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DU1 - "I didn't expect the Spanish inquisition!"

Change the preloads on a couple of galleons off the Chinese island. . . hit enter and here we go.

Turn 317 (1894 AD)
Promote several 10 xp Infantry to Amphibious; use them to attack Chengdu
Infantry defeats (16.60/20): Chinese Rifleman; Infantry defeats (20.00/20): Chinese Grenadier; Cavalry loses to: Chinese Rifleman (5.32/14); Infantry defeats (20.00/20): Chinese Longbowman; Infantry defeats (20.00/20): Chinese Rifleman; Cavalry defeats (15.00/15): Chinese Catapult. and we Capture Chengdu (Mao Zedong).

Turn 318 (1896 AD)
Research Scientific Method > Biology
Nanjing's borders expand; Ningbo's borders expand Land some non-amphibious troops outside of Shandong.

Turn 319 (1898 AD)
Christianity has spread: Lahore; Christianity has spread: Shanghai
Begin the assault, using City Raider II Cannon: Cannon defeats (0.60/12): Chinese Rifleman; Cannon defeats (9.84/12): Chinese Grenadier and we Capture Shandong (Mao Zedong)

Madrid finishes: Mt. Rushmore Yippee!

Turn 320 (1900 AD)
Madrid finishes: Christian Missionary; Seville finishes: Christian Missionary going to be too late, though. . . Trying to convert the former Chines cities. Aiming for the ones Toku captured first. Workers complete the trans-continental railroad through Japanese and Roman lands. Faster than sea-transport.

Jaen's borders expand

Adopt free speech and caste sytem, not that it matters at this point. Set specialists in Shanghai to Merchants to avoid the Artist fueled border explosion.
(I forgot we had the Sistine Chapel :( ).

land troops outside of Tianjin and Hangzhou

Turn 321 (1902 AD)

Infantry defeats (17.20/20): Chinese Rifleman; Infantry defeats (17.60/20): Chinese Rifleman; Infantry defeats (17.20/20): Chinese Grenadier and we Capture Tianjin (Mao Zedong). Immediately load the unused Amphibious troops onto Galleons and sail them towards Macau. They will be able to attack next turn.

Infantry defeats (8.80/20): Chinese Rifleman; fantry defeats (8.80/20): Chinese Grenadier; Cavalry defeats (10.20/15): Chinese Grenadier; Cavalry defeats (15.00/15): Chinese Catapult and we Capture Hangzhou (Mao Zedong). Unload the unused troops on the coast North of Macau so they, too, can attack next turn.

Our navy has begun the Seige of Macau, reducing the defenses to 24%. Our troops are in position on land and at sea. Our Missionaries are closing in on Toku's recent conquests. Only 3 Riflemen stand in our way--next turn will see the end of the last heathen empire!

Turn 322 (1904 AD)
Shanghai's borders expand and we get the following

Oh yeah--and this:Pytheas (Great Merchant) born in Barcelona

here is the save at the end of 1902 for your hall of fame pleasure :)
Nicely done Thyrwyn. We managed to spread the good news throughout the world and beat down the unbelievers. :D

Thanks to DU for putting this together and to everyone who participated.
I had a lot of fun. Learned a great deal, too (go Amphibious, protect yourself from collateral damage counter-attacks).

I might try this again on Monarch.
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