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Divine Intervention III: RagnarReign of Terror


Spoiler :
Think Cthulhu imprisoned below the waves. Your work to contain the beast works perfectly from a story perspective - and since the storm god is in allegiance with you, I'll plan to write that in as I post, if that's OK with you. I have an idea, but I need to double-check something in the save before I post it - don't worry, I won't be making changes.
Changes are coming Willem. Disrupt the heretical vikings. Cause havoc. The beast which other gods have spoken of is breaking free. Everywhere, random plots of land miles wide will turn barren. Areas will drown. You must disrupt the evil viking and not allow him to prosper.

Spoiler :
Launched a nuke in the middle of the ocean to start global warming. Gave Willem a GS and six (?) spies.


  • TheForestAuro AD-1655.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Pain. Terrible pain. His power had forsaken him for the moment of agony.

And then it ended. The Runner fell to the floor. He tricked me.

Looking up, he found the Lord of Shadows looming over him, hovering ominously. He tried to speak, but he...couldn't?

Only then did he realize where he was: a Realm.

"I take it this is your first visit to a Realm. They're quite fascinating, really." The three voices spoke in a calm voice, with anger floating barely beneath the surface.

Then it changed. "Why are you assisting Willem?" The voices were flat, but the world around them them seemed to reverberate with the words. "Willem has no chance to ascend. Do you want the beast to awaken?"

A pause, before, "I gave up my divine powers to create this Realm. I gave up power to save lives. We shall not stand by and just watch as you destroy Ragnar's world."

And with that, the runner found himself where he was before

Spoiler Gods, Realms, and the Silencer-Safe :
OK, more material to expand on the unique position the Lord of Shadows finds verself in.

Firstly, the Lord of Shadows is genderless. I'm tired of dancing around that. Use vi, vim, ver, verself, or it (derogatory).

Secondly, on Realms, a God is a being with control over an aspect of the universe, abstract or concrete. Gods can survive transference into beast-dominant spacetime and (attempt to) force divine (standard) universe patterns by their existence.

A Lord is a (former) God who, though the use of extensive divine power and the sacrifice of the individual's control over an aspect of the universe, creates a Realm. Lords are rare, leaving little to be known about Realms. Lords do not force divine patterns on the universe with their presence, rendering the beast unable to use their presence to attempts to unbind themselves. (Overpowered>? Look at the cost.)

A Realm is a pocket universe created by Gods becoming Lords. They are typically dominated by the aspect over which the (former) God had command. (A similar ability is hypothesized for beasts, but remains untested and unknown.)

Thirdly, the Silencer is a device created by the Lord of Shadows and ver followers. The purpose is to silence divine beings, although it only works in the realm. the pain is a side effect. The Lord of Shadow most likely won't be venturing out of ver Realm much, now.

Fourthly, the name "Lord of Shadows" does not actually come from the Lord's Godhood over shadows; it's a nickname given to vim by ver followers in the Realm because vi liked to keep the lights off so much. (Yes, it's stupid.) The Lord of Shadows was actually the God of Magic, Science, and Technology.
[SPOILER="NFFE: OOC: My plans]Well... my plans are simple. Try and gain the Vikings trust. The only way to do this is for the Vikings to pass more quests than they fail. If I don't get the Vikings trust, then I will be demoted from a God to just an immortal man. This will be continued in Divine Intervention IV, if applicable.

If I do get thier trust, however, I will return as a God in Divine Intervention IV, and attempt to overthrow Rolo (who, for my story-line, has been promoted beyond the level of God... a God of Gods, of sorts :p) This will be hinted at further on in this story.

As far as the Great Beast is, Digit is all for unleashing the Great Beast. Although it would not be under my control, by damaging this world, I can create entropy, gaining my power.

And for further plans? Not much. Once ivory and whales obsolete, I will be nearly powerless, except for one constant quest that I will provide in the next turnset.[/SPOILER]
((I think I have a way to "explain" why so many cities lost their "Tao" - though I think in Ragnar's world, it's actually the Eldar religion. In keeping with renaming "religions" from their real-world names to analogs in the game world... well, read on.))

The storm god gusted on the winds, an invisible presence, listening to the realm of mortals, seeking a way to keep his covenant with the immortal Viking. He could sense gods quarreling elsewhere - NoDot had punished the Runner for his brazen use of power. And why not? Eldarion had fought alongside the Lord in the days of vis godhood; there were none who had sacrificed more, and few who had sacrificed as much, to make this world what it was.

Below the waves, he knew, Winston battled to keep the monster contained. In his Realm, NoDot sought to keep the gods in check. Elona struggled to keep the balance. It fell to him, then, to find a cure.

All at once, he heard the words:

"Ph'nglui inglw'nafh Az'ta'rot wgah'nagl fhtagn."

His heart froze. The wind gusted as he swirled and turned his attention - and it was then that he saw the star and the crescent moon. The voices emanated from within the temple bearing the insignia - and he recognized the name of the beast.

Of course! How could he have been so foolish? The worship of the creature had spread before his very eyes, but he had been too blinded with his own pursuits to pay it heed! No doubt it was their doing that the Eldar religion had been dwindling in later years; mayhap the cultists had been sacrificing his followers to their own dark god.

As he cast his gaze over the earth, he saw that the beast-worship was widespread indeed - many of the mortals who called themselves world leaders had made it a national religion! Small wonder, then, that the creature had awakened so quickly; even had the gods not acted so rashly, its worshippers were legion.

This time, the storm god did not wait for the Viking chieftain to slumber. He spoke directly to him in the voice of wind, barely more than a whisper... but there was no mistaking its origin.

"Ragnar, Viking king. I know now why the creature has moved to awaken so quickly. Its worshippers have grown numerous - legion. You must do all you can to halt them - convert them if you can, but if not, put them to the sword. And if you find a temple erected in the honor of the creature, the city and all who dwell in it must be burned, lest its taint fall upon you. Do this, mortal, and perhaps its awakening can be slowed."

((Figured it was about time for a good "religious" conflict to emerge in a battle of divinities - I realized that "Islam" seems to be the religion adopted by most of the other civs, so it seemed like a good candidate for "creature worship".))
Islam is the Runner's religion. Ha ha.

My own canon had the Lord of Shadows be an immortal leader like Ragnar (OK, Scientist/King) who ascended and they gave up ver divinity to protect the people of ver world (all of them) from an awakening beast by creating a Realm.
Islam is the Runner's religion. Ha ha.

((I'm actually OK with that - we'll call them a deviant sect of the overall worship of Rolorunnerism, but Eldarion wants them all converted or wiped out anyway just to be safe. It's not like I haven't been at cross purposes with Runner since the beginning of this thread anyway. :p))
Finished Turn. Will update soon.

[No Hero Deaths]
[Taoism Spread Like Wildfire]
[Actually got Elona's Daughter to New Elona safely.]
[Survived Saladin Miraculously]
[Lay the smack down on Willem]
[Isle de Liberi was destroyed]
[Joao Managed to build a Longbow :p]

And a teaser picture.
Spoiler :
Ragnar sat at his throne restlessly. He had been accused of many things in his life, but unfairness was not one of them. Ruthless, may be, but not merciless. The people of Russia were not slaves. The people of Portugal were granted the chance at autonomy. He had liberated America from their barbaric overlords, and had left them under their own rule. Everywhere, the people loved him. He had even spared Joao, once he learned of his survival and flight into exile.

Spoiler :

Yet outside the barriers, he was loathed. Willem, once a great ally, had been tainted by the promise of power from the Runner. Perhaps, he wondered, was the Runner's religion so bad? Their chosen, Hannibal, prospered unendingly. Even now, their culture seeped into the Viking States, and it almost threatened to swallow Arabia. Carthaginian influence was everywhere - from their religion to their technology.

Ragnar shrugged it off. If it became too much of a problem, he would deal with it then.

It became obvious that it was time to fully invade the Netherlands. Ragnar knew that knowledge was power; he ramped up an Intelligence campaign to thwart Dutch spies and gather information. The results were incredibly successful.

Spoiler :


"WHERE HAS THE TEMPLE GONE!?" roared Ragnar, standing on an open plot of land in downtown Eldarion.

Several priests, bewildered, could only wince and cower. Only one was brave enough to speak. "We do not know. Scholars claim that it was plucked from the earth during the night - there was no debris or wreckage. Some claim a giant Whale ate it."

"Damn that Digit!" Ragnar swore under his breath, before turning to the priests. "You!" he pointed to the man speaking, and then to all of them. "All of you! This is a message from our Lord Eldarion! Go far and wide and spread the word of the Storm to our people! All will know the glory of the Eldar Storm!"

(3 Nations with Nation Religion of Taoism: Portugal, America, and Viking.)
(6 Nations with Taoism present: Portugal, America, Viking, Carthage, Arabia, Netherlands)

The crowd parted as a scout galloped into the square, blood dripping down his side as he cradled his gun with a cast arm. "My Lord!," he yelled, and the Viking Warrior-King looked up. "Fort National has fallen! Saladin rides!"

Spoiler :


Lancelot stood amongst the wreckage, her helmet tucked underneath her arm. All around her, the burnt remains of Etrusca still smoked. This was the Isle de Liberi?

Spoiler :

You have thoughts...? Thanatos seethed, as his form surged forward, hovering next to Lancelot.

"Why did these people have to die?"

Death is the most base of all things. Everyone demands death. My master leaves the choice up to yours.

Shaking her head, she rehelmed, mounting. "This is not my master's way. He seeks not death, only authority."

You speak words of hypocrisy the being seethed again, a spectral spear lowered at a nearby corpse. It screamed, morphed, and it reached out, assuming the form of Catherine. Lancelot stumbled, and her horse reared back, threatening to buck her free. A gunshot rang through the air, and Raynor ended the creature for a second time.

Spoiler :

"Death is neither a sin, nor permanent. The Plague Lord has taught me this."

You are an instrument of death. Do not fear it; take pride in it.

Spoiler :

(Isle de Liberi Razed)


"Pick up the sails!" screamed the Captain, as the three ships cruised near the coast of Durostad. Two Frigates chased the small Viking fleet, a pair of Galleons (The H.S.S. Lancet, and the V.S.S. Maxwell) and his majesty's flagship (H.S.S. Mjolnir) and a third threatened to cut them off. Pulling hard to port, the Mjolnir opened it's cannons, sending a crippling volley into one of the dutch ships. As they both began moving to engage the Mjolnir, the third moved within range of the Galleons.

Spoiler :

"Ha! the Lancet's the fastest ship in the sea!" Captain Zol roared, and it was true; the Lancet ripped through the water, passing the Dutch Frigate without time for rebuttal.

The Maxwell, however, was not so lucky. That day, only one ship breached the blockade to the America's.

(Distant Missionaries dropped off - Elona's Daughter and Javaneer picked up. Didn't grab a screenshot - sorry! - but she was taken through the capitol and then to New Elona. The Holy City was already founded, so I just settled her there. In addition, I cut off a Dutch source of whales.)


With a stalemate in the fighting with Saladin forcing a shaky ceasefire, the Dutch invasion began - and it moved quickly. With devastating force his new weapon - the cannon - devastated the backwards Dutch armies.

Spoiler :

But he was distracted. The beast from his dreams was haunting him in his waking hours, and he knew that he must figure something out soon.

Or else it would be too late.

(Several cities razed; Islam is now only 45% of the world, Taoism spread explosively. Isle de Liberi taken. I did well this 50 turns. Cut off Dutch Wales.)

Spoiler :


  • DivineIntervention7.CivBeyondSwordSave
    676.7 KB · Views: 68
I will double check, but just to re-iterate:

You need 3 civilisations, with EVERY CITY THEY OWN having Taoism

You need 1 civilisation with Taoism as a STATE RELIGION.

I will double check, but you are well on your way to redemption :p
Oh... I just saw Portugal, and loled!! That was MUCH easier than I thought.

OOC Question: How did you get the religion to America without flight? I thought the ice would stop you from transporting any units anywhere!!

Expect many Great People very soon...

[Edit]Got it!![/Edit]
Got it....

Attacking the Dutch...you have earned the fury of the God of Ice. Heaven...help you...

*mutters about edits being used to get Got It*
Also: Huh. Half a quest finished. Didn't you forget the second part of it? Claim it. Pesky barbs like to rise up again and again where there is no civilization.
OOC: I can't play Civ on weekdays, so somebody please make the changes for me. Thank you.

Churchill awoke; he had not done so in a long time, and didn't know the reason for this disturbance. A messenger came to him, flying a green flag over his head.

"What do YOU want?" screamed Churchill. "More crumpets because I'm about to give the Vikings a reward for completing the quest?"

"Umm...actually, I'm a divine emissary for the land of Arabia. I come to inform you Churchillton still stands, its oil and coal plain for Ragnar to see." the messenger voiced slowly and cautiously.

"WHAT!?" Churchill roared, grabbing his pistol and bayonet. "I feel like VENGEANCE! AND DEATH!" As the messenger began to back away, Churchill ran up and with a mighty roar smashed his fist into the man's jaw, shattering it instantly and sending him flying down to Earth." It was then that he noticed a note on the table.

Dear the great god of conflict, crumpets, and combat Churchill,
A monster has risen, fighting Winston the sea god and threatening to destroy the world. Your help in stopping this abomination would be appreciated.

Churchill finished reading this, and then muttered "...and stop it I shall."

Meanwhile, in Nidaros...

Ragnar had just received a letter. Well, actually, it was a bayonet with a message on it. Well, actually, just a message on the one side. The other sides said, "Your doom is at hand." Again, and again, and again, and finally, a portrait of Arabs, the Dutch, and Barbarians fighting each other over the remains of a broken and tattered Viking flag. The messenger had made itself clear: it was Churchill, and he was pissed!

NFFE-Somebody edit in these changes:
Spoiler :
Arabia shall receive:
8 Redcoats
3 Grenadiers
outside of Nidaros

Holland shall receive:
5 Cannon
5 Cavalry
with the Arabians

Barbs shall receive:
1 Redcoat per defender in Rotterdam
PLUS: Churchill, a Redcoat with counters to every type and Drill I-IV and Combat I-VI
Ready to attack Rotterdam

Also, Barbs shall receive one redcoat on every one tile island in the middle of the ocean to defend against the monster; they can be used to take hits, and depending on how lenient or strict Eldarion is, he can decide how many.

You may think these changes are a tad apocalyptic but I remind you of three things:
1)Ragnar had since the beginning to conquer Churchillton, and he abandoned it in favor of fighting Dutchmen, Arabs, Portuguese, and Russians.
2) Ragnar has received many advanced cavalry, so giving barbarians Churchill isn't too bad.
3) Churchill believes this is the only way to stop the monster: he may be incredibly wrong, but that is his opinion.
4) I haven't changed anything that has affected the game at all until now, so I believe this offensive is justified.
I forgot, sorry :p

But at least I was quick...

Ragnar stepped into the Trophy Room. It was his time to meet Digit. He feared what terrible form of glowing demon Digit had taken this time. He was wearing the thickest suits of armor, as surely they would protect him from the plagues that Digit brought with him...

Instead of a glowing six-headed, 12-eyed beast, Ragnar looked upon a little boy. He nearly opened his mouth to yell for him to get out, until he saw his eyes. They were glowing with a fire Ragnar had seen all too often. Ragnar was stunned.

"Why do you choose this form, Digit?" he asked. "There has been no death, no destruction..."

"I choose this form, because I fear for my own safety. I reason that, if I appear, as your god, as a beneviolent being, caring, but just, then my Gods in turn, will do the same."

Ragnar was stunned... HIS Gods!? There were beings above even the planes of existance of the Gods themselves? He opened his mouth to ask who these Gods were, but he was silenced.

"You have done well. You exploited several small... loopholes in my pact. However, I am impressed with the speed and skill you used in converting the entire Carthagian empire to Taoism... And so I will reward you, even though you did so in half the time I expected you to... Go to Eldarion. You will find that the damage done to your empire by the unnamed Gods that removed Taoism has been largely undone, and as per my promise, then you will have more Gold than you will ever have a use for."

Ragnar nodded. "Is that all?"

Digit shook his head. He did it wrong, however. His head never seemed to move... but Ragnar could see the head... teleporting smoothly... from one side to another. It seemed even the Gods couldn't mimic human behaviour properly.

"My power is draining. I only have time for one last quest. And this time you will be facing a force stronger than any Gods have been able to pull... for too long the holy source of whales have been left unclaimed. And as a result, your final quest, from me anyway, is to secure all three sources of the holy whales yourself."

Ragnar thought hard. "Where are these three sources of Holy Whales?"

Digit smiled. "They are truly hard to get to. The first one is outside Rotterdam. You have already claimed this city, and now it is a matter of time before those Whales are caught by you. But the other two are harder.

The second source of Holy Whales is to the west, across the ocean. It is near the Persian empire. There are multiple problems, however. Firstly, the Persians have failed to settle near the Whales, however they have settled a city near the island which is near the Whales... and as a result, you must raze this city. After that, the Island has been inhabited with many strong and powerful units (All very early modern-era... Fighters, SAM infantry, Infantry, Tanks, and Artillery), and the barbaric tribe that lives there has made a powerful fort upon thier land. You must capture this fort. Finally, you must build one of your own cities on that tile, and expand its borders. Upon doing that, you will claim the second source of Holy Whales.

The Third source of Holy Whales is to the North, in American territory. I have sown the seeds of dissent within the hearts of the Americans, and soon, very soon, they will rise up against you in a bloody war of Independance. You must re-capture all 4 cities of the Americans (Although you may, at your discretion, raze the Gates), expand the borders, and recapture the third source of Holy Whales. The Gold I have given you, however, will allow you to protect yourself from having to split this empire into another colony. If you do so, I fear that they will rapidly gain the desire to declare independance very soon..."

"So I must destroy my friends, fight the armies of the Gods of the Gods, AND defend against the Dutch?" Ragnar asked in disbelief.

"Yes", Digit said simply.

"And what will I gain from such a venture as this?"

"You will save me from the Death of Gods. That, and you will be given the Key... the Key to conquering the entire "Other Continent"".

"And these Gods of Gods... who are they?" Ragnar asked.

Digit faded away silently. "The bane of Gods... but the allies of men" he said, as his eyes remained.

Spoiler NFFE: What I did, and quests :
As a reward, Eldarion gains 4 settled Great Prophets, a free Market, and a Free Wall Street. That quest was SIGNIFICANTLY easier than I thought, but I am impressed on the speed that he completed this quest with!

This new quest is difficult. Much more difficult. And the rewards... they are about the same. The first source of Holy Whales is easy enough to capture... just hold Rotterdam until it hits 15 culture!!

The second is MUCH more difficult, the hardest of the three. First, Ragnar must capture, AND RAZE, the Persian city nearest the source of whales on the "Other Continent". Then, Ragnar must overcome the following army:

6 infantry
2 SAM infantry (Both promoted to Interception I&II)
2 Tanks
2 Artillery
2 Fighters

None of these units are promoted, but they are fortified, on a single tile, on a jungle, on a fort. This gives them a BIG defensive bonus. There is no easy way to overcome this army... and it will require a major amphibious attack. Finally, after doing this, Ragnar must settle on the tile, and expand the borders. Then the second source of Holy Whales will be captured.

The final one is easier. In 50 turns, America will get a -100 diplo hit with Ragnar, and then they will declare war on Ragnar (I will do this in WB). After this happens, Ragnar must recapture all four American cities, and expand the borders. However, as America is already relatively weak, the 12 cuirassers (or the survivors there-in) will be gifted to the Americans, promoted to Combat II, and upgraded to whatever units the Americans can build. After that, the Americans will gain EVERY SINGLE TECHNOLOGY that Ragnar already has, but will also lose 3 population in all cities (to hurt the tech rate immediately following declaration of Independance.

The reward for this quest is 2 free Cities on the Continent (probably a Persian city or two), a free Forbidden Palace on one of those 2 cities, and both cities start with 100 culture (but no buildings)

Failing this quest will give no penalty in this game, but in the next game (if there is one), if ever I am released, then the civilisation Forest controls will have all non-forest, non-floodplain, non-non-God-Given-Resource (IE. The resource has always been there) will be covered in Jungle (Requires Iron Working to trigger, I am not that mean :p))

I have done no other major changes to the game. And this will be the last quest I give (as Plastics and Industrialism are coming very soon...)

Spoiler Forest may read, if he wants: In my defence: Why the Modern Era troops? :
Simple. All these units are EARLY Modern era techs, no more than 1 or 2 techs into the Modern Era. In addition, I want this fort to hold out for a wee while now. Ragnar is Mid-Industrial, so it is only 2/3's of an era ahead. Finally, the Barbs are isolated, so they can't go rampaging through the Persian empire. Not yet, anyway :p

[Edit]There are two saves. One is just mine, and one is mine with Churchills one. My question is... why does Forest always provide his saves AFTER moving his units? :p He should at least wait till we play with the world...

Spoiler NFFE: 1 turn after this :
I played a quick game of this... on the first turn, the Dutch attacked an undefended Nidaroes, and captured it. Also, I moved the calvalry heroes off the city tile, to protect them. However, I could only move them one tile, so the Dutch re-captured Rotterdam, only for Churchill himself to re-capture Rotterdam. The remaining 4 redcoats attacked the hero-calvalry. 2 Redcoats died, and 2 heroes died.

Its a devastating beggining to the game... BUT its entirely fixable. With the massive amount of gold I have given, switching to US and gold rushing some nearby defenders should help. The barbs MIGHT leave Rotterdam undefended... maybe. Finally, cultural pressure on Nidaros could mean that he could get it back for peace. Maybe... I dunno.
Hannibal is from Carthage, not Babylon

The Isle is given a city. The city is given two Januaries, Walls, a Castle, and a Theater. Remember, this must BURN to complete my quest. Fallout was also removed from the island. >>
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