I just tried a monarch game as Egypt, I was EXTREMELY lucky, popped Mathematics from a goody hut after Researching writing, and Confusianism was founded. I was also able to build THG, which helped me with TGL and the library, but my culture was just above 2500 at 0 AD, which means I didn't build wonders fast enough I guess.
Only two are necessary. You'd have to bulb Aesthetics (impossible with the way GPs currently work) and use the Oracle for Lit, then use a GE for the Great Library. I found Siwa southwest of the Wheat and Tell-Hisn on the Copper; Tell-Hisn can build the GLH on its own.
Getting Priesthood in time to have a chance at the Oracle and getting all the other techs you need (Sailing, Animal Husbandry, Writing, probably Polytheism or Meditation) would require running lots of Scientists with Caste System, so getting the GA and GE would be even less likely than getting the Oracle. Good luck!
EDIT: Using the Oracle for Aesthetics and a GA for Lit doesn't sound feasible, but it would be doable with the current tech preferences of a Great Artist.
Wouldn't it be easier to use the GA for a culture bomb, thus ensuring your last UHV, and then struggle for the 2nd UHV (which seems easier to me).
In that case, SH is needed after 'mids, and right after you get a GE in your capital you should assign some artists with Caste System.
Since the hypothetical Emperor strategy would require you use your Great Artist for something other than a culture-bomb and doesn't leave much room for non-required wonders, you'll need CS to run lots of Artists to get the third condition.
I just won my monarch Egyptian UHV game. I settled on the spot and started to research mysticism while building warriors up to size 2, then I built worker. I researched masonry after mysticism and switched to SH for 2 turns so worker will be done as soon as masonry is done. After worker was done I switched to Pyramids and built quarry on the stone and then on the marble. After masonry I switched to fishing -> sailing. When SH was done (let it build after Pyramids) I settled 1W of the wheat and built TGL. After sailing I researched writing -> poly -> Aesthetics -> Literature. GE was born and some turns after that I switched to Caste System and assigned an artist in the capital and after some turns in the 2nd city as well. The first GP however was priest in the capital, so I assigned almost all of my citizens to artist specialists and got GA in my 2nd city, which I used to culture bomb it to above 4000 culture, and with my capital having almost 2000 I got the 3rd UHV. GE was of course used much earlier to build the library in 1 turn, right after I got Literature. I also built The Parthenon just for fun .
Egypt is the easiest in the most difficult civs.
Just put your second city on the location in which Arab borns.
In the new patch, even India has its opportunity to achieve UHV.
No need to squat. Arabia doesn't spawn until well after the Egyptian UHV conditions have passed. It's an interesting idea, anyway. No idea how effective it would be.
How much do you need to achieve the first UHV when you play mali? It seems to be a bug that the independent civ have more than 8'000 gold.
China is much easier than impossible. Found Beijing on the coast and build stonehenge first to generate a GS to discover Math then feed as many scientists as possible to research Calendar before about 105 turns .Egypt is your competitor who usually discover Calendar before 95 turns, you have a small chance when Egypt direct their research on other Tech like Theology. Since you have Math, whip some catapults and buy some mercenaries to slay the Japan civ,it should be done before 130 turns. Get Masonry to build GreatLighthouse. Many humans complete the game to win the UHV.
It works quite well, BurnEmDown. Try researching Priesthood and using the Oracle for Construction next. You'll found Confucianism and build the Great Wall at very historical times.
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