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Embarked workers can plunder trade routes


Mar 28, 2004
Elmendorf, Tx
In two different games an embarked AI worker went around plundering my trade routes. I don't know if any other civilian units can plunder trade routes, nor if it's just the sea trade routes or both land and sea. I wasn't able to get any of my workers in place to attempt to plunder, so I don't know if it's just an AI thing or not.

If all civilians are able to plunder, that makes missionaries one of the best units to go a plundering land trade routes with as long as they don't end their turn inside the enemy's lands. Couple this with the AI's insane bonuses and massive missionary spam at the higher difficulty levels, this can get out of hand very quickly.

Even if this is not a bug, I feel civilian units should not be allowed to plunder trade routes. I also feel embarked units should not be allowed to plunder sea trade routes even if it is a military unit. All plundering should be done by military units only and only in the realm the unit is designed for, ie. land units plunder land trade routes and naval units plunder sea trade routes.
Do you happen to have a save where you observed this? Would love to take a look.
Unfortunately, I forgot to save the game when I noticed it or even reload the auto-save and create a manual save. However, if/when I see this happen again I'll be sure to save after it happens and reload the auto-save from the turn before and make a new manual save so I can upload them.

I did, however, confirm that player controlled civilians can not pillage trade routes.
one of my workboats enroute to oil field plundered a french trade route yesterday in my game,i know that from fact,coz i had NO embarked workers or any ships, only workboats.
that action totally pissed napoleon off and called for war against me:confused:.
loaded up the save game and it happend again,loaded it once more and it did not happen again:crazyeye:
I thought the same thing was happening, however I've come to realize it is coincidence.

The AI just happens to have an embarked unit over a route PATH at the same time that a Naval Unit of theirs is actually at your Cargo Ship in the fog somewhere.

Shrug, maybe I'm wrong, will test it more
I think yesterday I got a notification that my embarked missionary had plundered an enemy trade route. (You call it piracy; I call it aggressive maritime tithing.) Seems like a bug that aught to be fixed though.
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