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DNES1 - It's Spiffy, So Join


My Name Says It All
Jun 24, 2003
Central Illinois
This is my first NES, so be kind . . .

I've played NESs for a little while now, and with a sudden and large amout of time on my hands, I fell like starting up my own regular NES. There are things in NESs I like, and things I'd like to change or experiment with, so bear with me.

You can grow any number of things per turn, except for economy which you can only upgrade by itself.


Your army is composed of various troops specified by you in your order(i.e. I wanna draft an army of cavalry, infantry, etc. . . .). The armies will be recorded numerically. They will increase based upon how many economy points you spend( I'll probably put some kind of a cap on), for different types of troops it will cost differently. Its performance will depend on terrain, numbers, troop types included, technology, experience, general morale, and luck above all. You can increase experience by levels: poor, moderate, high, veteran, elite. You can only pass high by fighting in wars, and it take one turn to upgrade. Upgrading technology will take economy points and one turn. All above rules apply to navies and airforces.


Your economy is kept track of in points. You can increase it, and only it, once per turn. It will increase based upon you techlevel, state of war, wonders, and trade routes. Also, your economy is relative to what you can research per turn, as I have no Education stat.

Trade Routes:

Trade routes can be established after you are in close proximity of another player, or NPC(but not Barbs). The proximity is determined by tech level. You gain 1/20 of your current economy points every turn per route. Trade routes can be interrupted by enemy presences.

Technology and Ages:

You can research techs each turn(within reason), it will also be researched faster by what your economy is like. Just put them into your orders.

I determine who advances into new ages by techs. Ages go like so:

Copper Age
Bronze Age
Iron Age
Classical Age
Low Middle Ages
High Middle Ages
Age of Exploration
Age of Colonization
Imperial Age
Industrial Age
Late Industrial Age
Early Modern Age
Modern Age
Post Modern Age


You can increase culture during your turn. Your culture will go up one point for every time you increase it, as it will determine morale of your civ and speed of wonder production. It will also control frequency of rebellions.


You can make only one wonder per age, per civ. I determine the length of construction based upon benefits(keep it reasonable) and culture. Wonders can grow anything.

Extra stuff:

I will not tolerate bickering or cheating of any kind whatsoever. I do not play favorites, nor will I abuse my role as head of NPCs. I will however, give out bonuses from time to time if I think I have been somewhat unjust, just as I will do the opposite if I feel I've been way too lenient.

The Template is as follows:

Army:500 footsoldiers
Navy: N/A
Airforce: N/A
Culture: 3
Age: Copper Age
Starting Location:

Leader:Jerry Cooper
Army:500 footsoldiers
Navy: N/A
Airforce: N/A
Culture: 3
Age: Copper Age
Starting Location:Rome

Name: Egyptians
Leader: Jam-Master Rufus III
Army:500 footsoldiers
Navy: N/A
Airforce: N/A
Culture: 3
Age: Copper Age
Religion: Polytheistic Egyptian Gods
Starting Location: Mouth of Nile, Cairo

Name: Sharkey
Leader: Big Brother
Army:500 footsoldiers
Navy: N/A
Airforce: N/A
Culture: 3
Age: Copper Age
Religion: Atheist
Starting Location:
Leader:Jerry Cooper
Army:500 footsoldiers
Navy: N/A
Airforce: N/A
Culture: 3
Age: Copper Age
Starting Location:Rome
Name: Egyptians
Leader: Jam-Master Rufus III
Army:500 footsoldiers
Navy: N/A
Airforce: N/A
Culture: 3
Age: Copper Age
Religion: Polytheistic Egyptian Gods
Starting Location: Mouth of Nile, Cairo...(you Idiot) hahhaha
Great, now all I need are a couple more people to start. Wowie will this be fun!
wtf man, i come in here all kind and nice and you have to tell me off. Wut is your problem... i cant believe you would just start flaming like that, im gonna tell a mod to close this thread...........some people are just evil
Oh no, don't close the thread. I didn't insult you anyway, I really only DO need another couple of people to start.
Name: Sharkey
Leader: Big Brother
Army:500 footsoldiers
Navy: N/A
Airforce: N/A
Culture: 3
Age: Copper Age
Religion: Atheist
Starting Location: Duh.

The Alaskan king known only as Big Brother united the Alaskan peoples to start a tribe that would rule the world.

OOC: This is the first NES I have ever joined from the beginning, so make it good.
Originally posted by Sir O'Casey
You better make it good or ill kill you.........over the internet! be scared be very scared

quit posting irrelevant messages or ill kill!!!! Arrrr...
(o wait this post is useless too, hope the dont find out) those idiots hahhahaha.....o man i think they read that o snap, im outta here for now
ok guys, I think i'm actually gonna start this thing. First update later tonite.
Update 1
3000 B.C.

The dawn of civilization has come. In North America there is the first civilzation. The Alaskans, as they call themselves, have discovered farming and settled down. They have founded Anchorage, their capital. They have also come into contact with barbarians to the west. Tehy call themselve the Aleutians, and are a fishing people.

Several civilizations popup around the Mediterranean Sea. The first of which are the Egyptians. They are split into two kingdoms - the Upper Kingdom ruled by its own Pharoah, and the Lower Kingdom ruled by the Pharoah Jam-Master Rufus III. The two Egypts are at odds with each other, each wanting to bring the other under it's control.

In Italy, the Etrurians form. Under their wing the City of Rome grows into and independed civilization. The Roman people do not like being under Etrurian dominance. They tell their King Jerry Cooper this. He also has to be wary of the Samnites to the east. They are a warlike people jealous of the riches of Rome.

To Alaskans
From Aleutians

We do not want war, as we are a peaceful people. Just remember that our lands and fishing grounds have been ours forever, and it shall stay that way.

To Lower Egypt
From Upper Egypt

Egypt will be one land soon, and we are prepared to do that ourselves. You will bow to me.

To Rome
From Etruria

We have heard rumors that your people are distasteful of our rule. We wish nothing but peace, as we are brothers. We provide trade, protection, and civilization, all you need to do is pay us a small tribute of 15 economy points per turn.

To Rome
From Samnites

We demand that your nation becomes a vassal to us. If you and your pathetic army do not comply, we will be forced to destroy you and your people.

Did u delete what I posted earlier?
Anyway I said you should put the NHCs stats and stuff on here so if I was going to attack anyone I wouldnt be outnumbered 30-1.
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