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Earth Elemental


Jan 1, 2003


  • untitled-1.gif
    63 KB · Views: 4,610
he rocks :D
I already had a Earth Elemental from Grandraem who had coverted and altered it from that LotR Troll (I can't remember who made it), but I can make those into golems and this into the Earth Elemental. Great work embryodead. I wish I had your skill in graphix. :thumbsup::thumbsup:
I shall tackle the unit sounds for this big guy, looks like a pretty decent challenge :cool:
on a world map, place him in North Africa and have him be that one earth guy Hercules had to wrestle.
Originally posted by aaminion00
on a world map, place him in North Africa and have him be that one earth guy Hercules had to wrestle.

Ante was the son of the Earth, so Hercules had to lift him and strangle him, because het got strength when he was connected with the ground. But beside that, I don't recall he was actually looking as an earth elemental
Cool... What does the death look like? Are you up for tackling an air, water, or fire elemental? I've thought about them at times but I'm not too skilled in the special effects (flame smoke water clouds stuff)... Plus the transparency issues would drive me buggy. :D
He could be a Golem for an Israel Civ.

Looking forward to CoAtlantis1745's sound effects for this guy; his work is top-notch.
Originally posted by Kinboat
Cool... What does the death look like? Are you up for tackling an air, water, or fire elemental? I've thought about them at times but I'm not too skilled in the special effects (flame smoke water clouds stuff)... Plus the transparency issues would drive me buggy. :D

Death is usual, he just falls on his back... Sure I though about turning him into mud but I have completly no idea how to do such things in Poser (or anything else ;) ). I also thought about fire elemental - Poser 5 has materials room with displacement maps, gradient bumps etc. anyway I got "special effect" presets for it. ie. you create a sphere, apply "fireball" preset and you have a cool-looking fireball. The only problem is that it can't be animated as far as I can see - and fire elemental won't look good when the fire doesn't burn at all.
I'll try the water one - will render the mud guy with water material set to magenta color, we'll see how it looks :)
This is a great unit. Hope you can figure out something for the fire elemental. I thought a fire elemental would be great too. I was thinking that maybe you could put a resource that only appeared on Volcanos (if possible, I haven't checked) and make that a required resource for fire elementals. Great Unit :goodjob: !!! Hope the Water Elemental works well.:)
A possible fire element could be Emek's AoK City Disorder Flames. If converted to a unit (and given an attack graphic and such) it could possibly become a Fire Elemental.
Well if the flame setup can't be animated one option might be to make three different flame materials and apply each one to a seperate model that you swap in and out... So you have three identical models for the figure with the same animations, but they have different flame presets. Then in each frame you move one out and one into camera view. Might be more trouble then it's worth and I don't really know how it'll work since I don't have Poser 5.
Another excellent unit of yours, thank you very much for this job.

In fact the unit can be very well used for the Ice Age | Stone Age scenarios representing one of the two giant Asian anthropoid primates of the Ice Age:

1. an angry attacking Gigantopitek (generally a gorilla-like ape, quadropedal, completely herbivorous and terrestrial, living from Northen Indo-China to Central Chna alongside the Eastern Himalayya mountain system). This unique creature was a distant relative of modern orang-utan parallelling African gorilla in specialization to herbal diet and completely terrestrial life-style. The height of Gigantopithek was oever 3 m when on two legs (attack and display) . Animal was very likely quite aggressive and thus - unaware that there were creatures to avoide rather than trying ward-off - ancient humans. Canivorous Homo erectus (sinanthrop) invading into East Asia from Africa abt 1 mln years aog propably exterminated this biggest ape ever.

2. Meganthrop - strange line of ancient human-like creatures, probably an early divirgence from H. erectus. He inhabited Northern India and adapted to animal-like life-style with herbal diet and almost no tools at all. Lost human skills and mind but got huge size and strength (over 2,5 m high. Propbably that was the real source of the Yety legends). He was bipedal. Exterminated by later forms of H. erectus or even by latest invader into his range - H. sapiens.
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