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Embassy to CDZ Land

I like it too, that would set us up well to be the nice guys here.
Got a PM from BCLG, in response to my earlier PM which I mentioned was just asking if they'd properly received the message.

His response wasn't formal/I don't want to unfairly quote it, but he said they will be considering the matter, and also that they might be unlikely to accept.

Anyway I'm going to look over some other things, and we are very close on just settling the city anyway, I wouldn't wait more than one turn, and we'd still have to get this Music problem worked out (which is why I'm hoping we can find a way to otherwise just make sure we get that right.) I would be ok if we went after Music (and confirmed this to Sirius etc... with Sirius going for Astro and all) and I would agree to using the free great artist for a bulb, that would be the smoothest thing for the alliance.
A reply:
Greetings to Ambassador Earthling and Greetings to the people of Quatronia,

We are very confused by your accusations. The city ereh rO and its people are members of the CDZ Kleptocracy for centuries and are therefore very deeply rooted in our society.

When the city was founded there was plenty of space available and thus your claim of aggressive settling is completely unfounded. As it was already our 3rd city on the peninsula, the location had been open for grabbing for quite some time.

We hope that your access to the newest technology called Paper will allow your historians for accurate descriptions of events. The Quatronian people were the ones that founded 3 cities within 3 tiles of CDZ cities. So your accusations of aggressive settling must be a ridiculous sort of reverse-psychology that we won't be dragged into.

Everyone needs to make sure to check the new "music race" thread for an important update. We might need to switch to music in like 30 mins...
Just had this exchange with BCLG:

cav scout said:
BCLG100 said:
I don't remember us saying this, I believe this should have been apparent following our research of literature. We're now on music and have already invested 2-3 turns iirc.


Here is where you guys said you would be doing Machinery:

Robi D said:
Greetings fellow ETTA members,

Team CDZ will we finishing Machinary in a couple of turns. We were planning to do Feudalism but if Sirus wishes to take this task on then we will need some feedback so we don't end up doubling up on a tech.

Robi, Team CDZ

And the response from Sirius:

Trystero said:
Fellow ETTA members,

Based on feedback from other teams, we will pursue Paper next to enable trade map trading. This is not necessarily a high priority for us, but other members seem to have the immediate tech needs covered. Our current understanding of the research plans are:

Sirius: Paper
Amazon: Theology > Construction
Quatronia: HBR (partial) > Optics
CDZ: Machinery > Feudalism

We are always open to discussions of alternatives.

Quatronia alerted us to a Holken at the eastern end of the arm between us and Mavericks. Our settlement on this arm has been under constant barb attack, so we have not been able to fully scout this arm. We are even uncertain of the location of the Mavericks city. The only unit we have nearby is a wounded archer, which is far enough away that it is doubtful it could prevent the Merlot unit from contacting Mavericks, and is likely to be ineffective. If the Holken takes an indirect route (i.e. it heads north) we could intercept it with an axeman.


Trystero, Team Sirius

So we figured you guys would be doing Machinery as indicated and are puzzled why you went the Music route instead without giving anyone a heads up. Oh and if i'm not mistaken you guys have just one turn into Music now.. what is your ETA for completion?

BCLG put this out to the ETTT:

BCLG100 said:
To keep everyone up to date, after a few private discussions with Quattronia (i forgot to CC people in and CFC does not have a respond to all). CDZ is well on its way to Music and as far as I am aware Quattronia is finishing off HBR or Feudalism if Sommerswerds team doesn't take over it, though I am unsure if they've chosen to finish Drama.

CDZ would like to take the opportunity to apologise for the lack of communication, as expressed to differing people at various times a lot of us have been caught up with affairs outside of the game (hence the revolving door of turnplayers recently).

Unless there are any objections CDZ was planning on following the path towards Nationalism.

I.e. Drama, (if Quattronia are not finishing researching it) Philosophy, Nationalism.

Such an extensive time to research these will allow us to avoid mistakes again should RL events re-occur.



You guys will be teching Feudalism? I remember that CDZ said they would be teching Feudalism after Machinery. But then instead of doing that they seem to have gone Aesthetics-> Literature. :confused: Could all the teams clarify their tech plans so we are all on the same page?

Here is my understanding so far:

Quatronia: Drama (2 turns)-> Music (6 Turns)
Sirius: Astronomy
Amazons: Construction-> ?
CDZ: ?

We are definitely not teching Feudalism and never said that. That's underhanded by CDZ.

Perhaps we should say something like we'll get Drama but a little slower than we anticipated due to having to upgrade/fight Maverick triremes or something.

Anyway we'll really be teching Music, and if we win the music race and allies aren't happy we use the GA to bulb anyway. At this point we simply have to have it out of the hands of CDZ because they certainly seem like they would use it to culture bomb without listening to any diplomatic objections.
We should warn them about the threatened Maverick attack...


And this would be a horrible thing for us to agree to or even entertain. Mavs would immediately blab on us and get the ETTT to kick us out and take them in.
This is my suggestion for a letter to CDZ.

Greetings to our valued Viking allies of CDZland!

It has come to our attention that there is heavy cultural tension between the Quatronian city of Pulsar Plateau and the CDZ cities of Or here and ereh rO. We are uncertain how this has happened, but we have noticed that we have been losing tiles steadily around Pulsar Plateau. Possibly this is because you are running your cultural slider quite high.

As a result of this we have been forced to funnel a lot of our cash into Culture instead of Science, which makes us presently unable to fulfill our honourable duties for the ETTT. While we regret the divisive circumstances around the founding of these cities in the past, we hope that we can put the past behind us and coexist peacefully on the southern peninsula as we have been doing so far.

In the present situation, the city of Pulsar Plateau is only 51% Quatronian and 48% CDZian. We will politely request that you reduce the cultural output of the cities around Pulsar Plateau, and in the unfortunate circumstance that the city should flip, the new Quatronian Government will not tolerate this and will politely request the immediate return of the city to the Quatronian Continuum.

Best Regards, with hopes for a mutual and beneficial continued peaceful coexistence between our nations,
Caledorn - Turn player for the Quatronian Continuum

Please give me feedback on this, and any suggestions for alterations in the message. As soon as we agree on it, hopefully ASAP as the turns progress about 1 turn per 24 hours now, I will send it off to socralynnek on a PM. :)
I noticed a small typo in there: We will politely request that you reduce the cultural output of the cities around Pulsar Plateau. It should say "We politely request". Corrected that, and sent it to Socralynnek :)
We quickly received a response from Socralynnek, which reads as follows:

Hello new Leader of Quatronia,

the CDZ culture slider has been at 0% for the whole game. CDZ cities are profiting from the Corporation "Creative Construction" which increases culture as side effect. If you wish, we can spread it to your city, which will increase culture there.

CDZ would decline taking over Quatronia's city culturally anyway, so be assured that the city will not flip to CDZ.

Best regards,

So should we take them up on their offer of spreading "Creative Construction" to our cities?

Any other comments? :) I feel obliged to send them a polite thank you response, preferably with the same speed they responded to us, so would like to send off a response to them today :)
Not sure about cities in general, but would them spreading it to that one city help reduce the amount of units we need to garrison to prevent it going into disorder every so often.

(Yup I think a thank you is in order -- that email from them was pretty much everything you/we could possibly hope for)
Yes, we can accept their offer and say thank you. They'll profit from spreading it, so they can do so when they wish,
Here is my quickly drafted suggestion for a response:

Thank you for your quick response!

We're very relieved and happy to hear that you have no interest in culturally flipping our city, and you are more than welcome to spread the Corporation to our city. This will benefit both you and us, which is in the interest of both our nations. It will also enable us to reduce the cash we put into culture so we can funnel the cash into science again to fulfill our part of the ETTT.

We are looking forward to continuing our mutually beneficial cooperation as valued allies!

I might be a bit subservient in it, so any modifications will be welcome if you think it necessary or wise. :)
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