Embassy with Anarchie

I am fine with sticking to our original plan. I just wanted to point at the opportunity.

The only gain I'd see short term, is an earlier Golden Age.

But on the other hand, we do not know how he Kueche would react. And as we have a lux deal until turn 131 with them, we are rather save at the moment.
Some of you might have recognized the discussion in the other forum regarding Anarchie. There have been heavy hostilities within the team and many people have left Anarchie. I have pointed our that it would not be in the interest of the DG, if Anarchie would just be sliminated from the map, as this would cause a severe unbalance in the game. (I did not mention that it would be mainly to our disadvantage.)

Hopefully Loki will play Anarchies turns until they are eliminated by the Knight. I understand that this is just a question of time. He is probably not doing any diplomacy and will just try to defend against the Knights as good as possible.
Yes, I have been following the discussion, Calis. Too bad they couldn't hold it together.

I am glad Loki is trying to help. I guess he can only play on weekends, but that's ok. Funny that one of d7's main complaints was that he always have to play on the weekend. :D

We should have this game wrapped up in no time. But we might want to change our stance when it comes to international relations with the Brotherhood. At least for a while.

And that would be "and will just try to defend against the Knights as well as possible."
From Loki, the new Anarchy player...

Hi eagles, Hi Calis,

I've take a closer look to the Save tonight. After a long period of beeing military equal to the Knights, we are actually ahead.
Bad News. I don't want to play forever.
To be concrete. I am on vacation for a week in march. And i won't have any time in april. I would like to resign on eastern. I cannot let you guys wait for a month.
So I would be glad, if you can pace the save like today. Impressive fast.

I suppose, also the strategic situation is worse - we are vulnerable on nearly any spot in our country -, anarchy could defent until the last man for about half a year.
But there is no last man. I do not want the knights to be the only team profiting from our lack of members.
I will offer you my worldmap. Please take it. Perhaps i will ask for yours in reward. But not right now.
I will offer you a city to take a footstep on our land. But you need to decide, wether you want it or not. It may harm on diplomacy with the other teams.
You may proof the idea on your team right now.

Have a nice weekend

P.S. I won't re-read my text on diplomacy. It's a matter of time not a matter of disinterest. You may excuse lacking nicelyness.
If some sentence went ununderstandable please ask.
P.P.S: Please regard anything written in this post as confidential. Especially resigning issues.

A new world map and possibly a new city on the other continent! I see this as very favorable. I think we have nothing to lose by taking this city. What say you?
Sounds good to me.

What diplomatic issues could we face? (Yeah, I haven't been keeping up too well.)
Maybe now it pays out that I tried to stay neutral towards him, allthough he seems to be one of the main reasons Annarchy broke apart. He had a very aggressive stance during the discussion. But if we gain some profit from it now. Let's take it.

Question is, how will the other teams react?

Kuche? I see no reason, why they should feel offended, when we get a city on the other continent.

Brotherhood? They may want the continent for themselves. This might lead them to attack us and eliminate the town. :dunno: But as I know Lanzelot, they will try to find a diplomatic solution.
I concur. I believe we can do this without ruffling the feathers of the other teams too much.
I don't really understand - Anarchie is strong to the Knights and has a huge tech lead, but could only hold out another 6 months (about 10-12 turns?) even if Loki wanted to keep playing?

Anyway, if Anarchie does not resign, then I'm not sure we want a city on their continent. We don't really want to cement a Brotherhood/Kuche alliance until we are ready to bury Kuche. What is the city really worth to us? A couple gold/beakers per turn?

If Anarchie does resign, then I have no idea how this game will proceed.

Taking the World Map is a no-brainer. No one will know we have it.
I don't really understand - Anarchie is strong to the Knights and has a huge tech lead, but could only hold out another 6 months (about 10-12 turns?) even if Loki wanted to keep playing?

I also do not know, how. But that was no diplomatic chit chat, but a statement during the discussion, whether a player could be found to keep Anarchie alive. So I think, they can evaluate their situation somewhat realistically. :dunno:

Anyway, if Anarchie does not resign, then I'm not sure we want a city on their continent. We don't really want to cement a Brotherhood/Kuche alliance until we are ready to bury Kuche. What is the city really worth to us? A couple gold/beakers per turn?

Maybe we should decide on this once the situation is really at hand.

If Anarchie does resign, then I have no idea how this game will proceed.

That's why I strongly insisted that someone has to take their turns as long as possible. I really hope that we are strong enough by that time.
I think even though the Anarchie is sitting pretty right now with their lead, Loki will fade them to black eventually. He did say the were vunerable from all directions. He's not going to put much time into a war plan. Kind of like Custer's last stand.

Let's find out where the city Loki wants to give us is. Let's ask for one in their far Southeast.
From Loki, yesterday....

BTW. Would you mind using your ship at our coast to do some coastguard-jobs?

I'll ask him what type of jobs in particular.
And Loki's response to my question...

It would be a great help, if you could look out whether the knights are coming.
If i had an alert-system, that would allow me to play more aggressive.

edit: If you like to, i don't mind accepting your world map either.

They have sent us 150gold and their maps. especially the 150gold are very helpful right now. :)

Sending our Dromon down their eastern coats is no problem, now that we got their maps.
Cool. Sounds good to me.

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
A tale of a fateful trip
That started from this tropic port
Aboard this tiny ship.

The mate was a mighty sailing man,
The skipper brave and sure.
Five passengers set sail that day
For a three island tour, a three island tour.

The barbarians started getting rough
And the tiny ship was lost.
In spite of the courage of the fearless crew
The Sea Eagle was lost, the Sea Eagle was lost.

The original:

Link to video.
Some time ago, we got this from Anarchie:

Dear Eagles,

Thank you for sending your worldmap. We are neighbours. Exciting.

Would you mind to stand sentinel over "The Village"-6-6-3(-3).
You could see all seatrafic between our coasts.
If you would send a Landbasedunit to Hotel California-8
And you would do me a great favor if you send a ship from between chriastiana and the conch republik to my westcoast (near the coastline, so that you see all the tiles i can't see with my cultural borders).
If you prefer to start at the whale in the north of Aarhus, that would be fine also.

Liebig-4-4-4-4-4-4 might be another Isle. Perhaps you are interested in exploring it.
I want to suggest selling you Kairo or "the village"(opening ceremony for a new courthouse next round).

Building up cavalry is quite expensive i would need about 1000 Gold. ;)

Have a nice weekend

We should react in some way.

This is The Village that he is talking about:

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