Doh. Post Your Mistakes


Nov 16, 2003
Dunedin, New Zealand
Best way to learn ios to make a mistake. Whats some of yours? I have been in Civ3 mode with roads. I tend to forget AI teams can use your roads. I had a fantastic Deity Roman game going. 5-6 early cities, huge archer armies, found the 7 cities of gold in a great gold city island with a whale, fish and oak available. Rush built multiple archers and had a gret roading network up.

Didn't notice an Egyptian archer sneak onto one of my roads and Rome was naked. Rome falls to the archer unit and I had city walls as well:blush: Thought I wouold recapture it easy enough. Got 3 archer armies and my horsemen and rapidly redeployed to assault my own capital. No city walls left but the 1 Egyptian archer unit gets the palace combat bonus. Egyptian archer (not archer army) holds off all my armies, 2 horsemen and an upgraded warrior.

Doh doh doh.
I think the worst thing I ever did online was vs Hellogoodbye123 (yes, the french-lover)
-he had a few cities close to me (russia in that game), and I settled really well, but all of a sudden, he finds the arc of covenant, and gets temples all over the place...

I think logically, and make (rush-buy) walls in my dangerzone-cities, just before they flip.
-What does the frenchy do?
->in the same turn as my wall completes, and my archer army just stepped back in, he destroys my wall....only to have my city flipped right when the turn ends...

Damn frenchy costed my quite some gold, took my city and a vet+loyal archer amy...

I would have taken vengeance if only the game didn't freeze up a bit later...
Well, I may not have made such a huge mistake as losing to Hellogoodbye123 :lol: But, I do make mistakes all the time. Most often it's about accidently settling my GP with the Americans, burning too much gold in the early game, or just horrible late night moves.

I made a bad mistake last night. I was going for bombers via Oxford in a close match between me (arabs) vs the spanish (other guy in h2h). He had beat me to industrialization, so I wanted to get corportation first. I had industrialization as my last tech, so finishing Oxford University would've given me Advanced Flight and Bombers. But, for my own stupidity, I finished research of Corporation the turn I got Oxford, so I got Networking instead. Half priced universities from networking isn't bad, but bombers would've helped me win that game. i lost the game later because we both finished an economic victory on the same turn, but he got the win because he was the host. :mad:
Well, I may not have made such a huge mistake as losing to Hellogoodbye123 :lol: But, I do make mistakes all the time. Most often it's about accidently settling my GP with the Americans, burning too much gold in the early game, or just horrible late night moves.

I made a bad mistake last night. I was going for bombers via Oxford in a close match between me (arabs) vs the spanish (other guy in h2h). He had beat me to industrialization, so I wanted to get corportation first. I had industrialization as my last tech, so finishing Oxford University would've given me Advanced Flight and Bombers. But, for my own stupidity, I finished research of Corporation the turn I got Oxford, so I got Networking instead. Half priced universities from networking isn't bad, but bombers would've helped me win that game. i lost the game later because we both finished an economic victory on the same turn, but he got the win because he was the host. :mad:

Planning FAIL =D

Hey, Hellogoodbye123 is one of the best french-players ever, so respect to that guy!
-Of course I can beat him, but he gets lucky with those GP's to often...
->example : wonder rushes with !3! GB's in less than 20 turns to make east-india, oxford (getting bombers) and trade fair.

More fails I can think of :
placing a settler right next to another one, just to see 2 keshiks right next to me....aargh!

seeing a french sieging army (knights, and lots of 'em) pass my capital when I have nothing but a wall and a GP in it :p
-Guess he misread the unit-flag :D

Getting a GB, and rushing a wonder in your city, only to realise that your in a wrong city that had stonehenge in the building order to stock up hammers...

As the English getting David as first GP, settling it, and 2 turns later see him getting abducted by Chinese spies....
I had an enemy archer army stationed on my oak resource in my capital city, which I was using to build Leonardo's Workshop and had the construction schedule carefully set so that I would finish researching gunpowder and within the next turn, would complete construction. I was not paying attention and the enemy soldier moved off the oak, making me complete Leonardo's Workshop before I had finished researching gunpowder. None of my units upgraded.
I had an enemy archer army stationed on my oak resource in my capital city, which I was using to build Leonardo's Workshop and had the construction schedule carefully set so that I would finish researching gunpowder and within the next turn, would complete construction. I was not paying attention and the enemy soldier moved off the oak, making me complete Leonardo's Workshop before I had finished researching gunpowder. None of my units upgraded.

Riflemen would only keep you safe from knights. They slow down tanks, but a few tank armies usually end up beating riflemen.

I like Leo's Workshop, but only in a purely tactical sense. It's way to overused or relied upon. Unless you are the Romans, or have a factory, then it just takes too long to hammer out.

The East India Company costs just as many hammers, and is way more useful.
Riflemen would only keep you safe from knights. They slow down tanks, but a few tank armies usually end up beating riflemen.

I like Leo's Workshop, but only in a purely tactical sense. It's way to overused or relied upon. Unless you are the Romans, or have a factory, then it just takes too long to hammer out.

The East India Company costs just as many hammers, and is way more useful.

I agree that it's not the most helpful wonder out there, but I sometimes try to get it just to keep someone else from getting use out of it. On this particular occasion, it would have been very helpful.
Built The Pyramid... and stayed in Despotism...
A bunch of turns later, I went "Duh!" like Homer in the Simpsons :lol:
I was using Napoleon in King and I declared war on Alexander by accident. I was trying to trade with him but first he asked me if we agree to our peace treaty and i accidently clicked no. He had a better army and i tried to hold him off but i was getting pounded. So i had to reload. I went on to win economic victory but he came close to winning technology
Is this too obvious? My most common mistake is forgetting to change my workers around and change my build orders. Also, from time to time, I make peace by accident. In my most recent sweet Deity win (culture w/Germans) I had a mass of about 12 tank armies ready to Quash Athens, the only city of the hapless Greeks, whom I had pinned in a small corner of the map at the very beginning of the game. I had spent thousands of gold spinning out tanks once my cultural victory was in the pipes, hoping to take the offensive rather than suffer the indignity of having to defend my capital from the lowly AI. The Greeks, no doubt having consulted their philosophers, decided to offer me the tidy sum of 12g to make peace. Naturally, I accepted!
In singleplayer, when I'm careless, I might accept things by accident as well...

got lucky against Americans (who I didn't bother to attack in their cap) who had 7 cities of gold ealy, and in 400 BC over 300 gold.

I was playing as the mongols, and well, let's just say I was rather surprised when the Americans offered me 300 gold :D

sad part was that I wanted to send a knight through to take a settler whom they left undefended....ah well, come to think of it, 300 Golds better :D
i have this bad habit that when i focus on expansion and economy i seem to not focus enough on my military, and when i focus on military i dont seem to get the whole economie and expansion thing going... gimme a advice please
Started a game as the Russians and placed my first city on a plain between a hill, forest, and some grassland, a couple of tiles from the water, and thus ensuring that I'd acquire no more than one gold or science or turn. Well I could research until I get a courthouse. Oh yeah, at 1 science per turn, that could take a while.

Then some barbarians told me about an artifact in the sea just east of my city. I'll just create a galley and . . . oh yeah, um, the water is a little ways from my city.

I finally created settlers and sent them to a narrow strip of land just south enough from the first city to give the two space with resources all over. Oh, there's another civ just south of me. I'll just create my new city on that hill on the western part of that strip to protect myself. While my galley is being made, I'll switch workers so they can make sure the galley is made on the east . . . DOH!

(Resets game as entire population leaves in disgust of leader's total stupidity)
Not a mistake, just bad luck with horrible starting positions.

I started a game as the Mongols as chose the Asia dlc map, figuring, with all the landmass, it could be the real 'Wrath of Khan.' Instead, they stuck me on an island! I didn't even known Asia had islands (It wasn't Japan; it was more square-shaped).

Then I started a game as Japan, using the American dlc map. I figured I could settled along the eastern coast until I eventually got tanks. They put me in Nebreska!

I'm surprised they even allowed me anywhere near a desert with the Egyptians.
I'm FROM Nebraska :O. But I was the Romans and I was facing the British and they were able to use a hill to get knight armies to take out my best archer armies. I was way advanced technology wise but to save my city I had to make peace for a few turns. being one who loves military That was a tough pill to swallow lol. I also had a game where i was at war with all 4 of my opponents from Ancient Times on. it was annoying. I was so busy defending the cities I didn't build city walls so they culture flipped. I won them back but It was annoying.
At least you're safe from a Japanese invasion.

LMFAO. idk me and japanese girls..... but i must say i always leave cities undefended that i conquer. I also have a bad habit of losing good advanced units because defensively i get ignorant
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