks for the cd????
what the heck is wrong?
it all worked fine until my last game lots of civs and a ...erm heavy endgame (long waits between turns:))
then it dident start no longer (it tries 2 times to launch the game and back to desktop)
i solved that prob and now he dont reconize the cd??
It is indeed a safedisc issue. That is the game checks whether you have a genuine disc and thinks you don't. This can be due to various reasons:
1) You don't have a genuine disc ;)
2) Your disc has been damaged (sometimes even slight scratches cause this - but usually this problem then turns up intermittently).
3) You are running more then one cd/dvd drive - try switching the one the cd is in.
4) You have a virtual drive installed - some of those even when not in use cause safedisc issues and the only way to get rid of those is to get rid of the virtual drive.
5) Your CD/DVD Drive cannot handle whatever version of SafeDisc Firaxis/Take2 are using - try looking for updated drivers and/or firmware for your drive.
this list is not exhaustive but maybe it helps :)

PS: @Sabre1 :band: Welcome to CFC [party] :dance:
hi all ok now....
installed the patch for warlords and its ok now...
cant believe i forgot it dam...:)
anyway thx for helping
Hi, i have a DVD version and it has a problem noted that "Can not locate DVD-ROM, please insert correct disc"

1- I have the genueine disc.
2- The disc is in very good condition. (It's new and surface like a mirror)
3- I do nt have a virtual drive (there was but I had uninstalled it previously)
4- The DVD-ROM drive has not any further driver version available.
5- I have only one DVD/ROM drive on the machine.

Hi, i have a DVD version and it has a problem noted that "Can not locate DVD-ROM, please insert correct disc"

1- I have the genueine disc.
2- The disc is in very good condition. (It's new and surface like a mirror)
3- I do nt have a virtual drive (there was but I had uninstalled it previously)
4- The DVD-ROM drive has not any further driver version available.
5- I have only one DVD/ROM drive on the machine.


all you can do is use a nocd crack you can find these on several sites, I'm not allowed to tell you where on here!! I have the same problem as you do and its the easiest solution

Hi, i have a DVD version and it has a problem noted that "Can not locate DVD-ROM, please insert correct disc"

1- I have the genueine disc.
2- The disc is in very good condition. (It's new and surface like a mirror)
3- I do nt have a virtual drive (there was but I had uninstalled it previously)
4- The DVD-ROM drive has not any further driver version available.
5- I have only one DVD/ROM drive on the machine.


First off: Welcome to CFC :) :band: [party]
SafeDisk is a pain and unfortunately there are situations in which it will simply not work.
That said there are a few more things to try:
update the safedisc driver
Also Microsoft has an update for XP that some people may need:
find it here

Microsoft actually has a pretty exhaustive list of what to do, so please follow this link it lists more than a dozen things to try and some of those you already did while others might be worth a try. Especially running the game in Win2000 compatibility mode and doing a "clean reboot" as described there is worth a try.

all you can do is use a nocd crack you can find these on several sites, I'm not allowed to tell you where on here!! I have the same problem as you do and its the easiest solution


Quite apart from the piracy problem (which is why we are not allowed to discuss this here) those cracks do pose some problems on their own sometimes and unfortunately there also are sites out there that do not have the best interests of the users at their heart, so I'd avoid those if possible :)
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