[MOD] Does anyone know what Final Frontier (Plus) changed to break specialists?


Sep 12, 2013
I'm working on some tweaks to Final Frontier Plus, one of which is adding back specialists to give some use to all that excess food you tend to have in lategame. With some tweaks to the XML and python I was able to get them to show up mostly correctly, but there are two major issues:

1) Adding/removing specialists manually doesn't work. The hovertext will show a count of "forced" specialists, but no icons show up and the number of citizens working elsewhere doesn't change.

2) No yields are processed from specialists. Even when free specialists (which do show correctly on the interface) are granted by a building, no yields from these are added to the city.

I've looked through cvCity.cpp and cvPlayer.cpp but was unable to find any changed code that would prevent specialist yields from being applied, and I'm unfamiliar with where else in the code this issue might arise.
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