EARTH Challenge....

This strategy is known as "smallpox" or "infinite city sprawl" (ICS) and it was probably discovered in 1991. :mischief:

It was somewhat patched in later versions of Civ1 so that having too many cities made your citizens very unhappy.

It's discussed here (about halfway down page 1):

thanks ill have a read over that see what are the pros and cons.
I usuallyt play chief so many of the higher dificulty perks are a mistery to me.
my latest game has been in king and im dominating the map, although im still not using this ICS technique
Using ICS is highly recommended. Also you need only several techs: Wheel, Mapmaking and Writing. That's enough for winning the game. After you get them you should switch to 100% tax and collect tons of money to buy chariots to conquer everybody. You will get other techs through capturing cities. The best goverment is despotism but when you have a big empire this may become bad so change it. All of this is enough to beat the game on Emperor level. It's a shame that almost every youtube playthrough is chief. It's nit that hard to beat Emperor, you should try this!

P.S. TBH I'm playing civ 1 for only 3 months but already beaten Emperor several times :D. I'm nerd...
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Using ICS is highly recommended. Also you need only several techs: Wheel, Mapmaking and Writing. That's enough for winning the game. After you get them you should switch to 100% tax and collect tons of money to buy chariots to conquer everybody. You will get other techs through capturing cities. The best goverment is despotism but when you have a big empire this may become bad so change it. All of this is enough to beat the game on Emperor level. It's a shame that almost every youtube playthrough is chief. It's nit that hard to beat Emperor, you should try this!

P.S. TBH I'm playing civ 1 for only 3 months but already beaten Emperor several times :D. I'm nerd...

I actually dont have any interest in playing emperror games. I focus my games on the leasure side. sometimes i play one out to beat my previous high score. but i rarely "win" a game. as i restart usually with the intention of beating the current high score at a earlier point in time.

im curious as of the advantages of ICS from a non-emperror perspective. reason why i was hoping for a more "technical" description of its advantages. if you dont play republic/democracy i can see the advantage in the perspective of army building as effectively each unit of population can farm 2 squares in the map. from effectively day 1
most production bonuses do not scale that well untill very late game. but still. this approach seems to be tightly coupled with the principle of winning by conquest.. which is something im not very found of.
What's your highest score? My is 176%. You can have more score by improving difficulty level. Just beat all of the enemies exept one city to not win. Then do high lux and develop for big score. Never used that because your speed also matters and fast win is always good for your score.
most recent game in king dificulty is currently at 149% its 1895AD 2 civs still alive but pretty much locked in without much chanse of doing anything harmfull.
i keep them alive in order to have some cities with high trade to put all my cities getting 9-13 trade from trade routes with them.
unfortunetely i cannot force the AI to always stay in republic/democracy, so its normal for some cities to revert their trade routes into some of my other cities.
Have competed a 160% game just a moment ago. I won on 80 BC which is the fastest win on emperor ever done by me. If you want high score you really should try emperor level, it will improve you score.
Done Babylon on 340 BC. Easy game, why did ptt placed it in "medium" category? No zulus, also you are in a rich starting place in a middle of the world so you can attack everybody easily. Don't like isolated starts, love being close to action.
Done Babylon on 340 BC. Easy game, why did ptt placed it in "medium" category? No zulus, also you are in a rich starting place in a middle of the world so you can attack everybody easily. Don't like isolated starts, love being close to action.

It was the first game I did it. Looking back it probably would be a bit easier once I had more experience, especially once the Egyptians are out of the way.
When I play, most new cities come from minor tribes of war. they start small but the Aztec capital actually became my biggest city.(I was a playing german)
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