
Some especially ingenious bankers had the idea that you could make a lot of money speculating with real-estate credits negotiated by people to poor to pay interest. And everybody believed them! Now the system has crashed and several banking houses are threatened with bankruptcy. What should we do?

(1) Don't you remember business school? Don't you know about the self-healing power of the markets? Governmental intervention is for Commies! (for the next 20 turns: +2 maintenance cost of Banks and Stock Markets in own civ, +1 maintenance cost of Banks and Stock Markets in foreign market economy civs, -10% :hammers:)

(2) We need to do something! Support the banking houses with enough money so they don't go bankrupt! (costs 50 gold per bank. For the next 10 turns: +1 maintenance cost of banks and stock markets, +1 :mad: )

(3) Save the banking houses and nationalise them! These boneheads can't think for themselves! (costs 150 gold per bank, from now on +5% gold per bank, +1 :) for the next few turns, -1 relation with other free market civs)
The AIDS infection rate in our country has rised dramatically during the last years. Experts are talking about HIV pandemic. Our young people are dying! What should we do?

(1) This is the divine punishment for the sinners. We can only alleviate their pain with the knowledge of our traditional medicine. (-2 population in every city, +5 :yuck: for the next 20 turns, -1 foreign relations)

(2) Teach the people the advantages of purity and sexual abstinence! (costs 50-150 gold, -1 population in every city, +5 :yuck: for the next 5 turns, no population growth for the next 15 turns, +1 :mad:)

(3) We need to intervene! Boost national campaigns on sexual health and the use of condoms. (costs 100-300 gold, -1 population in every city, +5 :yuck: for the next 5 turns, from now on granary only stores 25% of cities growth)

(4) Start a national action schedule! We need more sexual education, cheap access to contraceptives and an educational campaign for girls and young women! (costs 500-1000 gold, -1 population in every city, +5 :yuck: for the next 5 turns, +XXXX :science: to research the tech "Gender Mainstreaming")

Note: The tech of "Gender Mainstreaming" should massively reduce the probablity of this event to take place. So does every "Health Promotion Center" building that can be built with the tech "Biopolitics".
:cry:A citizen of your nation has been kidnapped by a terrorist group affiliated with <country>.The demand the release of one of their leaders-or the hostage dies!
-we will never negociate with terrorists! (+:mad: in all cities for next three turns,-1 relations with <country>)
-We must help that poor man!(+:) in all cities for next 2 turns,-1 with all allied civs,<country recieves great general,+1 relations with you)
-assemble a strike force.We're going in!(+:) for 2 turns in all cities,-3 relations with <country> +1 with allies,-100 gold,chance you may fail)
A UFO was spotted near [city name here] and the citizens want an answer.

a) UFOs :borg:, aliens :scan:, these people play to many video games. Tell them that it didn't happen. (+1 :mad: for one year, sightings may continue and if it happens again +2 :mad: then +3 :mad: and so on)

b) Um... Err... Weather balloons :shifty:! I swear it! (+1 mad for a few months and 150 :gold: for publishing a 500 page book explaining it, sightings will continue but no doubling and tripling)

c) The [countries name here] is doing it again. Their spying doesn’t go unnoticed. (-3 relations with [civilization name here])

This event will may happen at random or when you move advanced planes.
Some especially ingenious bankers had the idea that you could make a lot of money speculating with real-estate credits negotiated by people to poor to pay interest. And everybody believed them! Now the system has crashed and several banking houses are threatened with bankruptcy. What should we do?

(1) Don't you remember business school? Don't you know about the self-healing power of the markets? Governmental intervention is for Commies! (for the next 20 turns: +2 maintenance cost of Banks and Stock Markets in own civ, +1 maintenance cost of Banks and Stock Markets in foreign market economy civs, -10% :hammers:)

(2) We need to do something! Support the banking houses with enough money so they don't go bankrupt! (costs 50 gold per bank. For the next 10 turns: +1 maintenance cost of banks and stock markets, +1 :mad: )
If you pick either of these then there is a ?50%? chance of a 'recession' event
Any ideas as to what this will entail?
PS good one!
If you pick either of these then there is a ?50%? chance of a 'recession' event
Any ideas as to what this will entail?

The opposite effect of a Golden Age. Just shorter and not that significant. And it would be great if it could "infect" other Civs, too.
Just an idea, maybe a bit "extrem" but that's the sens of it:
financial Trouble for a long Time
or some positive Effects and War
or even more financial Trouble but only for a short Time


Bio Fuel: Some scientist is working on how to make fuel from rice.
  1. Great! since Fuel from Petrol increases global warming, and we run out of it anyway. Support it
    - costs 15% of income per turn +1:) in cities with oil for some time
  2. What? Why would someone do this? Is there global warming or are we running out of oil???
    - +1:yuck: and-5%:hammers: in all cities with oil for some time

Choosing option 1 makes Sid's Sushi Crisis 1 to appear next time
Choosing option 2 makes Sid's Sushi Crisis 2 to appear next time
They are basically the same, just that option 2 has less positives, since you gave no money to your scientist and therefore you are no technology leader.

Sid's Sushi Crisis 1: The Scientist found a way to make fuel from rice in mass production, you're Storage of rice is getting short and the Price on global markets is rising
  1. Well, maybe I paniked a bit, global warming is not as bad after all, finance some more PR work... and import more oil! There must be more... somewhere...
    • +1:yuck:, -10%:hammers: in all cities with oil for some time
    • relation -1with other civs (since you're buying their oil and oil price is rising)
    • no direkt cost, but for buying oil you have to pay 5 per turn, everytime you choose this option it's another +5!!!
    • Event will occur regularly
  2. Puh, just about time, Oil is getting short, and I'm already swetting.
    Make it a Law, that this fuel has to be used and buy the missing rice by all means from global markets.
    • +3 :) and +3 :health: in all cities +10% :hammers: in cities with oil (all permanent)
    • relations -2 with other civs (The media blames you for rising Foodprices, although you blame the hedge funds)
    • civs with Sids sushi are likely to declare war (People are very angry, becaus of you a Sushi Roll costs 300$...)
    • if you have sid's sushi +10 :mad: for some time in all cities with sids sushi.
    • direkt cost(maybe more than 10 per rice bonus on the map?)
    • never make this event apear again (at least not with rice ... he he he)
  3. No Rice??? No Way!!! We should try to find alternative Fuel Sources. Give the Scientist EVEN more money and buil new research Infrastrucure.
    • +1:mad: in all sushi cities (since it takes a while to find alternatives)
    • -10%:hammers: for some time
    • +2 :) and +1:health: in all cities (all permanent)
    • no direkt cost but 10% per turn of your income (increases by another +10%)
    • everytime choosing this option makes event appear sooner next time and choosing it the 6th time your scientists make the breakthrough, this event will then never occure again, ... at least not with rice ... he he he )

Sid's Sushi Crisis 2: Although You ignored the Problem The Scientist found a way to make fuel from rice in mass production, but You are no technology leader so you cant export your knowledge...
By now you're Storage of rice is getting short and the Price on global market is rising.
  1. This Idiot, didn't I tell him last time, that we don't need this, since there is NO global warming and we still got enough Oil? By the way, finance some more PR work... and import more oil! There must be more... somewhere...
    • +1:yuck:, -10%:hammers: in all cities with oil for some time
    • relation -1 with other civs (since you're buying their oil and oil price is rising)
    • no direkt cost, but for buying oil you have to pay 5 per turn, everytime you choose this option it's another +5!!!
    • Event will occur regularly
  2. Puh, just about time, Oil is getting short, and I'm already swetting. Lucky me that scientist don't obey Politicians.
    Make it a Law, that this fuel has to be used and buy the missing rice by all means from global markets.
    • +1 :) and +2 :health: in all cities (all permanent)
    • relations -2 with other civs (The media blames you for rising Foodprices, although you blame the hedge funds)
    • civs with Sids sushi are likely to declare war (People are very angry, becaus of you a Sushi Roll now costs 300$...)
    • if you have sid's sushi +10 :mad: for some time in all cities with sids sushi.
    • direkt cost(maybe more than 10 per rice bonus on the map?)
    • never make this event apear again (at least not with rice ... he he he)
  3. No Rice??? No Way!!! we should try to find alternative Fuel Sources. Give the Scientist more money and buil new research Infrastrucure.
    • +1:mad: in all sushi cities (since it takes a while to find alternatives)
    • -10%:hammers: for some time
    • no permanent Bonus, because you've ignored the Problem at first.
    • no direkt cost but 10% per turn of your income (increases by another +10%)
    • everytime choosing this option makes event appear sooner next time and choosing it the 7th time your scientists make the breakthrough, this event will then never occure again, ... at least not with rice ... he he he )

No matter what you do, you get into Trouble, more and more and more...
just sell your soul :deal: :deal: :deal: :deal:
If it is possible to alter relation between ALL Civs at rising food prices and combined with the "recession" from above this could be the end of a Civ IV World...
If it is possible to alter relation between ALL Civs at rising food prices and combined with the "recession" from above this could be the end of a Civ IV World...

Yes, I guess -1 in relations is significant enough...
In an illegal/un-authorized attempt to gain more funds, a PMC/Military Legion (depends on government type) has attacked [countries name here] at a bad time for them. The remaining government is calling you a back stabbing war monger (not necessarily a bad thing)/moronic fool who can't keep his assassins loyal and citizens/confused generals want an answer.

a) Tell them we had nothing to do with the assault. (+1 :) in all cities for next year, can't declare war on anybody for whatever 20 turns equal in time is)

b) Tell them we had everything to do with the assault. (collect 500 :gold: for taking the blame for the mercenaries, -2 relations with [countries name here]

c) Hmm... Show them the proof of the PMCs/Military Legions association with [countries name here]. (+1 :) in all cities for next year, -2 relations with [countries name here])
How about a false nuclear alert event?

If you have bad relations between two nuclear armed countries, there is a 1% chance every turn that a false nuclear alert will lead one of your generals to fire half of your nuclear arsenal at that country?
How about a false nuclear alert event?

If you have bad relations between two nuclear armed countries, there is a 1% chance every turn that a false nuclear alert will lead one of your generals to fire half of your nuclear arsenal at that country?

Statistically this would mean that once every 10 years a nuclear war between USA and Russia breaks out...
I don't like that one...sorry. :)
The religion of your homeland has been subject to RIDICULE in a book of <country>.Your religious leaders are appalled
-Bad,bad, infidels!-1 relations with country, small+happiness in cities
-Im not bothered!no change in relations,+unhappiness in cities
-Fatwa! massive popularity,spawning of barb units in <COUNTRY> for 3 turns.-3 relations with that nation and its allies
-Jihad!declare war,+50% military production,massive popularity

I think this shall be most likely for theocracy civs as the most islamic civs are.
EDIT: oh and i thought of another thing, if possible when this event comes up for you when you play as a (for example) islamic civ and get this event, if this happens there should be a small chance that other theocratic (or acctualy maybe non free religon) countries with the same religion declare war.
A riot has occurred due to your low global warming awearness and is ravaging your cities.

a) Remove the protesters :backstab:- -1 population in three largest cities.
b)Enter negotiations with these protesters-+1 :) in all cities -100 :gold:
c)Allow these riots to contiue- +1 :mad: in all cities 1 building is destroied in largest city.
A riot has occurred due to your low global warming awearness and is ravaging your cities.

a) Remove the protesters :backstab:- -1 population in three largest cities.
b)Enter negotiations with these protesters-+1 :) in all cities -100 :gold:
c)Allow these riots to contiue- +3 :mad: in all cities 1 building is destroied in largest city.

An edit to option A + 1 or 2 :mad: in city/cities.
love the sound of these gentlemen.

really looking forward to this mod when it eventually arrives :)
I'll have a go at implementing these events. Please let me know which ones (if not all of them) are definitely in.
Running with the Cows:

An annual event of running from angry cows in [city] has spread like fever across the country! However, animal rights activists and public health officials fear an outbreak of disease from animal to human. How do we go about preventing this?

1) Ignore the scientists. They do not know that what does not kill only makes one stronger!

+3 :) in all cities for 20 turns, 90% chance for permanent 3 :yuck: in all cities.

2) Cautiously inform citizens of the scientific community's concerns, but do not ban the sport.

Costs 1000 :gold:, +1 :) in all cities for 20 turns, 50% chance for permanent 1 :yuck: in all cities.

3) Ban the sport to prevent any outbreaks. Launch a public relations blitz to make sure no cities are affected.

costs 5000 :gold:, +2 :mad: in all cities for 20 turns, 90% chance for permanent +3 :health: in all cities
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