VP Congress Session 1: Stalker0's Ratification Log


Baller Magnus
Dec 31, 2005
I'm making this thread for myself as I run through games to codify my thoughts for ratification. With so many items, its easy to lose track. Its mainly for myself but of course others are welcome to use it for their own thoughts when its ratification time. I will update my thoughts as more games are played.

(1-02) Proposal: Units Should only Heal at +5HP Within the Borders of a Revolting City

--Not really feeling this one. I still feel that razing isn't strong enough, considering it coughs out a brand new enemy army to fight, which somewhat defeats the purpose of the healing.

(1-04) Proposal: Burghers rework

--I'm still debating whether Fealty is still a good wide tree, or if its all statecraft now and Fealty is just a good religion tree.

(1-05) Difficulty Level Revamp Proposals

--These have gone better than I expected, Immortal still feels pretty solid to me, no real complaints so far.

(1-06) Tradition Changes Proposals

--Overall liking these so far, slight coolness increases to tradition without too much power creep. I think removing some GAP stuff here was the right move. I like it.

(1-07) Proposal: Artistry OVERHAUL
--I need to try a wide CV play with artistry to see how it feels.

(1-08) Proposal: Buffs to Engineer specialists

--this is overkill. I know have engineers giving more hammers than merchants give gold. This is too much imo.

(1-09) Proposal: Remove malus from healing promotion
--I don't mind the medic on melee as much I thought. Medic on ranged units is even stronger but its not breaking the bank. The biggest thing seems to be medic on recon. Having a mobile survival 3 + medic recon unit taht's just a brick wall is kind of weird. I will say the march change should go, march is just stupid good now. Its my go to promotion, combined with a medic 2 skirmisher buddy, its just a crazy good combo.

(1-10) Make Paper Maker Make Paper Proposals
--The new china is much stronger than the old one, and I think even PDAN is looking at nerfs. I think even a nerfed china will be stronger than the old one... I mean your replacing food with science/culture, its kind of a no-brainer. The new UI is fun though, and looks cool too.

(1-11) City-State Unit Gift Proposals

--Haven't noticed this change yet.

(1-13) Proposal: Urban Planning (Progress) Settler Production Bonus
--The interesting thing on this one is whether its really switched up the progress order of policies. I generally play right 1, right 2, left 1, left 2, than the happy policy to finish up. Or if I'm going like a water focused strat where I don't need the worker, its left 1 left 2, right 1, right 2. Now with the new settler bonus I'm wondering if right 1 left 1 left 2 right 2 is the better way to go. I still dont' know if progress "needed" this, but hey tradition got a slight buff, why not!

(1-14) Proposal: Greatly increase production requirements of world congress collaborative wonders
--I liked this better than I expected. The change doesn't feel too much, and it is adding a few turns to the projects

(1-18) Proposal: Sphere of Influence can only be proposed by current CS ally
--I like this change, but the AI does not know how to handle it. The AI basically never proposes SOI anymore, because I don't think its been trained to propose this for CS allies it already has. So either we need to commit to an AI update, or sadly we may need to drop this.

(1-20) Proposal: First Great Prophet always spawns in the capital
--Had several games where this already came in really handy. One game in particular, had a weak faith opener but went nature due to a "super city" for city 2, surrounded by mountains with a natural wonder. I still barely founded though, and in the old system I would have pop the GP in that 2nd city, forcing me to build my holy city suboptimally because I couldn't risk the travel time to send it to the capital. But with the change I got it in the capital and made my little gamble work. Yeah really happy for this change.

(1-22) Infiltrators Promotion Proposals
--never see it in play

(1-23) Early Game Building Proposals
--I like the new herbalist, I definately squeeze it in more now. The lodge change was good, its a niche building but its very good at its niche, and the +BGP gives it just enough oomph to push it into my build orders in a few cases where its not otherwise optimal. Welcome back granary, i missed you buddy!

(1-24) Proposal: Swap Eki and Encampment Improvement Unlock Techs
--No thoughts haven't really seen it in play.

(1-25) Proposal: Cooperation buff
--Feels decent in human hands, certainly not OP. Does it actually compare to other beliefs now...eh hard to say, I may need to do some logging to see how good this things really performs.

(1-26) Proposal: Change the distribution for CS quests asking for a number of buildings in the empire
--I haven;t noticed too much change here yet.

(1-27-1) Mod Integration Votes: UI - Filters in Trade Route Overview
--I love it!

(1-27-2) Mod Integration Votes: UI - Religion Spread
--oh yeah this is a thing, um how do I find it?

(1-27-3) Mod Integration Votes: UI - Improved Military Overview
--where is this?

(1-27-4) Mod Integration Votes: Archaeology Aesthetic Adjustments
--I honestly can't tell the difference

(1-27-5) Mod Integration Votes: Promotion Flags for VP (EUI only, off by default, enabled in Interface Options)
--why is this not on by default? Its just better!

(1-28) Proposal: Netherlands Polder buildable on Coastal sea tiles instead of fresh water tiles.
--been doing a lot of dutch play. The new polder is fun, not OP at all (honestly its still a bit on the weak side of the UI spectrum). The adjacency is pretty darn hard to get, so rare I don't even know if its worth the paper its printed on. It is fun to be able to put machine guns on the water and project a bit more water defense.

(1-29) Proposal: Double the duration of the "Kill X CS/Ally both CS" quest
--I actually got this quest once, yay!

(1-30) Proposal: Reduce Heavy Skirmisher CS by 1
--Still a really good unit, could maybe even use another nerf on the CS, I need to dig in on this more. Should do a play with heavy "heavy skirmisher" play see who it really feels.

(1-33) Proposal: Smooth grow penalty from unhappiness.
--I don't "feel" the difference really. I mainly still carea bout the -10% CS, the military and civilian unit penalties, and of course the rebellion meter.

(1-35) Proposals for Woodsman Promotion
--haven't tried it

(1-36) Proposal: Remove Tourism bonus to GWAM from Garden
--Garden is still great, don't miss the bonus at all.

(1-38) Proposal: Amphibious gives double movement in Marsh
--Not tested

(1-39) Proposal: Rework the defense buildings (walls) line
-- In general I like the new bastion fort (though its a bit of a mouthful, probably could have just called it a Bastion). The bastion is still fairly expensive for when it comes out, though not in the same league as the arsenal was. The biggest difference I've noticed is the loss of range 3 for a good bit longer in the game, that really does shake up some of that early industrial warfare, and gives artillery a longer "dominance" period. I do think the bastion garrison healing may be too much, garrisons are just really tanky right now, it takes a lot of punishment to actually kill them.

(1-40) Proposal: Remove the 10% unit supply bonus from Hospital
--Haven't noticed much difference.

Changes to Barbarians (beyond those in proposal 5a)
--I honestly thought I would hate these changes, but so far so good honestly. The new barbs are clearly more "ragey" but not overwhelmingly so. I haven't found them popping up in the middle of my civs, just on the edges. Its forces me to committ a bit more to troop production but nothing insane. And the barbs still tend to go away in the later games, I was worried they would be a constant threat, which has not been the case. I do agree with some others that the galley spam gets a bit nuts in the early game sometimes.

Changes to Naval Unit Gifts from Militaristic City-States
--No opinion yet

Changes to China (beyond those in proposal 10)
--The +2 food is surpringly strong considering you have it on turn 1, that combined wtih the immediate WLTED means your first city grows like a shot. I actually managed to hit pop 5 in a city before tradition opener (giving me the rare 7 pop tradition capital), without even getting the granary yet.

Changes to Espionage System
--This still needs some work. The UI is very buggy at the moment which doesn't help. The mission durations feels soooo long, I don't mind them for the steals as much, but for the kidnapping or the sabotage, it just feels forever. The new coups are better, the lower success rate is now quite noticable, and I'm not couping like a crazy man anymore. In general I use my level 1 spies for coups (level 1 spies really can't do many regular missions), and then once they hit level 2 I start moving them back over, as its now a bit too risky to coup with my veteran spies. The science rate for a good steal is still like 1/7th the value of the old tech steal, that still just feels too low even though it is a true steal now.

Change to Great Engineers / Change to World Wonder Production Costs
--I think we are still a bit overboard here on the engineers. Now the new wonder production cost has helped al ittle bit, my later engineers aren't QUITE one shotting a wonder, but I'm still getting it down to like 1 turn.

Changes to Happiness System
--Better here than I expected. I am still struggling with it on some games, but breezing it on others. I still get to rebellion levels sometimes, and I get to 100% sometimes. I do think the new system is clearer, though it remains opaque in some ways. For example, when you take a belief that gives a -2 to all poverty in 10 cities, you might think your going to reduce unhappiness by 18-20 or so. But then sometimes its like 5-7, because that poverty is just replaced with some other need.
(1-20) Proposal: First Great Prophet always spawns in the capital
--Had several games where this already came in really handy. One game in particular, had a weak faith opener but went nature due to a "super city" for city 2, surrounded by mountains with a natural wonder. I still barely founded though, and in the old system I would have pop the GP in that 2nd city, forcing me to build my holy city suboptimally because I couldn't risk the travel time to send it to the capital. But with the change I got it in the capital and made my little gamble work. Yeah really happy for this change.
I wish we had come up with some reason why you might not want your Holy City to always your capital. This feels like a failure of imagination.
(1-10) Make Paper Maker Make Paper Proposals
--The new china is much stronger than the old one, and I think even PDAN is looking at nerfs. I think even a nerfed china will be stronger than the old one... I mean your replacing food with science/culture, its kind of a no-brainer. The new UI is fun though, and looks cool too.
Agreed. definitely needs to be nerfed.
(1-02) Proposal: Units Should only Heal at +5HP Within the Borders of a Revolting City

--Not really feeling this one. I still feel that razing isn't strong enough, considering it coughs out a brand new enemy army to fight, which somewhat defeats the purpose of the healing.
This is precisely the kind of change I like the least. This is the kind of mechanics change that confuses newcomers and seems actively designed to punish people who aren't digging into the forum.
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(1-02) Proposal: Units Should only Heal at +5HP Within the Borders of a Revolting City

--Not really feeling this one. I still feel that razing isn't strong enough, considering it coughs out a brand new enemy army to fight, which somewhat defeats the purpose of the healing.
The primary point of the proposal is to make recovery after conquering a city slower. I don't know how you feel about that because you've only ever mentioned the razing change, which is by far a secondary concern.
(1-27-2) Mod Integration Votes: UI - Religion Spread
--oh yeah this is a thing, um how do I find it?
On the Religon screen (the religion icon in the top bar), there is a new tab.
Memory requirements.
The top left drop-down includes a military button, which has been enhanced by this mod.
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--I don't "feel" the difference really. I mainly still carea bout the -10% CS, the military and civilian unit penalties, and of course the rebellion meter.
How is -10% CS penalty calculated? Is it constant -10% for happiness under 50%? Or is it more harsh for lower thresholds?
Alright I'll use this thread to walk through the ratification votes and record my votes.

(1-04) Proposal: Burghers rework

No vote, I don't have enough fealty experience recently to really say.

(1-05) Difficulty Level Revamp Proposals

Keep, this has gone much smoother than I expected. The alternate option honestly makes the AI weaker at a time that people are looking for ways to make it more competitive, so I think the current version is just fine.

(1-06) Tradition Changes Proposals

--Keep, overall good changes. Might need a few tweaks, but the direction feels good.

(1-07) Proposal: Artistry OVERHAUL
--No vote, I'm just unsure how I feel about this overall.

(1-08) Proposal: Buffs to Engineer specialists

--No, I have liked this less and less in playtesting, its too much.

(1-09) Proposal: Remove malus from healing promotion
--No, I think overall this has made medic too good.

(1-10) Make Paper Maker Make Paper Proposals
--Keep. This definately needs some nerfs, but the direction has felt interesting, so I vote to keep it and then we will tweak it proposals.

(1-11) City-State Unit Gift Proposals

--Yes, I don't notice this much but I think its an improvement

(1-13) Proposal: Urban Planning (Progress) Settler Production Bonus
--No. This feels like an unnecessary change, and I do think we are starting to pump too much power into the ancient era trees. So we can pull this back.

(1-14) Proposal: Greatly increase production requirements of world congress collaborative wonders
--Keep. This was one I was concerned about but playtesting has shown me its a good change.

(1-20) Proposal: First Great Prophet always spawns in the capital
--KEEP!!! Hell yes, such a great change, already used it several times in different games.

(1-22) Infiltrators Promotion Proposals
--No vote, never see it in play

(1-23) Early Game Building Proposals
--Keep, I think this smoothed out the rough edges with the new lodge. The core buildings are now working well together with strong and good niches.

(1-24) Proposal: Swap Eki and Encampment Improvement Unlock Techs
--No vote, No thoughts haven't really seen it in play.

(1-25) Proposal: Cooperation buff
--Keep. So far I haven't felt it OP in human hands, and I'm not seeing any runaway AIs with it.

(1-26) Proposal: Change the distribution for CS quests asking for a number of buildings in the empire
--Keep. seem fine enough.

(1-27-1) Mod Integration Votes: UI - Filters in Trade Route Overview

(1-27-2) Mod Integration Votes: UI - Religion Spread

(1-27-3) Mod Integration Votes: UI - Improved Military Overview

(1-27-4) Mod Integration Votes: Archaeology Aesthetic Adjustments
--No vote, still can't tell the difference

(1-27-5) Mod Integration Votes: Promotion Flags for VP (EUI only, off by default, enabled in Interface Options)

(1-28) Proposal: Netherlands Polder buildable on Coastal sea tiles instead of fresh water tiles.
--Keep, its a fun change that the system and AI seem to handle without problems.

(1-29) Proposal: Double the duration of the "Kill X CS/Ally both CS" quest
--Keep. honestly een with the double duration I still have trouble with this quest sometimes, but its now at least doable in many cases.

(1-30) Proposal: Reduce Heavy Skirmisher CS by 1
--Keep. unit still feels good

(1-33) Proposal: Smooth grow penalty from unhappiness.
--Keep, its decent even though I don't feel it much.

(1-35) Proposals for Woodsman Promotion
--No vote, haven't tried it

(1-36) Proposal: Remove Tourism bonus to GWAM from Garden
--Keep. Garden is still great, don't miss the bonus at all.

(1-38) Proposal: Amphibious gives double movement in Marsh
--No vote. Not tested

(1-39) Proposal: Rework the defense buildings (walls) line
--Keep. I think its a positive step forward although there is work to be done, I do think cities are a little bloated now.

(1-40) Proposal: Remove the 10% unit supply bonus from Hospital
--No, I haven't noticed much difference in supply and I think its a nice bonus for hospitals, so I say give it back.

Changes to Naval Unit Gifts from Militaristic City-States

Changes to China (beyond those in proposal 10)
--No. I actually think this was a buff to china overall (that early food is really really useful). So to start teh needed nerfs to China a rollback here is a good start.

Change to Great Engineers / Change to World Wonder Production Costs
--No, I think the new GE is just too good. We need to go back and rethink this.

Changes to Happiness System
--Keep. ultimately a step forward.
Change to Great Engineers / Change to World Wonder Production Costs
--No, I think the new GE is just too good. We need to go back and rethink this.
Note that voting NO here goes back to the default of 10 turns of the best 4 cities.
Note that voting NO here goes back to the default of 10 turns of the best 4 cities.
Weren’t you in the process of needing it down? Voting no now actually makes it stronger
Weren’t you in the process of needing it down? Voting no now actually makes it stronger
The Great Engineer changes made the bulbs stronger in the late game, so unless I'm missing something, reverting that should make them weaker.
Reverting makes it count 10 turns in the best 4 cities, which should always be stronger than 5 turns in the best city.
Reverting makes it count 10 turns in the best 4 cities, which should always be stronger than 5 turns in the best city.
So I can tell you that late game GEs are now definitively stronger than they were before.... and that was in fact the intent. So I don't know the new calculation vs the old, but I know that reverting will be a nerf overall to GEs.

If your telling me that is not the case than something sinister has happened between the old version and the new....because that is what is.
There were two changes made to Great Engineers (in the previous two versions). Voting REPEAL only reverts the second (back to the 2.7 version).
I still barely founded though, and in the old system I would have pop the GP in that 2nd city, forcing me to build my holy city suboptimally because I couldn't risk the travel time to send it to the capital
I argue that this would be a good thing to have happen (it would have ended up making your game more interesting).
I argue that this would be a good thing to have happen (it would have ended up making your game more interesting).
if by interesting you mean it would limit which beliefs I would choose, as several of them would be garbage without being in the capital. People keep throwing around the word interesting as if every random thing that happens to do creates this big shakeup in strategic play. It doesn't, it just feels bad.
I wish we had come up with some reason why you might not want your Holy City to always your capital. This feels like a failure of imagination.

Agree with this on a fundamental level, it always bugged me how even in tradition-less games the capital is eternally the most powerful city, and to consider abetting a secondary city (and a strong faith earning one at that!) with founder bonuses is sub-optimal. Can't think of anything to change this either though, feels like it needs a reintroduction of a mechanic like civ 3's forbidden palace but well aware that's outside the scope of the mod.
--this is overkill. I know have engineers giving more hammers than merchants give gold. This is too much imo.
I think this has way more to do with merchants being trash specialists than engineers being OP. Now I often have to think about if I'm running an engineer or a scientist (or both) when before you obviously just ran lone scientists first. Do you think Engineers are consistently better than Scientists?
Do you think Engineers are consistently better than Scientists?
That’s not the real comparison in most cases. Science as a yield only has a few places it is generated, specialists being a notable place here. So scientists are always valuable, you can’t really “push” science in many other ways.

With hammers, the terrain generates a majority of these, and so engineers compete directly with the very worker you remove to use them.

Ultimately this means scientists are always useful, whereas engineers are situationally useful (depending on the terrain and whether I think a Great engineer is possible)
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