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[DOTO] Dawn Of The OverLords

Been thinking of starting a new side-project, I have a couple ideas. Some really good mods between yours and Chronicles of Mankind.
Ohh, I just accidentally stumbled upon this... :love:

So what do you have in mind?
Civ4 was the best in the series
its perfect :) (with mods only..)

Civ3 was amazing
its my most Played civ game. i started an MP game with my friend a few days ago...

I have a couple ideas
well, share with the class please :)
I like Zeta's mod and my own but my own is missing a lot of the cool features that Zeta has, that came from A New Dawn. I like my own mod from the new eras it adds and the immersion I've worked hard to make with the city art, unit art and music. Originally I made mine(once I figured out xml) to have the features of Avain's original mod with the now unavailable mod "Extra". Since then I've been going the Civ5 and Age of Empires 3 route, making civ culture groups and invidual civs have something other civs don't besides the usual uniques.

My other idea was a "Ages of Fantasy":

starting with the Folklore Era(Stone Age fantasy, spirits and primitive temples, find their temples.),
Mythic Era(Based on age of mythology. build empires, train heroes, and fight monsters),
High Fantasy Era: Based on classic fantasy, dragons, wizards and knights
Adventure Era; Based on renaissance davinci tech, fantasy era of Pirates of the Caribbean.
Steampunk Era: Based on Steampunk genre. Airships, clockwork robots, etc
Atompunk Era: Based on the popular culture of the 50s and 60s
Cyberpunk Era: Based on more modern takes on science fiction.

Don't know yet if I will do it or not but it seems like a fun idea. Part of it comes from C2c alternate timelines, but also Age of Mythology and I had the idea of a different take on a fantasy mod. Basically it folklore to mythology to classical fantasy, transitioning from fantasy to sci-fi.
Interesting and fun idea. Probably to ambitious for a single modder to do it - not that I never thought of such a mod :)
Sounds cool.

Would it be "Earth with magic" or everything (civs, wonders, religions, etc) replaced with fictional ones?
well thats not a bad idea.
steampunk with magic is a concept not done yet.

i did other not civ mods, Battle for barsoom, Dune wars (initial mod) song of the moon.
though i love sci fi and fantasy, something about civ, always compelled me to play historical.

so , for me, ill stay with my own...
i would mind helping out when asked and contribute.

also, as Zeta said, its a years long project for a total conversion...all three of us experienced that :)
I see a magical world without actual magic.
I see a world ruined by a great cataclysm. A world struggling to ressurect from it's ashes.
I see plagued lands of nuclear fallout.
I see monsters created by the radiation.
I see wizards using and abusing ancient technologies.
I see dragons, that were brought back to life by the ancients from even much more ancient times.
And I think to my self... what a strange new world...
Actually the idea early on is the basis is on the mythology of cultures. Think age of mythology. All the Civs are real, and have a distinct pantheon.

-A Polynesian Civ
-A West African Civ
-North American Native Civs(Two)
-Australian Aborigine

In the Folklore Era and Mythological Eras you build your pantheon, and there is a tree. Your chooses effect gameplay. Do you want God x who provides certain things? Choosing Athena for example, as Greece, gets you Gorgon units or Pegasus. Choosing Coyote as Native Civ X would get you Skinchangers(Werewolves), and choosing Cerranos as the Celts gets you Faeries. Just some examples.

Hero units can be trained. They are unique per civ but expert in fighting mythological units.

In typical fantasy fashion, this gameplay continues in the High fantasy era. Sorcerers were rare in the time of mythology, but a magical renaissance happens now, and wizard and sorceror units are part of your armies. This era would be based on high fantasy settings, such as Dungeons and Dragons.

The Adventure Era is next. This is much like the previous, but with guns. Based on films like Pirates of the Caribbean, and ideas from those like Leonardo Davinci. A new factor: Science appears also. You can choose now either a Science based tech tree, or a Magic based one, which continues your current gameplay. Science has innovations such as gunpowder, and stronger sailing vessels. Magic will allow you to summon the strongest fantastic creatures.

In the Steampunk Era you still have the magical elements, but this is an era where such things are rapidly dissapearing or seen as dark and horrifying. Many past units become obsolete and pantheons no longer benefit you, instead you focus on technology. But airships and other hallmarks of the genre don't completely define things. Gothic horror is also a part here. You have the option of going down a very dark road, think Frankenstein. Or a higher path, with Jules Verne.

The Atompunk Era is the first era where magic and anything from previous eras related to it don't play a role. Instead powerful robots take the place of fiercesome monsters of fantasy. The era is marked by robots, spaceships, and other things, think 50s and 60s Sci-Fi. Monsters mutated by man's carelessness, maybe even alien tech, all are present here.

The Cyberpunk Era is the last era. Everything from 1970s Battlestar Gallactica, Star Wars, and newer material is fair game. Robots take on a more contempory appearence, laser weapons are still present. Time travel can prove a game changer, artificial intelligence may or may not follow the rules of robotics. They may help humanity, dominate, or kill, as all three are present in science fiction.
Sounds cool. Actually I am not interested in any high-fantasy and magic any more but it's a cool concept.
Let me expand my idea a bit too as it is a completely different one:
I see a magical world without actual magic.
I see a world ruined by a great cataclysm. A world struggling to ressurect from it's ashes.
I see plagued lands of nuclear fallout.
I see monsters created by the radiation.
I see wizards using and abusing ancient technologies.
I see dragons, that were brought back to life by the ancients from even much more ancient times.
And I think to my self... what a strange new world...
My inspiration came from such as:
  • See: 99.9% of mankind died in a great cataclysm (nuclear war + virus?), the few remaining shrunk back to a new stone age
  • Asimov's Foundation: there are some people who know what happened and have access to some advanced technologies to "perform magic"
  • Fallout series: a great part of the map is covered with "Cursed Ground" that is nuclear fallout: Uninhabitable and unhealthy to nearby cities.
  • Tiberium universe (and others) : some animals (even humans) are altered and mutated by radiation
  • Jurasic Park: dinosaurs were cloned put into parks. They survived the "end of the world" and even thrive in this new world
  • SMAC/CIVBE: some have managed to leave Earth before it was too late and found new colonies on other planets. One day they may return and try to rebuild Earth, but will they find here? - Even, the earliest expeditions have returned only to find Earth desolate. Their ship crash-landed and the samples they brought back got loose, thus "enriching" terran fauna and flora.
  • Horizon: Zero Dawn: "wild robots" wandering around the map. Most dangerous neutral units, hard to kill them but the reward is great: you can rediscover ancient technologies.
In this mod much of the planet would be covered by different terrain features that cannot be settled, used. These features could be removed later in the game:
  • Miasma: terrain covered with alien fungi and flora. Can be removed by some Medieval tech.
  • Death Breath: terrain covered by toxins. May disappear on it's own but can be cleaned in the Renaissance era.
  • Cursed Ground: nuclear fallout. Can be cleaned from the Industrial era onward.
Mages: powerful units that can be used to remove bad terrain features or build special buildings. Could be obtained from quests, goody huts and as :gp: generation. They would be very useful in the early game but losing their importance as you progress in the tech tree.
:gp: could also generate Cursed Ones if there are bad terrain features near the city.

Well, this is it in a nutshell. Not that I am planning to do it, just sharing a "would-be-cool" dream :)
thats not bad.
god concepts, i like it.

this one, has been done - PlanetFall (also modmod).
its very good, old, but good.

you can always pick up my mod - battle for barsoom :) i have worked on it allot, but never published the latest i did.
this one, has been done - PlanetFall (also modmod).
its very good, old, but good.
I know of it. Even it's modmod Conflict on Chiron.
But I didn't mean a SMAC mod. I meant I was inspired by some ideas of it. Like, referring to the events of SMAC/CIVBE:

"Around 2000 years ago the journey from Earth to Chiron took almost a century. Now the way back was "merely" 16 years.
Our ship, the Zakharov - named after our first great leader - was orbiting around Earth for several weeks surveying the surface. After careful consideration we chose a site for planetfall.
The ship was already a flying city but it's ingenious design was more relevant after landing. It quickly turned into a real city by establishing houses, hospitals, factories. ...and defensive structures.
Earth - the Cradle of Humanity - shrunk back to cruel barbarism. Her inhabitants technological level was early industrial.
Their Zeppelins and biplanes would be no match for our Needlejets but their ground forces - that included long range artillery - was to be cautious of.
We didn't come to fight and kill. We came to redeem Earth from her state of barbarism and lead her inhabitants back to a civilized way of life. Our way of life.
But we did expect opposition..."

you can always pick up my mod - battle for barsoom :) i have worked on it allot, but never published the latest i did.
I surely know of your mods. I have all of them downloaded ;) except for Song of the Moon.

I actually don't think my idea couldn't be done without extensive programming knowledge. Its just the will and details to do it that matter. The main idea is that instead of history when it comes to facts, the mod would be about history across the ages when it came to our imagination. Look at this upgrade path:

Witch Doctor----Sorceror----Wizard----Alchemist----Scientist

What comes to mind?
I actually don't think my idea couldn't be done without extensive programming knowledge. Its just the will and details to do it that matter. The main idea is that instead of history when it comes to facts, the mod would be about history across the ages when it came to our imagination.
Yeah, sure. It's just a lot of research and designing.

Witch Doctor----Sorceror----Wizard----Alchemist----Scientist

What comes to mind?
Spoiler Honestly? :) :

Been a while.

I really like the situation they came up with in Reimagined concerning the overpowering siege, though I'm not entirely sure exactly how they did it. For one, there simply is no option to build catapults and trebuchets. For two, I think they may have slightly altered the stats of walls. When I get to to cannons, they seemed relatively unchanged, which means I started building loads of them again. Anyway, I do very much like the fact that they eliminated catapults and trebuchets as it made warring that much more difficult and troop consuming for a slower paced expansion. I wonder how the brilliant AdvCiv AI would handle such changes. Right now I am playing AdvCiv again, and I just can't get over how great it performs even on Prince. I will try Doto again the next game I start, though I can't be sure when that will be. Keep up the good work and looking forward to the next version. Thanks.

Oh, and as I am playing AdvCiv now, I can clearly see that the culture revolution timer and decay were absolutely not present in the Doto game I played several months ago. Did you ever figure out why that was? Is there a box that I was supposed to have checked somewhere to make that happen or was it due to a coding oversight in that particular version, which was your latest version based on the latest AdvCiv, I believe.
hey there,
a while indeed.

so, reimagined, did a good job, yes, the ranged units, are not counted as ranged units per say, but normal string units with a system that uses first strikes.
so thats kinda cool.
to me i missed actual bombard effects.

ADVC AI, well, i know the amount of changes done there, well Firaxis can dream of such elaboration for civ4-5-6 for their AI.

i dont remember which DOTO version you used, but i did see a revolution thing in the latest.
i merged all of the latest )also un published code) to my version, i really did it line by line merge and ran many tests.
seems i didnt miss anything, so i would say , nothing is missed.
ill have my newest version pretty soon.
if you plan on playing Doto, let me know and ill make sure to publish my latest for you.

have fun, share advc gameplay stories , i love to hear AI war stories :)
i am thinking about changing the Doto name...
i dont feel it portrays anything other then me liking the work - overlords :)

i thought of a few:

the human conundrum
conundraum of humanity
Progression of humans
the human factor / conditions
the missing link
Apex Hunman
Cultural Universal
conundraum of mankind
Lineage of man
Lineage of empires / Nations
Apex Nations / empires

im thinking to go with Cultural Universal

anyone have a thought?
They all sound slightly strange to me, but perhaps that's appropriate. :D Difficult not to assume that the mod will be centered around culture when "culture" is in the name. I kind of like "The Human Factor" – could be interpreted in several ways: the players are human factors, the modder is a human factor. Also brings to mind "human error."
I kind of like "The Human Factor" – could be interpreted in several ways: the players are human factors, the modder is a human factor. Also brings to mind "human error."
Like typing errors? :groucho:

i am thinking about changing the Doto name... i dont feel it portrays anything other then me liking the work - overlords

But to be on topic:
Well, all of those titles sound strange to me too. Even KeldathMod would sound better IMO. That doesn't try to be fancy but easy to remember and to abbreviate: KM.
Hi Keldath, some name suggestions: "Humanity Now!", "Civ4 Humanity", "The Human Saga". I enjoy playing your mod. Your hard work is appreciated.
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