Do you think we have too much production?


Sep 20, 2015
Some people mentioned having too much production in my proposal for Engineer Specialist boosts, and @CrazyG just proposed reducing Forge's Mine buff. I agree with their proposal, but my reasoning has more to do with non-resource mines being too powerful compared to other improvements than a concern with production yields.
So what do you think, is production in a good place now, if not, will CrazyG's proposal be enough, or do we need more drastic measures? It would help the discussion if you can specify when (techs/eras) and where (improvements, tiles or buildings) production increases too much. Here's a building count and cost by era graph by @Rekk. While it isn't about production generation per se, I think it highlights the issue of "running out of things to build" quite well, maybe we need spread buildings a bit, it's too frontloaded.
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With Progress and Industry I always have plenty of production when I invest in every building. I build every building I need and then just spend it to units, diplomats and processes. Even though I invest in every building I still have about 10k gold left.
Tbh gold is much more inflated with TR. Production is ok when you need to use them constantly, but the issue is science can't tech up fast enough to keep up with how fast production chunking out building (especially with invest, since gold is inflated). Recent change also drags out later eras - making science even more behind production.
I wouldn't mind toning down production a bit, and account for the fact that gold is inflated since mid game and almost all buildings would be invested. Another reason why peaceful play is so strong, since you never have to use production for extra units which is also a good chunk of production sink.
Yea I think you end up with excessive amounts of gold even if you don't really devote much to it.

My suggestion about mines was more about a balance between farms-mines-forests-coast than it was about slowing production. I don't think it affects your overall production too much, I checked a savegame I had in the industrial era and -1 production to mines would have reduced my production by about 2%, I could see it being more if your luxuries were mines, but still not a crazy amount.
But that also depends on playstyle and previous policies and terrain etc, Im often forced to take industry when ive gone ultra wide or lots of defensive units being surrounded by aggressive songhai, The Huns or the Zulus and yes your swimming in gold and it helps in happiness for sure as your ahead on hammers vs science.

I find i can have a bigger army under industry too, i think science has also is slightly thrown of the balance with 400+ turn finishes on standard
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