Some especially ingenious bankers had the idea that you could make a lot of money speculating with real-estate credits negotiated by people to poor to pay interest. And everybody believed them! Now the system has crashed and several banking houses are threatened with bankruptcy. What should we do?
(1) Don't you remember business school? Don't you know about the self-healing power of the markets? Governmental intervention is for Commies! (for the next 20 turns: +2 maintenance cost of Banks and Stock Markets in own civ, +1 maintenance cost of Banks and Stock Markets in foreign market economy civs, -10%
(2) We need to do something! Support the banking houses with enough money so they don't go bankrupt! (costs 50 gold per bank. For the next 10 turns: +1 maintenance cost of banks and stock markets, +1
(3) Save the banking houses and nationalise them! These boneheads can't think for themselves! (costs 150 gold per bank, from now on +5% gold per bank, +1
for the next few turns, -1 relation with other free market civs)
(1) Don't you remember business school? Don't you know about the self-healing power of the markets? Governmental intervention is for Commies! (for the next 20 turns: +2 maintenance cost of Banks and Stock Markets in own civ, +1 maintenance cost of Banks and Stock Markets in foreign market economy civs, -10%

(2) We need to do something! Support the banking houses with enough money so they don't go bankrupt! (costs 50 gold per bank. For the next 10 turns: +1 maintenance cost of banks and stock markets, +1

(3) Save the banking houses and nationalise them! These boneheads can't think for themselves! (costs 150 gold per bank, from now on +5% gold per bank, +1