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Europe 100x100 v1.0


Oct 30, 2001
Baltimore, MD, USA
This is the 1st Europe map for Civ3 I came up with. I enclosed it as a .zip file. I keep forgetting the Civ3 layout... It was converted and scaled from a 75x120 Civ3 map.
The rivers are not quite perfect yet, but this is just version 1.0… it should be pretty playable. It could be edited a little to perfect the rivers, and make sure coastlines are perfect since it was converted… but it should be a good starting point.

I will be posting a free downloadable MapUtility in probably probably later this month (Nov 2001) or so when I'm sure its fully bug free for people to create their own maps at http://home.earthlink.net/~amflinch/progpage.html

The program doesn't time expire or anything...

Does anyone have any requests for Civ3maps? I can convert any Civ2, RailroadTycoon II, CalltoPower 1 or 2, Alpha Centauri, or color or black and white


  • europe.zip
    9.6 KB · Views: 3,837
Your post asked about map requests. I'd like to see one for the british isles and northern europe (actually just a little bit of europe - 60% or more of the available land surface should be in the british isles.

I've been pulling together some ideas for a tribes of Britian scenario: Danes, Norse/Vikings, Saxons, Angles, Britons, Picts, Celts, Scots, perhaps others fighting to unify the British Isles in the post-roman period.

When we can add units, I'd also considered adding romans in the city of Londinium (with their rules set so that they can not build settlers) as an early enemy for the tribes to drive out of Britian.

Hey, that sounds like a mighty fine scenario...just dont over do it by putting 200 cities and having 300units...lol...
I don't see the scenario going that direction. What I mostly hope to generate from this is an interesting conquest-oriented scenario that will allow people to practice their combat skills in the medieval period and utilize armies more frequently than happens in the basic game.

Here's some of my initial thoughts on ways to tweak the rules (assuming that these are possible with the editor):
Custom-civs with historically appropriate unique units. Most (if not all of the civs will be classified as "military" since the focus of the scenario is conquest.
Technology will advance only to the the pre-gunpowder era - knights, pikemen, and longbows (plus muscle powered artillery) will be the "ultimate weapons". To this end, I may have to identify some alternative strategic resources (yew trees for long bows comes to mind). I may also crank up the ADM ratings to allow some room for more differentiated units.
I may increase the frequency of leader generation beyond that already provided by designating each civ as military.
I may add a "round table" wonder that functions like the UN and allows a diplomatic unification victory.

I also had a thought that due to the small nature of the British Isles that there would be very little way to advance well past the opposition in technology. To that end, I may give the palace the great library effect (if that's possible). I think that could create an interesting research dynamic.

Also, with all of the major landmasses (England, Scotland, Northern Europe) reachable by longboat (trireme) all of the cultures should encounter one another fairly early on.

i think it is important to kreate a realistic map with the resources set where they are in RW and no manupulation on the corruption trigger couse there is alway a huge amount of corruption, a UN report says that over 60percent of there money spent for 3.world disapear in "dark tunnels" i also remark that the us-naton have the best special unit (****in fashistic yankee game creators) and that the german tank and the british vessel are very underpowerd (****in yankees)

all in all ill play this game as long as i can but ill always back down the american civ with atomic strikes


Well Ranger,
i´m not sure if it exists but i wish for a map of the Netherlands, to use with the dutch modpack.
any suggestions where to find this?
I could make a 100% accurate map of the Netherlands in about 30 seconds for CivIII once I get my 4,320 x 2,160 Universal Map of the world rebuilt... I want to add rivers to it... The UniversalMap when it is done will have not only 20+ terrain types, elevations accurate to within 16 meters, but will have rivers, 150 different resource types, and about 150 civilization starting points.

You just will run my Advanced MapUtility, load the UniversalMap of the Earth, and either draw a red box around the part of the world you want to make a map of (OR select the longitude and latitude in an edit box) and you can make a map of that area in Civ3 within seconds.

Cool, huh?

As far as requests, what about some WW2 stuff like Civ2 came with? I dont know if i'm just braindead or what but i cant find any that came with the game this time around and I played the WW2 scenario for countless hours with Civ2.
I'd like to see a Civ3 version of the huge map of planet from SMAC. That was a fun map and I'd make it myself if i had any clue how to make a map for civ 3.
The maps far to flat
id love to see some map of the ancient world (from greece or even rome to india) and a scenario that would last from the persian attack on greece(500bc ?) to the conquest of the persian empire by alexander.accomplishing that with the greek civ will be really difficult, comparing the power of the 2 nations
Does anyone have any requests for Civ3maps?
I'd like an Asia and Eastern Europe map that'll be the perfect playground for Russia vs. Germany vs. Japan vs. China vs. India. Can this be done?

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