Dream Civs/Leaders for Civ 7

I think a good leader from Habsburg dynasty would be an obvious pick that could fit many European civs and make some ahistorical pairings reasonable. For example, I think it was Maximilian I that was almost chosen as king of Poland-Lithuania? And as much as I'd like to get a Polish leader, I would get offended little enough about a Habsburg leading Poland that the corporate may like such a solution - it may even be what right to rule will consist of :p
Charles V is a slam dunk for a Habsburg monarch imo. Maria Theresa is a very, very close second.
Charles V is a slam dunk for a Habsburg monarch imo. Maria Theresa is a very, very close second.
If he's a slam dunk than Maria Theresa is a three pointer. :mischief:
Oh, and I came up with a dream civ progression for my country: Sarmatians>Commonwealth>Poland! :p
Oh, and I came up with a dream civ progression for my country: Sarmatians>Commonwealth>Poland! :p
I would think that Poland would be an Exploration Age civ. Sarmatians would be nice and I never knew they made it to the borders of modern Poland.
I would think that Poland would be an Exploration Age civ. Sarmatians would be nice and I never knew they made it to the borders of modern Poland.
Other than geographical vicinity to Slavs and partial absorption by them, more importantly for my line of thinking Sarmatians were a massive inspiration for the ethos of the Polish nobility from the Renaissance onwards. Szlachta loved to overestimate their connections to Sarmatians, leading to a gargantuan cultural movement of Sarmatism. They took a non-Slavic people and assumed them as their role models (or at least assumed an imagined picture of them) in terms of lifestyle, clothing, martial practices, etc. This vague cultural connection based upon not exactly accurate ideas makes Sarmatians>Commonwealth PERFECT for Civilization VII in my opinion. It's as if medieval middle-class from Songhai claimed to be direct descendants of Ancient Egyptians and decided to adopt their ways (which actually were their own ways made to look like they were Egyptian, it's complicated)!
Adjusting my Wishlist in light of the new mechanics. I don't necessarily want all of them, but I DO want the names of these Civs and Leaders to be out there and read...x

I'll put the Civs and leaders I want the most in RED.

Antiquity Civs

  • Akkadians (representing Sumer and Babylon both)
  • Armenians
  • Assyrians
  • Carthaginians (or Phoenicians)
  • Celts (or Gauls)
  • Egyptians
  • Elamites
  • Etruscans
  • Franks (Merovingians)
  • Goths
  • Greeks
  • Han
  • Hittites
  • Nabateans
  • Nazca
  • Norse (proto-Vikings)
  • Nubians
  • Mauryans
  • Mayans
  • Parthians
  • Persians (Achaemenids or Sassanians)
  • Romans
  • Sogdians (or Kushans)
  • Xiongu
  • Yamato

Exploration Civs

  • Abbasids (or some other Arabic strand)
  • Aztecs
  • Beninese
  • Berbers (or Andalusians)
  • Bohemians
  • Bulgarians
  • Burgundians
  • Burmese
  • Byzantines
  • Chola
  • Danish (Vikings or Kalmar)
  • Dutch (or Flemish)
  • English (or Normans, I suppose)
  • Franks (Carolingians)
  • Georgians
  • Haudenosaunnee
  • Incans
  • Italians (or a separate strand like Venetians or Tuscans)
  • Irish
  • Japanese
  • Jeoseon
  • Khmer
  • Kievan Rus (or Ukrainians)
  • Kongolese
  • Majapahit
  • Malians (or Ghanaians)
  • Maori
  • Ming
  • Mississipians
  • Mongols
  • Mughals
  • Muisca
  • Ottomans
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Safavids
  • Spanish
  • Swahili
  • Teutons (or HRE)
  • Taino
  • Timurids
  • Zimbabweans (or Bantu)

Modern Civs

  • Afghans
  • Americans
  • Argentines
  • Ashanti
  • Austrians (as in Austria-Hungary)
  • Belgians
  • Brazillians
  • British
  • Diné (Navajo)
  • Ethiopians
  • French
  • Germans (or Prussians)
  • Indians
  • Iranians (Qajari)
  • Kazakhs
  • Lakota
  • Maasai
  • Manchuria (or Qing or Chinese)
  • Mexicans
  • Russians (or Soviets)
  • Siamese (or Thai)
  • Sokoto
  • Swedes
  • Sundanese
  • Swiss
  • Tlingit
  • Tonga
  • Turks
  • Zulu


  • Alexander (Greeks)
  • Catherine (Russians)
  • Charlemagne (Franks)
  • Elizabeth (English)
  • Frederick (Germans)
  • Gandhi (Indians)
  • Hannibal (Phoencians/Carthage)
  • Harun al-Rashid (Arabs)
  • Joan of Arc (French)
  • Maria Theresa (Austrians)
  • Pacal (Mayans)
(Monty and Shaka can stay gone :) )


  • Chiefs & Monarchs: Alexios Komnenos, Anacaona, Arwa al-Sulyahi, Charles Quint, Empress Matilda, Ezana, Kubaba, Meiji, Simeon of the Great, Salote Tupou III, William the Conqueror.
  • Folk Heroes, Activists & Military Commanders: Dihya, El Cid, Garibaldi, Grace O'Malley, Hojo Masako, Jan Hus, Laskarina Bouboulina, Michiel de Ruyter, Niccolò Machiavelli, Molly Brant, Sayyida al-Hurrah, Skanderbeg, Sun Tzu, Trung Sisters
  • Political Philosophers & Revolutionaries: Alfred Nobel, Che Guevara, Erasmus, Karl Marx, Martin Luther, Plato, Rabindranath Tagore, Vladimir Lenin (+ Ben Franklin and Confucius)
  • Statesmen, Consorts & Advisors: Alcibiades, Axayacatl, Axel Oxenstierna, Benito Juarez, Hurrem Sultan, Johan de Witt, Konrad Adenauer, Maltida di Canossa, Mazarin, Nur Jahan, Peter Stuyvesant, Robert Walpole, Taytu Betul
  • Religious leaders: Cardinal Richelieu, Cesare Borgia, Mother Teresa, Olga of Kyiv, Puduhepa, Rodrigo Borgia, Thomas Aquinas
  • Other: Henry Morton Stanley, Hernan Cortez, Marco Polo, Sacagawea, Vasco da Gama
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You have an agenda against Montezuma and Shaka?
Lord Lakely's Agenda: Agitated
Dislikes aggressive shirtless male leaders who try to be intimidating by wearing feathers. :lol:
I have an agenda against one-dimensional aggro leaders. Let me just build up my cities. please. -_-
My wishlist would have some aggressive leaders to contrast peaceful leaders. Variety on the world stage makes the game interesting.

At least one of Genghis, Montezuma, Shaka should be in. Napoleon is good although I've heard ethical concerns about him in the past.
It's not just that I want to play against aggressive leaders, I also want to play AS aggressive leaders.

Atilla and the Huns would fit perfectly in this new game due to the Ages system.
Atilla and the Huns would fit perfectly in this new game due to the Ages system.
I could see something like if Atilla is in the game he triggers the "barbarian invasion" crisis in the Antiquity Age.
Okay, so we got like 3 major eras spread out in evolution of one civilization right?
I have just the most brilliant suggestion for this Ancient > Exploration > Modern eras stuffs.

Hear me out:
Mahajapit > Majahapit > Mapajahit

Or we can go with something like:
Mahapajit > Mapajahit > M a j a p a h i t

Best civ suggestion ever, even better than nukem Gandhi imho
Okay, so we got like 3 major eras spread out in evolution of one civilization right?
I have just the most brilliant suggestion for this Ancient > Exploration > Modern eras stuffs.

Hear me out:
Mahajapit > Majahapit > Mapajahit

Or we can go with something like:
Mahapajit > Mapajahit > M a j a p a h i t

Best civ suggestion ever, even better than nukem Gandhi imho
I understood that reference
Now that Chola is in. I can hope for the Filipinos be incorporated into Civ since precolonial Ohilippines are alrgely indianized kingdoms (Tondo/ Namayan/ Butuan/ Cebu/ Sulu)

Exploration: 1200-1500s Tondo of the Tagalogs or Cebu of the Bisaya would be a good bet

Modern: Revolutionary Govt of 1800s of the Philippines

Lapu-Lapu who killed Spain/Portugal’s Magellan or Rizal (national hero) could be our leader.
Personally I’d prefer the Leader is changed every era as opposed to the Civ but if it remains as planned, there are a few Leaders I’d like to see: Andrew Jackson(Exploration President), Horatio Nelson(British Commander), and Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna(Mexico).
Now that I think about it, if Mughals are Modern era, then maybe Commonwealth could be too? And if Dur-Shakurrin is a wonder, then maybe Kazimierz Dolny could be as well? And I'm absolutely becoming obsessed with the idea of somewhat gender-egalitarian Sarmatians led by Marie Curie. So much that I wanna draw little emblems and draw fan concept art...

EDIT2: Just for fun, I made one a infographic with an entire progression! My wonder sugesstions are Kurhans - Kazimierz Dolny - Manufaktura or Kurhans (a Sarmatian wonder is a tricky subject)- Wawel - Kazimierz Dolny. I edited this post not to spam :p
Spoiler :
Potential path.png
Potential path2.png
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Not to be a broken record, but the new format for Civ VII makes me want to completely re-draft my new Civ wishlist~
I don't care about leaders whatsoever.

Antiquity Civs: Mississippi ---- I hope this is confirmed soon! Very exciting and much-needed representation
Ainu ---- would be fun to include, maybe an alternate path to Japan and/or the Manchus & Korea, but totally unlikely
Sogdia ---- Talk about oft-forgotten historically relevant civilizations!! The cultural relics of Sogida are so far-reaching and now is a perfect opportunity to include them :)

Exploration Civs: Tibet! ----- Finally, Firaxis can include Tibet without making it seem politically unpalatable because it could be limited to a non-modern timetable :')
Austria-Hungary/Habsburg Empire ----- Would be super fun to have the actual Central Power itself to role-play history as, instead of only half, the Austria or the Hungary options
Hanseatic League ----- Again, the split-up of empires by ages makes this more plausible!~
Lithuania ----- I've always thought that the Grand Duchy deserved some representation (if Georgia can get in...)
Manchus! ----- Likewise, with Tibet, splitting up the various states of Chinese history is now doable! Some way to represent the Jurchen Jin would be intoxicatingly fun, purchase guaranteed~~
Swahili ---- such an important cultural influence on East Africa, yet hasn't been in Civ yet!
Tons of Native American Civs! ---- This new format obviously lends itself to this, I'll let Firaxis figure out which ones are best, given the now famous political/spiritual objections to digital representation for many.

Modern Civs: Mexico ---- only makes sense to include
Nigeria ---- tragically underrepresented, historically important
Yugoslavia/Serbia ---- I don't care how it would be represented, either as just Yugoslavia or as a Serbian empire, but talk about the region of Europe that has yet to be seen, despite the overcrowding of European civs...
Uzbekistan ---- I really hope that Central Asian civilization can be represented throughout the game, because I consider that region full of some of the most-important, least-appreciated culture in the world.
Afghanistan ---- I know very little about Afghan history, but you can't deny it's been influential in modern history, even "exploration" age, Britain vs Russia, USSR vs USA, Taliban vs USA, etc...
Argentina ---- Let's get a real modern geopolitical rival/neighbor to Brazil, right? Argentinian fans would prolly go crazy for inclusion, too...
Thailand ---- I think it would be fun to let Thailand be Thailand instead of Siam for once, non? :)
I think the Almoravid or Almohad Dynasty would dovetail extremely well with a hypothetical exploration era involving the Abbasids, Songhai, and possibly Castile.

Given that it seems available slots will be rather tight, I would rather we get the "Norman" equivalent of Morocco+Cordoba for exploration era instead of trying to parse out how to do both a Berber and an Andalusian civ.

The only reason I would see not going for this option would be if they just settled on Morocco as a "modern" civ just to have something in West Africa to steer civs toward.

I just don't know, though, this three era design is all so messy around the Mediterranean.
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