More EPYC games is a good thing because I get to play in them
Go ahead CivG, you needn't ask me about it - it's not like it's my concept (I believe Perfection was the one who brought EPYC to CFC originally, unless there's some old thread in the OT archives I'm not aware of - certainly it was his thread that inspired the comeback). You're tight with CivCube, right? Try getting him to participate - it's a pity that someone with his drawing skill only made one poop in this series, and it was a caption.
Regarding your GMod images, well, I suppose it's more of an obscure way of doing things than the tried-and-tested hand-drawing and Google Image Search methods, so perhaps people don't realise the limitations of the medium. I certainly don't (to be honest I'm not entirely sure what GMod is). But you've always seemed to work well with the tools you use (going by your DYOS comics, you're a dab hand at this model manipulation malarkey). If you're not getting compliments then don't worry, because hardly anyone is. (Biggest compliment I've ever got for a picture was Izipo saying 'I don't understand what you drew', so there we go.
I would, however, like to point out that there is no GMod model of Saturn, and yet you STILL FRICKIN PUT IT IN THERE BLARGABLARGL