That depends on the AI. Some of the more aggressive ones may declare war on the second or third instance of trespassing. Then you have the case of the AI trespassing on your territory, and declaring war when asked to leave.Does player tresspassing on its territory provoke AI to declare war?
That depends on the AI. Some of the more aggressive ones may declare war on the second or third instance of trespassing. Then you have the case of the AI trespassing on your territory, and declaring war when asked to leave.
I am playing on the Warhammer Fantasy map using Conquest units and civilizations, with the map being wraparound. I have the Vikings located in what I would call Alaska. The only civilization that I have contacted is the Iroquois. I am fairly deep into the Medieval Period, closing in on the Physics Tech, and already have gunpowder. I have changed a a fair number of things as well. I had an Iroquois Veteran Warrior and a Conscript Warrior trespass into one of my cities radius. I asked him to leave, and he said that he would. Instead he kept going deeper into the city radius, approaching a vital communications link between cities. When I asked again, he declared War. I wiped out his two units with a Swordsman Army, and started checking what was coming up from the south, through a LOT of mountains. What I found was a steady but small stream of Warriors and Spearman coming at me. Because of the slow movement through the mountains, all of these units are very early Ancient Age units. I am slaughtering them, but the Iroquois keep coming. What the end will be I will eventually find out.Does the AI include other factors, like relative military strength? I agree that aggression probably plays a role, but I haven't noticed underpowered AI being suicidal, declaring war against a much stronger human player just because we tresspassed a lot.
Yes, my initial question was about if tresspassing shifts AI's attitude to more aggressive towards the trespasser.I am assuming we are not talking about instant war declaration here? So not like what can happen when the AI catches you spying? We are talking about it contributing to the AI's decision about whether or not to attack you. I will have to look and see if trespassing changes their mood towards 'annoyed'. Its not something I have picked up on, but I am usually only trespassing in the early exploration phase and the AI hasn't learnt to love me by then.