Not to be a broken record, but the new format for Civ VII makes me want to completely re-draft my new Civ wishlist~
I don't care about leaders whatsoever.
Antiquity Civs: Mississippi ---- I hope this is confirmed soon! Very exciting and much-needed representation
Ainu ---- would be fun to include, maybe an alternate path to Japan and/or the Manchus & Korea, but totally unlikely
Sogdia ---- Talk about oft-forgotten historically relevant civilizations!! The cultural relics of Sogida are so far-reaching and now is a perfect opportunity to include them
Exploration Civs:
Tibet! ----- Finally, Firaxis can include Tibet without making it seem politically unpalatable because it could be limited to a non-modern timetable :')
Austria-Hungary/Habsburg Empire ----- Would be super fun to have the actual Central Power itself to role-play history as, instead of only half, the Austria or the Hungary options
Hanseatic League ----- Again, the split-up of empires by ages makes this more plausible!~
Lithuania ----- I've always thought that the Grand Duchy deserved some representation (if Georgia can get in...)
Manchus! ----- Likewise, with Tibet, splitting up the various states of Chinese history is now doable! Some way to represent the Jurchen Jin would be intoxicatingly fun, purchase guaranteed~~
Swahili ---- such an important cultural influence on East Africa, yet hasn't been in Civ yet!
Tons of Native American Civs! ---- This new format obviously lends itself to this, I'll let Firaxis figure out which ones are best, given the now famous political/spiritual objections to digital representation for many.
Modern Civs: Mexico ---- only makes sense to include
Nigeria ---- tragically underrepresented, historically important
Yugoslavia/Serbia ---- I don't care how it would be represented, either as just Yugoslavia or as a Serbian empire, but talk about the region of Europe that has yet to be seen, despite the overcrowding of European civs...
Uzbekistan ---- I really hope that Central Asian civilization can be represented throughout the game, because I consider that region full of some of the most-important, least-appreciated culture in the world.
Afghanistan ---- I know very little about Afghan history, but you can't deny it's been influential in modern history, even "exploration" age, Britain vs Russia, USSR vs USA, Taliban vs USA, etc...
Argentina ---- Let's get a real modern geopolitical rival/neighbor to Brazil, right? Argentinian fans would prolly go crazy for inclusion, too...
Thailand ---- I think it would be fun to let Thailand be Thailand instead of Siam for once, non?