Embassy with Anarchie

I'm not entirely sure what '"The Village"-6-6-3(-3)' means. I assume he is talking about directions using the keypad, but that doesn't seem to lead anywhere.

He also wants a landbased unit at 'Hotel California-8'. I'm not sure why. I suppose that would enable us to see some additional sea tiles, but so what? Nobody can safely end a turn in sea, and if they are going to risk sinking, then they might as well stay in the ocean where we can't see them at all. Regardless, if it will make Anarchie happy, we could probably find a warrior to put there.

As far as them selling us Kairo or The Village, it makes me a little uncomfortable. Those cities are not worth much to us so I don't think we should pay much for them, but at size 6-7 with improvements, they should be valuable to Anarchie. Selling them to us dirt cheap, while not prohibited by the rules, seems a little contrary to the spirit of fair play.
I'm not entirely sure what '"The Village"-6-6-3(-3)' means. I assume he is talking about directions using the keypad, but that doesn't seem to lead anywhere.

You are right about the keypad.

He also wants a landbased unit at 'Hotel California-8'. I'm not sure why. I suppose that would enable us to see some additional sea tiles, but so what? Nobody can safely end a turn in sea, and if they are going to risk sinking, then they might as well stay in the ocean where we can't see them at all. Regardless, if it will make Anarchie happy, we could probably find a warrior to put there.

Basically he wants us to look for Knights ships, so we can warn Anarchie in case of incoming landing forces.

But right now, we have no ships available for this task. We can send the Aerie warrior over there (HC-8)

As far as them selling us Kairo or The Village, it makes me a little uncomfortable. Those cities are not worth much to us so I don't think we should pay much for them, but at size 6-7 with improvements, they should be valuable to Anarchie. Selling them to us dirt cheap, while not prohibited by the rules, seems a little contrary to the spirit of fair play.

I understand your point of view. The question is whetehr we want to take that town/city, when Anarchie is close to being defeated. :dunno:

But I also think we do not need this. If no bigger surprise will occur, the other teams will have a hard time to beat us.
Got this from Anarchie:

Hi eagles,

What do you think of the GL-prebuild? Do you think they really want to build it?
We can see the build since R106, now R117 starts.
I assume it's about 5 Rounds in GA for 25 and 6 Rounds with about 20. So they need to be at least at round about 250. With some other Prebuild like courthouse they definitely could be above 300.

I think it wouldn't be to clever accepting chivalry within the next rounds. And to be honest, i wonder why kitchen needs until R118 to invent chivalry. As long as i know they should have Feuda since R100. We could master this technology in less than ten rounds and kitchen needs about 20 with all their saved money? I suppose they have reduced speed so that we can't gain any advantage and the knights are getting it through the GL.


P.s. when i was searching for the beginning of the chivalry research i found out, that the contract said we have to pay 201 Gold, we already paid 250. :(
And my reply to them:

Dear Loki of Anarchie,

We agree with you regarding Chivalry. We should not accept it before the Great Library is obsolete. But we have the means of making it obsolete immediately. We will simply give Education to you. Then the Kinights to only get a minimum advantage of the library. We owe it to you anyway for Theology and 100 gold. Due to this, I think you paid correctly. (Or maybe 49 are still missing!?).

Kueche said right from the beginning that they will research it at minimum, due to the low interest from our teams at that time. But maybe they have some sort of deal with the Knights!? Who knows.

And regarding your inquiry regarding the channel between Hotel California and The Village, we just can send over a land unit to Hotel California, but right now we do not have a ship nearby, as barbs have sunk the one that explored your coasts. As soon as we have a ship available, we will send it, but that might take a couple of turns.

And finally regarding The Village. At this point we do not want to take it as a gift, as we fear the diplomatic reaction of the other teams, especially Kueche. But at a later time, we might reconsider this.

With regards to our friends of Anarchie,
Calis of the Flock
Lokis latest reply:

Hmm okay i only read a post of kitchen regarding the money and was a little bit confused, but i see there is another deal with theology, then i assume your demands were correct. But it wasn't bothering me to much, i do not want to waste my time on a few bugs between friends.
Thank you for your plans on supporting our defense.
I see no mention of giving Education to the Anarchy. ???
We have to give it to them before the Great Library is built, not after.

Loki isn't going to be building any Universities, let's give it to them now.
From April 2nd ~

Hello again!

We are going to damage. The end is coming. Now, we offer you our cities for free, again. We know, that is a difficult matter. But, we cannot play this game in a good way.
If you are not interested in our cities, than we want to abounded all...

The problem is, that we don't have the manpower, now and in future, to make the turns...

Best wishes

Fonte Randa, The Anarchy Queen
From Loki on April 3rd:

It needn't be decided in this turn, so don't pause your move. But after eastern it will be tough to find someone who has the time to play this game on our team.
If your turn will need some time, i would be interested in knowing, whether the great libary is standing.

btw. you may be interested in having some settlers and boats in the region if you don't take our offer.
Yesterday from Loki:

Short notice:

Today we offered the kitchen to bid on our cities. So if you take our cities they may assume, that you have paid for them.
In the end we would like to make a gift to you. We would like to gain some money for some cities. And we also want to erase some cities, so the knights can win some territory through our end.
It seems to be a fair end.
So no one has any comment or discussion on this? Shall I just accept the cities? Helloooo.
They are willing to gift us cities so that the Brotherhood doesn't take them. If we do take them, does that help us any?
If we take the coastal cities and pour some culture money into them, we should be able to hold them easily. This will eliminate east coast launches by the Brotherhood. And or give us a large early warning system.

I don't see a problem with telling the Anarchy that we would be delighted to pick and choose the cities we might want.
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